314 research outputs found

    Augmented neural networks and problem-structure based heuristics for the bin-packing problem

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    In this paper, we apply the Augmented-neural-networks (AugNN) approach for solving the classical bin-packing problem (BPP). AugNN is a metaheuristic that combines a priority- rule heuristic with the iterative search approach of neural networks to generate good solutions fast. This is the first time this approach has been applied to the BPP. We also propose a decomposition approach for solving harder BPP, in which sub problems are solved using a combination of AugNN approach and heuristics that exploit the problem structure. We discuss the characteristics of problems on which such problem-structure based heuristics could be applied. We empirically show the effectiveness of the AugNN and the decomposition approach on many benchmark problems in the literature. For the 1210 benchmark problems tested, 917 problems were solved to optimality and the average gap between the obtained solution and the upper bound for all the problems was reduced to under 0.66% and computation time averaged below 33 seconds per problem. We also discuss the computational complexity of our approach

    Whither Patent Litigation in India?

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    Patent litigation in India is growing. Awareness about patents and the possibility of commercial exploitation of patents is increasing. This is due to better laws and improving registration facilities. Indian firms are taking the patent disputes to courts, as was and is very common in the United States. More than a century back, disputes about electric bulb, telephone and automobile have been resolved in the American courts. Indian courts never had as much patent litigation as the American and English courts had. In the last ten years or so, things have changed. Post-WTO, Indian law has been amended and patent protection has become stronger. Patent law and protection provided by it is being increasingly used as a potent tool in competitive strategy formulated by many companies. The courts are playing a very important role in ultimately resolving the disputes and interpreting the law. There is, however, a need to expedite the process of resolution of such disputes.

    Medical Negligence: Law and Interpretation

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    Negligence by doctors has to be determined by judges who are not trained in medical science. They rely on experts’ opinion and decide on the basis of basic principles of reasonableness and prudence. This brings into a lot of subjectivity into the decision and the effort is to reduce it and have certain objective criteria. This may sound simple but is tremendously difficult as medical profession evolves and experimentation helps in its evolution. Thus, there is a constant tussle between the established procedures and innovative methods. But, innovation simply for the sake of being different, without any reason is not acceptable. And, these issues make it extremely challenging to decide negligence by doctors. The paper examines the concept of negligence in medical profession in the light of interpretation of law by the Supreme Court of India and the idea of the ‘reasonable man’.

    Trailing edge noise theory for rotating blades in uniform flow

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    This paper presents a new formulation for trailing edge noise radiation from rotating blades based on an analytical solution of the convective wave equation. It accounts for distributed loading and the effect of mean flow and spanwise wavenumber. A commonly used theory due to Schlinker and Amiet (1981) predicts trailing edge noise radiation from rotating blades. However, different versions of the theory exist; it is not known which version is the correct one and what the range of validity of the theory is. This paper addresses both questions by deriving Schlinker and Amiet's theory in a simple way and by comparing it to the new formulation, using model blade elements representative of a wind turbine, a cooling fan and an aircraft propeller. The correct form of Schlinker and Amiet's theory (1981) is identified. It is valid at high enough frequency, i.e. for a Helmholtz number relative to chord greater than one and a rotational frequency much smaller than the angular frequency of the noise sources.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (final revision

    The Deterministic Repeatable Inventory Routing Problem

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    The Deterministic Repeatable Inventory Routing Problem (DRIRP) is a combination of a Vehicle Routing Problem and an Inventory ManagementProblem. It is the problem of finding a set of vehicle routes and delivery/pickup amounts servicing customers with deterministic production rates. The customers have limited local storage and thus a visit must be scheduled before the stockout or overflow level is reached. The objective of the problem is to minimize the per unit cost of picking up the product.Moreover, the problem is constrained to finding solutions that are repeatable in a cyclic fashion. This means that, once established, an optimal routingstrategy can be implemented over a long planning horizon as long as the problem data remains the same, The DRIRP model can be applied to a number of real world problems including off-shore barge scheduling.Several models, ranging from a single-vehicle single-visit to a complex multi-vehicle multi-visit model are developed. Each of these models increases the complexity and range of the solutions that can be considered by an analyst while the basic problem instance remains the same.The DRIRP is in a general class of mathematically difficult problem that cannot be solved in polynomial time. However, this research examines several techniques to help solve particular instances and models of the problem. These include variable elimination techniques, continuous variable bounding logic, and a cutting plane approach based on polyhedral theory.The various techniques improve the lower bound of the LP relaxation, thus improving the efficiency and run-time of the branch-and-bound technique used to solve the Mixed Integer Program.The approaches are tested on sample test problems obtained from areal world industrial operation. Preliminary results show that the problem is indeed very difficult but the solution methodology developed in this dissertation can be applied to barge scheduling. Moreover, these models and solution techniques further expand the set of feasible solutions that can be considered and allow larger problems to be solved

    A NeuroGenetic Approach for Multiprocessor Scheduling

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    This chapter presents a NeuroGenetic approach for solving a family of multiprocessor scheduling problems. We address primarily the Job-Shop scheduling problem, one of the hardest of the various scheduling problems. We propose a new approach, the NeuroGenetic approach, which is a hybrid metaheuristic that combines augmented-neural-networks (AugNN) and genetic algorithms-based search methods. The AugNN approach is a nondeterministic iterative local-search method which combines the benefits of a heuristic search and iterative neural-network search. Genetic algorithms based search is particularly good at global search. An interleaved approach between AugNN and GA combines the advantages of local search and global search, thus providing improved solutions compared to AugNN or GA search alone. We discuss the encoding and decoding schemes for switching between GA and AugNN approaches to allow interleaving. The purpose of this study is to empirically test the extent of improvement obtained by using the interleaved hybrid approach instead of applied using a single approach on the job-shop scheduling problem. We also describe the AugNN formulation and a Genetic Algorithm approach for the JobShop problem. We present the results of AugNN, GA and the NeuroGentic approach on some benchmark job-shop scheduling problems

