17 research outputs found

    Design and Develop of Open Architecture CNC Movement Control System for Analysing Precision Motion of EDM Machine

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    Since the third Industry Revolution (IR3.0), automation become a key technology in industry especially CNC machine. An EDM machine is CNC based that able to reduce the process time, increase the productivity of manufacturing process, and duel with complex task. Therefore, it was one of the best choice to become the education element in manufacturing field. However, high in cost and complexity in structure were the weaknesses and limitations of EDM machine. An open architecture CNC movement control system was studied in order to create a high flexibility, affordable, and simple movement control system for EDM machine. LabVIEW was chosen as the main controller software and NI MyRIO as the main processor in this movement control system. The hardware was built by using open architecture components which reusable and low in cost. This system was able to control the movement of X, Y, and Z axis of the EDM machine in term of distance travel. The time counter in LabVIEW program was used as the feedback system due to absent of encoder as the position feedback element. The relationship between traveled time and distance traveled was determined for the adjustment and programs for single direction, dual direction, specific distance movement, multi axis movement and stop when sensor triggered were developed. The desired value was compared with the actual distance travel in order to calculate the percentage of error of the control system. The percentage of error for X, Y, Z and the gap created was 0.37%, 0.38%, 0.49% and 2.9% respectively. This experimental study will fulfill three objectives. First is to design an open architecture CNC movement control system in X, Y, and Z axis for EDM application. Second is to integrate and analyze the CNC movement control system with the machine hardware. Lastly is to analyze the performance of the developed movement control system with respect to the CNC movement system

    The Influence of Graphitization Catalyst Electrode in Electrical Discharge Machining of Polycrystalline Diamond-Finish-ing Condition

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    Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non-contact machining process that becomes famous in machining of Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD). The material is typically used as the cutting tools for aerospace and automotive industries. However, low electrical conductivity and high melting temperature of PCD has caused slower EDM process. This investigation purposely designed to investigate the influence of different types of electrode which are Copper (ordinary electrode) and Copper-Nickel (newly proposed graphitization catalyst electrode) on EDM performance of MRR and Ra. Interestingly the newly proposed electrode gave positive impact to the investigated performance indication. Cu-Ni electrode recorded 35% better in MRR than the Cu electrode, though with higher short-circuiting rate. Cu-Ni also provided the lowest Ra value with 10% better than the best Ra produced by Cu electrode. This phenomenon occurred as due to the high interaction between the catalyst materials of nickel and diamond which supported by the qualification data provided in this investigation

    Modul Praktikum Proses Manufaktur

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    The Influence of Graphitization Catalyst Electrode in Electrical Discharge Machining of Polycrystalline Diamond-Finish-ing Condition

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    Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non-contact machining process that becomes famous in machining of Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD). The material is typically used as the cutting tools for aerospace and automotive industries. However, low electrical conductivity and high melting temperature of PCD has caused slower EDM process. This investigation purposely designed to investigate the influence of different types of electrode which are Copper (ordinary electrode) and Copper-Nickel (newly proposed graphitization catalyst electrode) on EDM performance of MRR and Ra. Interestingly the newly proposed electrode gave positive impact to the investigated performance indication. Cu-Ni electrode recorded 35% better in MRR than the Cu electrode, though with higher short-circuiting rate. Cu-Ni also provided the lowest Ra value with 10% better than the best Ra produced by Cu electrode. This phenomenon occurred as due to the high interaction between the catalyst materials of nickel and diamond which supported by the qualification data provided in this investigation

    Perancangan Sistem Otomasi Untuk Kartu Tekstil Jacquard Pada Mesin Punching Untuk Di PT Buana Intan Gemilang

