24 research outputs found

    Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis- a morphological curio or a pitfall for surgeons: report of two cases and literature review

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    Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis (PCI) is an uncommon but well recognised clinical entity in which gas-filled cysts appear in the intestinal wall.PCI can be an incidental finding or it may be detected during radiography or laparotomy. We came across two cases of PCI with characteristic morphological features associated with perforation peritonitis in and sigmoid volvulus respectively. In both cases PCI was not suspected pre-operatively.Both patients underwent urgent surgical exploration for the abdominal emergencies and were discharged in good general condition. It is imperative that the imaging finding of PCI is carefully correlated with the findings of physical examination, clinical history, and laboratory test results to determine which patients can be managed medically by treating the underlying disease and which will require emergency surgery. This decision can be difficult because the origin of the gas is often unclear and the patient's symptoms can be volatile, presenting a major dilemma for the surgeon


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    The narrow genetic base of cultivated chickpea warrants systematic collection, documentation and evaluation of chickpea germplasm and particularly wild Cicer species for effective and efficient use in chickpea breeding programmes. Limiting factors to crop production, possible solutions and ways to overcome them, importance of wild relatives and barriers to alien gene introgression and strategies to overcome them and traits for base broadening have been discussed. It has been clearly demonstrated that resistance to major biotic and abiotic stresses can be successfully introgressed from the primary gene pool comprising progenitor species. However, many desirable traits including high degree of resistance to multiple stresses that are present in the species belonging to secondary and tertiary gene pools can also be introgressed by using special techniques to overcome pre- and post-fertilization barriers. Besides resistance to various biotic and abiotic stresses, the yield QTLs have also been introgressed from wild Cicer species to cultivated varieties. Status and importance of molecular markers, genome mapping and genomic tools for chickpea improvement are elaborated. Because of major genes for various biotic and abiotic stresses, the transfer of agronomically important traits into elite cultivars has been made easy and practical through marker-assisted selection and marker-assisted backcross. The usefulness of molecular markers such as SSR and SNP for the construction of high-density genetic maps of chickpea and for the identification of genes/QTLs for stress resistance, quality and yield contributing traits has also been discussed

    The Politics of Complaint: a Review of the Literature on Grievance Redress Mechanisms in the Global South

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    Institutionalized complaint systems are notable features of improving public programmes and government practice. This article reviews literature on formal grievance redress mechanisms in the global South to understand whether these mechanisms help the aggrieved to complain and seek redress for their grievances. In this emerging literature, the institutional and definitional boundaries of formal grievance mechanisms are slippery; systems that look like grievance systems may do little to enable complaints by those who seek to register them, and even less to enable them to achieve redress; with limited evidence on how these formal grievance systems work on the ground, and without sufficient power to act on complaints these formal grievance systems appear to be more ornamental; and where they have worked uncommonly well they have not always attracted political support to go to scale. The article concludes with a discussion of avenues for research identified through this literature review

    Effect of micro-sprinkler system on input use efficiency, labour cost and economic viability in tobacco (Nicotianatabacum) seedling production

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    Not AvailableTo improve the water and nutrient use efficiency and also to reduce the labour cost in tobacco (Nicotianatabacum L.) nursery raising, experiment on micro sprinklers for tobacco nurseries was conducted at CTRI Nursery block, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh during 2007 and 2008. From the results of the experiment, it is concluded that the optimum spacing between laterals is 2.5-3.0 m and the spacing between micro sprinklers is 2.5–3.0 m and for this spacing 4 sprinklers are required for irrigating two tobacco nursery beds. The micro sprinkler system saves 24% and 35% of irrigation water at nursery bed level and at total system level respectively in comparison to rose can watering system. Micro sprinklers increases the N, P, K concentrations of the total plant to an extent of 14%, 10%, 11% and uptake per unit area to an extent of 50%, 45%, 47% respectively over the rose can watering. Micro sprinklers increases the weight, height, root volume and number of transplantable seedlings by 19%, 16%, 31%, 18% respectively over the rose can watering. Installing micro sprinkler irrigation system saves an amount of ` 60 000/ha towards labour. Micro sprinkler system is an economically viable alternate to rose can watering and gives net present worth of ` 94 265/ha/year with a benefit cost ratio of 2.37 at 2011 prices.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableTo improve the water and nutrient use efficiency and also to reduce the labour cost in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) nursery raising, experiment on micro sprinklers for tobacco nurseries was conducted at CTRI Nursery block, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh during 2007 and 2008. From the results of the experiment, it is concluded that the optimum spacing between laterals is 2.5-3.0 m and the spacing between micro sprinklers is 2.5–3.0 m and for this spacing 4 sprinklers are required for irrigating two tobacco nursery beds. The micro sprinkler system saves 24% and 35% of irrigation water at nursery bed level and at total system level respectively in comparison to rose can watering system. Micro sprinklers increases the N, P, K concentrations of the total plant to an extent of 14%, 10%, 11% and uptake per unit area to an extent of 50%, 45%, 47% respectively over the rose can watering. Micro sprinklers increases the weight, height, root volume and number of transplantable seedlings by 19%, 16%, 31%, 18% respectively over the rose can watering. Installing micro sprinkler irrigation system saves an amount of ` 60 000/ha towards labour. Micro sprinkler system is an economically viable alternate to rose can watering and gives net present worth of ` 94 265/ha/year with a benefit cost ratio of 2.37 at 2011 prices.Not Availabl

