6 research outputs found

    Genetic Correlations Between Photosynthetic and Yield Performance in Maize Are Different Under Two Heat Scenarios During Flowering

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    Chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) parameters are reliable early stress indicators in crops, but their relations with yield are still not clear. The aims of this study are to examine genetic correlations between photosynthetic performance of JIP-test during flowering and grain yield (GY) in maize grown under two heat scenarios in the field environments applying quantitative genetic analysis, and to compare efficiencies of indirect selection for GY through ChlF parameters and genomic selection for GY. The testcrosses of 221 intermated recombinant inbred lines (IRILs) of the IBMSyn4 population were evaluated in six environments at two geographically distinctive locations in 3 years. According to day/night temperatures and vapor pressure deficit (VPD), the two locations in Croatia and Turkey may be categorized to the mild heat and moderate heat scenarios, respectively. Mild heat scenario is characterized by daytime temperatures often exceeding 33°C and night temperatures lower than 20°C while in moderate heat scenario the daytime temperatures often exceeded 33°C and night temperatures were above 20°C. The most discernible differences among the scenarios were obtained for efficiency of electron transport beyond quinone A (QA) [ET/(TR-ET)], performance index on absorption basis (PIABS) and GY. Under the moderate heat scenario, there were tight positive genetic correlations between ET/(TR-ET) and GY (0.73), as well as between PIABS and GY (0.59). Associations between the traits were noticeably weaker under the mild heat scenario. Analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) revealed several common QTLs for photosynthetic and yield performance under the moderate heat scenario corroborating pleiotropy. Although the indirect selection with ChlF parameters is less efficient than direct selection, ET/(TR-ET) and PIABS could be efficient secondary breeding traits for selection under moderate heat stress since they seem to be genetically correlated with GY in the stressed environments and not associated with yield performance under non-stressed conditions predicting GY during flowering. Indirect selection through PIABS was also shown to be more efficient than genomic selection in moderate heat scenario

    Evaluation of nitrogen use efficiency in the Maksimir 3 Synthetic maize population

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    Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) has become an important trait for sustainable agriculture. Traits present in maize (Zea mays L) landraces that contribute to adaptation in nitrogen-limited environments are not easily implemented directly into modern maize breeding programs. Thus, the landraces might be improved by recurrent selection and afterwards used as source of certain traits for elite breeding material. The Maksimir 3 Synthetic (M3S) maize popu¬lation was created from landraces traditionally grown under low levels of soil fertility. The synthetic was subjected to recurrent selection for yield during three cycles and for improved NUE in the fourth cycle. In order to determine the effect of four cycles of recurrent selection, performance of populations per se (S0), population testcrosses, and populations per se selfed (S1) were evaluated in field trials under high and low nitrogen input conditions at four lo¬cations during 2010. The S0 populations had significantly higher grain yield (+20.6%), ear diameter (+2.6%), 1000 kernel weight (+3.3%) and ear leaf chlorophyll content (+31.2%) at the high nitrogen fertilization rate as compared to the low nitrogen fertilization rate. The S1 populations and testcross populations responded similarly to nitrogen fertilization. Genotype x nitrogen interaction for yield was not significant, but indication of specific adaptation to the nitrogen deficient environments was found. After the fourth cycle of recurrent selection, a significant increase in grain yield was found at both levels of nitrogen fertilization

    Seed Weight as a Covariate in Association and Prediction Studies for Biomass Traits in Maize Seedlings

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    Background: The seedling stage has received little attention in maize breeding to identify genotypes tolerant to water deficit. The aim of this study is to evaluate incorporation of seed weight (expressed as hundred kernel weight, HKW) as a covariate into genomic association and prediction studies for three biomass traits in a panel of elite inbred lines challenged by water withholding at seedling stage. Methods: 109 genotyped-by-sequencing (GBS) elite maize inbreds were phenotyped for HKW and planted in controlled conditions (16/8 day/night, 25 °C, 50% RH, 200 µMol/m2/s) in trays filled with soil. Plants in control (C) were watered every two days, while watering was stopped for 10 days in water withholding (WW). Fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW), and dry matter content (DMC) were measured. Results: Adding HKW as a covariate increased the power of detection of associations in FW and DW by 44% and increased genomic prediction accuracy in C and decreased in WW. Conclusions: Seed weight was effectively incorporated into association studies for biomass traits in maize seedlings, whereas the incorporation into genomic predictions, particularly in water-stressed plants, was not worthwhile