73 research outputs found

    Profil Pembelajaran Akademik Mahasiswa Pada Matakuliah Fisiologi Tumbuhan di Masa Pandemi COVID - 19: (Academic Learning Profile of Students in Plant Physiology Course in The Covid – 19 Pandemic)

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    To prevent the spread of COVID-19, students around the world cannot go to college. However, education must continue. Likewise, online plant physiology lectures take place. Researchers are interested in describing the internal factors of students that can influence students in mastering the material in plant physiology lectures during a pandemic. This quantitative descriptive research was conducted on biology education study program students who have taken Plant Physiology lectures in the 2020-2021 Academic Year. A total of 56 respondents were given a questionnaire related to their experiences during online lectures. The academic learning profile is based on students' internal aspects which include attention, memory, visual motor perception, thinking, and language. The profile of attention is that students can still focus on listening to lectures even though the camera in the zoom meeting is turned off (69.9%); memory, namely students can remember and re-explain the practicum steps that have been implemented (58.9%); visual motor perception, students can operate various application technologies used by lecturers during online lectures (60.7%); thinking, students can explain the results of the practicum that has been done (67.9%); and language, students can socialize when coordinating in group assignments (75%). Students can still attend lectures well even from their homes, are familiar with various learning applications, and can still communicate smoothly with their classmates. Key words: profile, plant physiology, online lecture, learning, COVID-19   ABSTRAK Untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID – 19, seluruh mahasiswa di seluruh dunia tidak dapat berkuliah. Namun perkuliahan harus tetap berjalan. Begitu pula perkuliahan matakuliah fisiologi tumbuhan yang berlangsung secara daring. Peneliti tertarik untuk mendeskripsikan faktor internal dari mahasiswa yang dapat mempengaruhi mahasiswa dalam penguasaan materi pada perkuliahan fisiologi tumbuhan selama masa pandemic. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa program studi pendidikan biologi yang telah menempuh perkuliahan Fisiologi Tumbuhan pada Tahun Akademik 2020-2021. Sebanyak 56 responden diberikan kuesioner terkait pengalaman dirinya selama mengikuti perkuliahan daring. Profil pembelajaran akademik berdasarkan aspek internal mahasiswa yang meliputi attention, memory, persepsi visual motorik, thinking, dan language. Profil dari attention yakni mahasiswa tetap bisa fokus dalam menyimak perkuliahan walau kamera pada zoom meeting dimatikan (69,9%); memory yakni mahasiswa mampu mengingat dan menjelaskan ulang langkah-langkah praktikum yang sudah dilaksanakan (58,9%); persepsi visual motorik, mahasiswa mampu mengoperasikan berbagai teknologi aplikasi yang digunakan dosen selama perkuliahan daring (60,7%); thinking, mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan hasil praktikum yang telah dilakukan (67,9%); dan language, mahasiswa mampu bersosialisasi saat koordinasi dalam pengerjaan tugas kelompok (75%). Selama perkuliahan daring mahasiswa tetap dapat mengikuti perkuliahan dengan baik walau dari rumah masing-masing, sudah terbiasa dengan berbagai aplikasi pembelajaran, dan tetap dapat berkomunikasi lancar dengan teman sekelasnya. Kata kunci: profil, fisiologi tumbuhan, kuliah online, pembelajaran, COVID-1

    Analisis Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran IPA Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    Lesson Plan (RPP) is a very important tool for a teacher in the learning process. Teachers are required to be able to make a good lesson plan so the learning process does not get out of the purpose and content. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of RPP made by Jakarta teachers in accordance with the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) of Indonesia. The study was in Elementary School, East Jakarta. The research was conducted using qualitative descriptive. Data collected by documentation study by collecting the science lesson plan of Elementary School Teachers. The research instrument used in the form of grain analysis RPP component consisting of 10 components. One component using a score of 1-10, while nine other components using the rubric criteria/rubric score. The instrument made reference to the Law on National Education System and BSNP. The results of the description analysis revealed that most of Elementary School Teachers can design and develop the lesson plan (RPP) of science in accordance with Law No. 20 Article 3 of the National Education System and Government Regulation No. 20 about the Standard Assessment of Education (BSNP).Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) merupakan alat yang sangat penting dalam menjalankan proses belajar mengajar bagi seorang guru. Guru dituntut harus bisa membuat RPP yang baik agar proses pembelajarannya tidak keluar dari tujuan dan materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kelayakan RPP yang dibuat Guru Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Jakarta sesuai dengan Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan di SD yang ada di Jakarta Timur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumentasi dengan cara mengumpulkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran IPA Guru SD. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa butir analisis komponen RPP yang terdiri atas 10 komponen. Satu komponen menggunakan skor 1-10, sedangkan sembilan komponen lainnya dengan menggunakan rubrik kriteria/rubrick score. Instrumen yang dibuat mengacu pada referensi, Undang-undang Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dan BSNP mengenai RPP. Hasil analisis deskripsi mengungkapkan bahwa, sebagian besar Guru SD dapat merancang dan mengembangkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) IPA sesuai dengan Undang-undang No. 20 pasal 3 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan (BSNP)

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Kerajinan dengan Bahan Dasar Tulang Daun melalui Proses Dekomposisi

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    The 2013 curriculum requires learning materials to improve the competence of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to create valuable work. This decomposed leaf bone handicraft activity is a concrete example of fulfilling 2013 curriculum achievements. Besides helping to understand biology lessons, the activity of making leaf bone crafts can foster an entrepreneurial spirit for students. Therefore, in this community service activity, training to make handicrafts from leaf bones is given to teachers and students in SMA N 1 and SMP 2 Banyuputih, Situbondo. The training was attended by 23 students and one teacher at SMA N 1 and dam 20 students and one teacher at SMP 2 Banyuputih, Situbondo. The training is carried out by the method of delivering material and direct practice. The activity was also carried out with direct discussion with participants. The results of this training activity showed that all participants gained new knowledge and skills, namely how to make crafts made from leaf bones. Craft made of leaf bone is very attractive to students because students can know the bone structure directly. This dedication activity provides insight to both students and teachers to take advantage of local wisdom around it to be more valuable


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