    Mapping QTL for resistance to botrytis grey mould in chickpea

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    Botrytis grey mould (BGM) caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex. Fr. is the second most important foliar disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) after ascochyta blight. An intraspecific linkage map of chickpea consisting of 144 markers assigned on 11 linkage groups was constructed from recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of a cross that involved a moderately resistant kabuli cultivar ICCV 2 and a highly susceptible desi cultivar JG 62. The length of the map obtained was 442.8 cM with an average interval length of 3.3 cM. Three quantitative trait loci (QTL) which together accounted for 43.6% of the variation for BGM resistance were identified and mapped on two linkage groups. QTL1 explained about 12.8% of the phenotypic variation for BGM resistance and was mapped on LG 6A. It was found tightly linked to markers SA14 and TS71rts36r at a LOD score of 3.7. QTL2 and QTL3 accounted for 9.5 and 48% of the phenotypic variation for BGM resistance, respectively, and were mapped on LG 3. QTL 2 was identified at LOD 2.7 and flanked by markers TA25 and TA144, positioned at 1 cM away from marker TA25. QTL3 was a strong QTL detected at LOD 17.7 and was flanked by TA159 at 12 cM distance on one side and TA118 at 4 cM distance on the other side. This is the first report on mapping of QTL for BGM resistance in chickpea. After proper validation, these QTL will be useful in marker-assisted pyramiding of BGM resistance in chickpea

    Mapping QTL for resistance to botrytis grey mould in chickpea

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    Botrytis grey mould (BGM) caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex. Fr. is the second most important foliar disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) after ascochyta blight. An intraspecific linkage map of chickpea consisting of 144 markers assigned on 11 linkage groups was constructed from recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of a cross that involved a moderately resistant kabuli cultivar ICCV 2 and a highly susceptible desi cultivar JG 62. The length of the map obtained was 442. 8 cM with an average interval length of 3. 3 cM. Three quantitative trait loci (QTL) which together accounted for 43.6% of the variation for BGM resistance were identified and mapped on two linkage groups. QTL1 explained about 12.8% of the phenotypic variation for BGM resistance and was mapped on LG 6A. It was found tightly linked to markers SA14 and TS71rts36r at a LOD score of 3.7. QTL2 and QTL3 accounted for 9.5 and 48% of the phenotypic variation for BGM resistance, respectively, and were mapped on LG 3. QTL 2 was identified at LOD 2.7 and flanked by markers TA25 and TA144, positioned at 1 cM away from marker TA25. QTL3 was a strong QTL detected at LOD 17. 7 and was flanked by TA159 at 12 cM distance on one side and TA118 at 4 cM distance on the other side. This is the first report on mapping of QTL for BGM resistance in chickpea. After proper validation, these QTL will be useful in marker-assisted pyramiding of BGM resistance in chickpea. \ua9 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Cytology of lesions arising in and around operative scars: short series of four cases

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    Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is an established and valuable method for morphological diagnosis of soft tissue masses and confirmation of their local recurrence or metastasis. This study aims to highlight role of FNAC in confirmation of soft tissue recurrences that occurred in and around operative scars. Wet fixed & air dried smears were made from the material aspirated from four representative cases and stained routinely. Preoperative cytodiagnosis could be given in all cases. In two cases arising in previous scars of benign nerve sheath tumors, FNAC confirmed recurrence in one case and could suggest increased grade of lesion in the other. In the third case, in which initial nature of the lesion was not known, FNAC diagnosed scar endometriosis on two occasions. In fourth case local recurrence of extra abdominal fibromatosis was confirmed. Histopathological correlation was available in all cases. FNAC confirmed recurrence and could suggest diagnosis on scanty material