    Novel Role of CHK2 in the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Apoptosis Pathway

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    In response to genotoxic stress, cells activate DNA damage checkpoint pathways that maintain genetic fidelity, promote cell survival, and prevent malignant transformation. Checkpoint kinase 2 (CHK2) is an evolutionarily conserved serine/threonine protein kinase that is activated in response to DNA double strand breaks. Upon activation by the DNA damage transducer kinase, ATM, CHK2 phosphorylates a wide variety of down stream effectors to promote cell cycle arrest, DNA repair and apoptosis. One of they key downstream substrate of CHK2 is the tumor suppressor protein, p53. CHK2 is considered as a key kinase in DNA damage-induced p53 regulation and thought to mediate most of its downstream effects through p53. This dissertation has further strengthened the growing pool of evidence that CHK2 is dispensable for p53 regulation but rather signals to the apoptotic machinery through effector proteins other than p53. I have identified cellular Inhibitor of Apoptosis proteins (cIAPs) as novel CHK2 targets and established their role in CHK2-mediated cell death. In response to DNA damage, CHK2 inhibits both cIAP1 and cIAP2 to relieve their anti-apoptotic effects and drive cells into apoptosis. CHK2 inhibits the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of cIAP2 in a phosphorylation dependent manner and potentially regulates cIAP1 through its interaction with cIAP2. Furthermore, this work provides preliminary evidence that CHK2 serves as a negative regulator of the NFκB pathway through the inhibition of cIAPs. Upon activation, CHK2 potentiates TNFα Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL)-induced apoptosis through the regulation of the NFκB pathway. Overall, my work has discovered a novel role of CHK2 in the DNA damage induced intrinsic apoptotic pathway and uncovered its potential role in death receptor mediated extrinsic apoptotic pathway

    Can Businesses in India ever resolve Disputes Speedily and Effectively?

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    Business disputes are like cancer which should be stopped from spreading as soon as possible. Litigation is the least favoured method of resolution for a variety of reasons – delay being the foremost. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods like negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration are currently in vogue. Unfortunately, there is a strong feeling in India that extra-legal methods provide timely solutions for business disputes. This does not augur well for the business environment. The paper examines the business dispute resolution scenario in India and provides suggestions for making it more speedy and effective in a legal manner.

    Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Development of Society: `Lok Adalat ’ in India

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    Peace is the sine qua non for development. Disputes and conflicts dissipate valuable time, effort and money of the society. It is of utmost importance that there should not be any conflict in the society. But, in a realistic sense, this is not possible. So, the next best solution is that any conflict which raises its head is nipped in the bud. With the judicial system in most of the countries being burdened with cases, any new case takes a long time to be decided. And, till the time the final decision comes, there is a state of uncertainty, which makes any activity almost impossible. Commerce, business, development work, administration, etc., all suffer because of long time taken in resolving disputes through litigation. To get out of this maze of litigation, courts and lawyers’ chambers; most of the countries encourage alternative methods of dispute resolution. India has a long tradition and history of such methods being practiced in the society at grass roots level. These are called panchayat and in the legal terminology, these are called arbitration. These are widely used in India for resolution of disputes – both commercial and non-commercial. Other alternative methods being used are Lok Adalat (People’s Court), where justice is dispensed summarily without too much emphasis on legal technicalities. Methods like negotiation, mediation and conciliation are being increasingly used to resolve disputes instead of going for litigation. There have been recent amendments in the procedural law of India to incorporate these methods so that people get justice in a speedy manner and there is lesser conflict in the society. This paper examines the role of methods of alternative dispute resolution, particularly Lok Adalat in making inexpensive, efficacious and speedy justice accessible to the public. The Constitution of India guarantees ‘Right to Constitutional Remedies’ as a fundamental right. The government provides free legal aid to the needy. However, in a country of continental dimensions and with population more than a billion, it becomes very difficult to provide free legal aid to everyone. The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) is trying to spread ‘legal literacy’ which is a step more than ‘literacy’. People care about their rights much more when they are aware and are ‘legal literate’. Efforts are also being done at provincial level. The paper particularly examines the role of NALSA and other State Legal Services Authority which are the key institutions in bridging the gap between public and judicial system. The author has personal experiences regarding the same. All these efforts seem to be a small drop in the ocean, but small drops make mighty oceans. How can these be replicated in other parts of India and similar models developed and adopted in Asia-Pacific countries is a good research area. Such models shall curb conflicts and bring more peace in society – not only in domestic sense but also internationally.

    W+W−W^+W^- production in Large extra dimension model at next-to-leading order in QCD at the LHC

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    We present next-to-leading order QCD corrections to production of two WW bosons in hadronic collisions in the extra dimension ADD model. Various kinematical distributions are obtained to order αs\alpha_s in QCD by taking into account all the parton level subprocesses. We estimate the impact of the QCD corrections on various observables and find that they are significant. We also show the reduction in factorization scale uncertainty when O(αs){\cal O}(\alpha_s) effects are included.Comment: Journal versio
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