26 research outputs found

    Positioning canine induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in the reprogramming landscape of naïve or primed state in comparison to mouse and human iPSCs

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    Aims: Deriving canine-induced pluripotent stem cells (ciPSCs) have paved the way for developing novel cell-based disease models and transplantation therapies in the dog. Though ciPSCs have been derived in the presence of Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) as well in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), the positioning of ciPSCs in the naïve or the primed state of pluripotency remains elusive. This study aims to understand whether canine iPSCs belong to naïve or prime state in comparison to mouse (m) iPSCs and human (h) iPSCs.// Main methods: In the present study, we derived ciPSCs in presence of LIF and compared their state of pluripotency with that of miPSCs and hiPSCs by culturing them in the presence of LIF, bFGF, and LIF + bFGF. Gene expression level at transcript level was performed by RT-PCR and qRT-PCR and at the protein level was analysed by immunofluorescence. We also attempted to understand the pluripotency state using lipid body analysis by bodipy staining and blue fluorescence emission.// Key findings: In contrast to miPSCs, the naïve pluripotent stem cells, ciPSCs showed the expression of FGF5 similar to that of primed pluripotent stem cell, hiPSCs. Compared to miPSCs, ciPSCs cultured in presence of LIF showed enhanced expression of primed pluripotent marker FGF5, similar to hiPSCs cultured in presence of bFGF. Upon culturing in hiPSC culture condition, ciPSCs showed enhanced expression of core pluripotency genes compared to miPSCs cultured in similar condition. However, ciPSCs expressed naïve pluripotent marker SSEA1 similar to miPSCs and lacked the expression of primed state marker SSEA4 unlike hiPSCs. Interestingly, for the first time, we demonstrate the ciPSC pluripotency using lipid body analysis wherein ciPSCs showed enhanced bodipy staining and blue fluorescence emission, reflecting the primed state of pluripotency. ciPSCs expressed higher levels of fatty acid synthase (FASN), the enzyme involved in the synthesis of palmitate, similar to that of hiPSCs and higher than that of miPSCs. As ciPSCs exhibit characteristic properties of both naïve and primed pluripotent state, it probably represents a unique intermediary state of pluripotency that is distinct from that of mice and human pluripotent stem cells.// Significance: Elucidating the pluripotent state of ciPSCs assists in better understanding of the reprogramming events and development in different species. The study would provide a footprint of species-specific differences involved in reprogramming and the potential implication of iPSCs as a tool to analyse evolution

    Increased β-Cell Mass by Islet Transplantation and PLAG1 Overexpression Causes Hyperinsulinemic Normoglycemia and Hepatic Insulin Resistance in Mice

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    OBJECTIVE-It is believed that an organism remains normoglycemic despite an increase in the beta-cell mass because of decreased insulin production by beta-cells on a per-cell basis However, some transgenic mouse models with beta-cell hyperplasia suggest that insulin production remains excessive and that normoglycemia is maintained by insulin resistance METHODS-Here, we investigated the effect of an increased beta-cell mass on glycemia and insulin resistance by grafting excess normal islets in normoglycemic mice, as well as using targeted PLAG1 expression in beta-cells, which leads to beta-cell expansion. RESULTS-In both models, fasting plasma insulin levels were increased, even though animals were normoglycemic. After an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, plasma insulin levels increased, which was associated with improved glucose clearing Under these conditions, normoglycemia is maintained by hepatic insulin resistance as demonstrated by hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp experiments. CONCLUSIONS-In conclusion, we demonstrate that when excess beta-cells are grafted, insulin production on a per beta-cell basis is not sufficiently decreased, leading to hyperinsulinemia and hepatic insulin resistance. This observation might be important for the design of stem cell-based islet replacement therapies. Diabetes 59:1957-1965, 2010Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Reversal of hyperglycemia by insulin-secreting rat bone marrow- and blastocyst-derived hypoblast stem cell-like cells