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    Indonesia’s textile industry has been successfully being the fifth ranked textile product exporter country by contributed Gross Domestic Bruto (GDP) which is 9% in non-oil industry. As the rapid development of technology, its encouraging textile industry to be able to implement it into the production process, its automation system regarding can improve the productivity. PT. Buana Intan Gemilang is one of textile industry which manufactures greige, sajadah, and curtains fabric within various pattern. Increasing demand regarding pattern therefore company should intensify productivity of machine, operator, and system in order to produce pattern card called jacquard card in thousand amounts. The Problem statement which showed is the manufacturing process is still manual rely on recur the operator’s activities, inconsistent cycle time that occurs on incapacity production target. Automation system design on punching machine using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as the primary controller with using User Requirement Spesification (URS) for providing the solution in designing automated system implemented to solve the problem. According to conducted research it can be conclude that, automation system design for jacquard on punching machine at PT.Buana Intan Gemilang has been accomplished and decrease the cycle time around 10 seconds/card. By using automation system on jacquard card production is expected to increase the production capacity and eliminate the workload of operator therefore offer benefit and productivity of company


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    Keprofesian PDE (Product Design and Ergonomic) Universitas Telkom merupakan keprofesian yang memiliki konsentrasi keahlian pada desain produk. Dalam hal untuk menunjang konsentrasi keahlian tersebut, kompetensi yang menjadi fokus utama keprofesian ini adalah kompetensi menggunakan software SolidWorks yang merupakan perangkat lunak untuk digunakan dalam merancang desain produk. Namun, dalam kondisi eksisting anggota keprofesian memiliki keterbatasan dalam memenuhi kompetensi penguasaan software SolidWorks sehingga membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien. Media pembelajaran yang memiliki tingkat keefektifan dan efisiensi saat ini berupa e-learning. Pada saat ini kebutuhan akan produk berbahan material plastik semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Penguasaan terhadap modul molding menjadi kebutuhan dalam memenuhi kompetensi software desain produk. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan metode desain instruksional ADDIE. Diawali dengan tahap analisis untuk analisis kebutuhan metode pembelajaran, analisis hardware dan software, serta analisis kebutuhan user yang merupakan mahasiswa Keprofesian PDE Universitas Telkom. Selanjutnya tahap desain e-learning dengan mengacu pada manual book SolidWorks Mold Tools, CSWPA-Mold Tools dan storyboard. Tahap terakhir pada penelitian ini adalah development yaitu perancangan teknis aplikasi dengan menggunakan software Adobe Flash. Pada fase akhir penelitian dilakukan evaluation dengan menguji aplikasi e-learning kepada mahasiswa dengan menggunakan metode pilot test dan user acceptance test. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan kenaikn nilai tes mahasiswa. Hasil dari aplikasi menunjukkan rata-rata nilai mahasiswa meningkat sebanyak 67% dibandingkan tanpa menggunakan e-learning. Hasil akhir penelitian ini berupa aplikasi e-learning SOLIDLEARN modul Mold Tools berbasis Adobe Flash. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian adalah terciptanya alat bantu ajar yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap peningkatan pemahaman modul Mold Tools oleh pengguna aplikasi e-learning SOLIDLEARN

    An artificial neural network approach to predict energy consumption and surface roughness of a natural material

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    Constructing a prediction model of machining performance is useful to improve its process efficiency. Artificial neural network (ANN) has been widely used in prediction works, capable of solving complex problems with numerous parameters. The present study aims to describe the application of the ANN technique in predicting the machining performance of a natural material. Bovine horns were the selected natural materials. Bovine horns are sustainable, recyclable, and abundant source for industrial applications. The outputs of the predictive model were surface roughness and energy consumption, whereas the input data were spindle speed, depth of cut and feed rate of a face milling. It was found that the ANN-based prediction model of bovine horns produced a high accuracy prediction (95.4%). The outcome of this study may be referred by similar studies on other natural materials, supporting the global efforts in improving the industrialization of natural materials

    The Design of Batik Stamp tool Scraping Working Table Using Ergonomics Principles