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    β-cell replacement may efficiently cure type 1 diabetic (T1D) patients whose insulin-secreting β-cells have been selectively destroyed by autoantigen-reactive T cells. To generate insulin-secreting cells we used two cell sources: rat multipotent adult progenitor cells (rMAPC) and the highly similar rat extra-embryonic endoderm precursor (rXEN-P) cells isolated under rMAPC conditions from blastocysts (rHypoSC). rMAPC/rHypoSC were sequentially committed to definitive endoderm, pancreatic endoderm, and β-cell like cells. On day 21, 20% of rMAPC/rHypoSC progeny expressed Pdx1 and C-peptide. rMAPCr/HypoSC progeny secreted C-peptide under the stimulus of insulin agonist carbachol, and was inhibited by the L-type voltage-dependent calcium channel blocker nifedipine. When rMAPC or rHypoSC differentiated d21 progeny were grafted under the kidney capsule of streptozotocin-induced diabetic nude mice, hyperglycemia reversed after 4 weeks in 6/10 rMAPC- and 5/10 rHypoSC-transplanted mice. Hyperglycemia recurred within 24 hours of graft removal and the histological analysis of the retrieved grafts revealed presence of Pdx1-, Nkx6.1- and C-peptide-positive cells. The ability of both rMAPC and HypoSC to differentiate to functional β-cell like cells may serve to gain insight into signals that govern β-cell differentiation and aid in developing culture systems to commit other (pluripotent) stem cells to clinically useful β-cells for cell therapy of T1D

    Characterization and role of Peptidase N from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

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    ATP-independent peptidases are important during the distal steps of cytosolic protein degradation. The contribution of a member of this group, Peptidase N (PepN) was studied in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Salmonella typhimurium). The Δ\Delta pepN strain displays greatly reduced cleavage of 9 out of a total of 13 exopeptidase substrates, demonstrating a significant contribution of PepN to cytosolic aminopeptidase activity. The cleavage profile of purified S. typhimurium PepN is Arg>Ala>Thr, demonstrating broad specificity. Comparative biochemical studies with purified PepN from Escherichia coli and S. typhimurium revealed the latter to be distinct: S. typhimurium PepN cleaves Thr-AMC more efficiently and is less sensitive to inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide. Studies with Δ\Delta pepN and PepN overexpression demonstrated its importance for growth during nutritional downshift in combination with high temperature stress. In summary, S. typhimurium PepN contributes significantly to cytosolic aminopeptidase activity and its role is manifested under selected stress conditions

    PepN, the Major Suc-LLVY-AMC-hydrolyzing Enzyme in Escherichia coli, Displays Functional Similarity with Downstream Processing Enzymes in Archaea and Eukarya:Implications in Cytosolic Protein Degradation

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    Succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin (Suc-LLVY-AMC), a fluorogenic endopeptidase substrate, is used to detect 20 S proteasomal activity from Archaea to mammals. An o-phenanthroline-sensitive Suc-LLVY-AMC hydrolyzing activity was detected in Escherichia coli although it lacks 20 S proteasomes. We identified PepN, previously characterized as the sole alanine aminopeptidase in E. coli, to be responsible for the hydrolysis of Suc-LLVY-AMC. PepN is an aminoendopeptidase. First, extracts from an ethyl methanesulfonate-derived PepN mutant, 9218, did not cleave Suc-LLVY-AMC and L-Ala-para-nitroanilide (pNA). Second, biochemically purified PepN cleaves a wide variety of both aminopeptidase and endopeptidase substrates, and L-Ala-pNA is cleaved more efficiently than other substrates. Studies with bestatin, an aminopeptidase-specific inhibitor, suggest differences in the mechanisms of cleavage of aminopeptidase and endopeptidase substrates. Third, PepN hydrolyzes whole proteins, casein and albumin. Finally, an E. coli strain with a targeted deletion in PepN also lacks the ability to cleave Suc-LLVY-AMC and L-Ala-pNA, and expression of wild type PepN in this mutant rescues both activities. In addition, we identified a low molecular weight Suc-LLVY-AMC-cleaving peptidase in Mycobacterium smegmatis, a eubacteria harboring 20 S proteasomes, to be an aminopeptidase homologous to E. coli PepN, by mass spectrometry analysis. "Sequence-based homologues" of PepN include well characterized aminopeptidases, e.g. Tricorn interacting factors F2 and F3 in Archaea and puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase in mammals. However, our results suggest that eubacterial PepN and its homologues displaying aminoendopeptidase activities may be "functionally similar" to enzymes important in downstream processing of proteins in the cytosol: Tricorn-F1-F2-F3 complex in Archaea and TPPII/Multicorn in eukaryotes

    Interaction Between Two Residues in the Inter-Domain Interface of Escherichia coli Peptidase N Modulates Catalytic Activity