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    AbstractBatik industries are small medium enterprises supported by Indonesian Government. Batik industries produce two kinds of Batik called Write batik and Stamp Batik. Stamp Batik production process involves of four main stages; 1. Stamp batik Design, 2. Stamp tool preparation, 3. Wax ink stamping process, 4. Batik immersion. All of those mentioned processes are done traditionally. There are some aspects among all those four aspects that could be improved using scientific study without eliminating their originality. There is one process in Stamp tool preparation stage called stamp tool scraping process which was done without any scientific study. This arises to a problem called workers musculoskeletal disorders due to awkward posture. This research aims to design an ergonomic working table called batik stamp tool scraping working table to improve working posture during stamp tool scraping process. The research conducted in a batik small medium enterprise which has 4 workers who scrape the Batik Stamp tools. All previously mentioned workers are involved to be surveyed in this research. RULA was used to evaluate working posture to find the specific problem. In addition, Ulrich-Eppinger product development process and Anthropometry concept were also implemented to develop batik stamp tool scraping working table based on the problem previously found. The result is the proposed working table which specifications are has 4 round legs with octagon surface, slope of 0 degrees, closed supporting tools storage case and pulled storage mechanism


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    PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Rancabali merupakan salah satu perusahaan pengolahan teh hitam ortodoks di Indonesia yang menghasilkan dua belas jenis teh hitam untuk dijual di dalam negeri maupun diekspor ke beberapa negara. Kualitas teh yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan ini tentunya akan mempengaruhi harga teh yang akan dijual. Dalam proses pengolahan teh hitam ortodoks, proses oksidasi enzimatis merupakan proses yang paling menentukan kualitas bubuk teh yang akan dihasilkan nantinya, sehingga dibutuhkan pengawasan ketat terhadap ketentuan teknis proses tersebut. Proses oksidasi enzimatis pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Rancabali mulai terjadi saat bubuk teh digiling pada proses penggilingan dan akan berhenti saat bubuk teh dikeringkan pada proses pengeringan. Pada proses penggilingan ke oksidasi enzimatis ditemukan pelaksanaan ketentuan teknis proses oksidasi enzimatis bubuk teh yang tidak sesuai. Dengan menggunakan metode perancangan produk rasional oleh Nigel Cross diharapkan dapat memperbaiki sistem material handling existing menjadi continue dan sesuai dengan ketentuan teknis proses tersebut, sehingga dapat memaksimalkan kualitas bubuk teh yang akan dihasilkan. Perumusan rekomendasi disusun berdasarkan pengolahan data, analisis data, dan diskusi dengan pihak perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan proses oksidasi enzimatis. Rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah desain perancangan material handling equipment dengan jenis industrial truck khususnya four-wheel hand truck yang disesuaikan dengan ketentuan dalam proses oksidasi enzimatis

    Designing train passenger seat by Kansei engineering in Indonesia

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    Public transport adoption is still major problem in Indonesia. Integrating impression and emotion to service may change the image of public transport, leading to fast adoption rate. As product development technique, Kansei Engineering is well known to facilitate that integration. This paper communicates the implementation of Kansei Engineering (KE) in designing train passenger seat in Indonesia. The train between Bandung-Solo (8 hours journey) was chosen to be the investigated object. The train was selected to be refurbished by introducing a new passenger seat design, emphasizing on the improvement of passenger experience. As the first step of KE type I technique, travel experience of the existing passengers were taken into the consideration for selecting Kansei words. It was found that the relevant Kansei words to design passenger train seat in Indonesia were: comfort, people-friendly, multifunction, safe, soft, spacious, relaxing, superior, maintainable, strong, producible, minimalist, attractive, modern, unique, and durable. Upon understanding the semantic meaning of those words, physical properties and technical specification were produced by consulting to the related members. Finally, a passenger seat with synthetic leather cover, modular design, foldable table, individual power point, bluesilver color, and adjusted to Indonesian's anthropometry data was proposed as the final design