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    The role of interaction between Asn259 (catalytic domain) with Gln821 (C-terminal domain) in PeptidaseN was investigated. The k(cat) of PeptidaseN containing Asn259Asp or Gln821Glu is enhanced whereas it is suppressed in Asn259AspGln821Glu. Structural analysis shows this interaction to change the relative disposition of active site residues, which modulates catalytic activity

    The ubiquitin-proteasome system

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    The 2004 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of protein ubiquitination has led to the recognition of cellular proteolysis as a central area of research in biology. Eukaryotic proteins targeted for degradation by this pathway are first ‘tagged’ by multimers of a protein known as ubiquitin and are later proteolyzed by a giant enzyme known as the proteasome. This article recounts the key observations that led to the discovery of ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). In addition, different aspects of proteasome biology are highlighted. Finally, some key roles of the UPS in different areas of biology and the use of inhibitors of this pathway as possible drug targets are discussed

    Importance of non-conserved distal carboxyl terminal amino acids in two peptidases belonging to the M1 family: Thermoplasma acidophilum Tricorn interacting factor F2 and Escherichia coli Peptidase N

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    Enzymes belonging to the M1 family play important cellular roles and the key amino acids (aa) in the catalytic domain are conserved. However, C-terminal domain aa are highly variable and demonstrate distinct differences in organization. To address a functional role for the C-terminal domain, progressive deletions were generated in Tricorn interacting factor F2 from Thermoplasma acidophilum (F2) and Peptidase N from Escherichia coli (PepN). Catalytic activity was partially reduced in PepN lacking 4 C-terminal residues (PepNΔC4) whereas it was greatly reduced in F2 lacking 10 C-terminal residues (F2ΔC10) or PepN lacking eleven C-terminal residues (PepNΔC11). Notably, expression of PepNΔC4, but not PepNΔC11, in E. coliΔpepN increased its ability to resist nutritional and high temperature stress, demonstrating physiological significance. Purified C-terminal deleted proteins demonstrated greater sensitivity to trypsin and bound stronger to 8-amino 1-napthalene sulphonic acid (ANS), revealing greater numbers of surface exposed hydrophobic aa. Also, F2 or PepN containing large aa deletions in the C-termini, but not smaller deletions, were present in high amounts in the insoluble fraction of cell extracts probably due to reduced protein solubility. Modeling studies, using the crystal structure of E. coli PepN, demonstrated increase in hydrophobic surface area and change in accessibility of several aa from buried to exposed upon deletion of C-terminal aa. Together, these studies revealed that non-conserved distal C-terminal aa repress the surface exposure of apolar aa, enhance protein solubility, and catalytic activity in two soluble and distinct members of the M1 family

    Importance of non-conserved distal carboxyl terminal amino acids in two peptidases belonging to the M1 family: thermoplasma acidophilum tricorn interacting factor F2 and Escherichia coli peptidase N

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    Enzymes belonging to the M1 family play important cellular roles and the key amino acids (aa) in the catalytic domain are conserved. However, C-terminal domain aa are highly variable and demonstrate distinct differences in organization. To address a functional role for the C-terminal domain, progressive deletions were generated in Tricorn interacting factor F2 from Thermoplasma acidophilum (F2) and Peptidase N from Escherichia coli (PepN). Catalytic activity was partially reduced in PepN lacking 4 C-terminal residues (PepNΔC4) whereas it was greatly reduced in F2 lacking 10 C-terminal residues (F2ΔC10) or PepN lacking eleven C-terminal residues (PepNΔC11). Notably, expression of PepNΔC4, but not PepNΔC11, in E. coliΔpepN increased its ability to resist nutritional and high temperature stress, demonstrating physiological significance. Purified C-terminal deleted proteins demonstrated greater sensitivity to trypsin and bound stronger to 8-amino 1-napthalene sulphonic acid (ANS), revealing greater numbers of surface exposed hydrophobic aa. Also, F2 or PepN containing large aa deletions in the C-termini, but not smaller deletions, were present in high amounts in the insoluble fraction of cell extracts probably due to reduced protein solubility. Modeling studies, using the crystal structure of E. coli PepN, demonstrated increase in hydrophobic surface area and change in accessibility of several aa from buried to exposed upon deletion of C-terminal aa. Together, these studies revealed that non-conserved distal C-terminal aa repress the surface exposure of apolar aa, enhance protein solubility, and catalytic activity in two soluble and distinct members of the M1 family