215 research outputs found

    On the uniform one-dimensional fragment

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    The uniform one-dimensional fragment of first-order logic, U1, is a recently introduced formalism that extends two-variable logic in a natural way to contexts with relations of all arities. We survey properties of U1 and investigate its relationship to description logics designed to accommodate higher arity relations, with particular attention given to DLR_reg. We also define a description logic version of a variant of U1 and prove a range of new results concerning the expressivity of U1 and related logics

    Some Turing-Complete Extensions of First-Order Logic

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    We introduce a natural Turing-complete extension of first-order logic FO. The extension adds two novel features to FO. The first one of these is the capacity to add new points to models and new tuples to relations. The second one is the possibility of recursive looping when a formula is evaluated using a semantic game. We first define a game-theoretic semantics for the logic and then prove that the expressive power of the logic corresponds in a canonical way to the recognition capacity of Turing machines. Finally, we show how to incorporate generalized quantifiers into the logic and argue for a highly natural connection between oracles and generalized quantifiers.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    Infinite Networks, Halting and Local Algorithms

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    The immediate past has witnessed an increased amount of interest in local algorithms, i.e., constant time distributed algorithms. In a recent survey of the topic (Suomela, ACM Computing Surveys, 2013), it is argued that local algorithms provide a natural framework that could be used in order to theoretically control infinite networks in finite time. We study a comprehensive collection of distributed computing models and prove that if infinite networks are included in the class of structures investigated, then every universally halting distributed algorithm is in fact a local algorithm. To contrast this result, we show that if only finite networks are allowed, then even very weak distributed computing models can define nonlocal algorithms that halt everywhere. The investigations in this article continue the studies in the intersection of logic and distributed computing initiated in (Hella et al., PODC 2012) and (Kuusisto, CSL 2013).Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    Team Semantics and Recursive Enumerability

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    It is well known that dependence logic captures the complexity class NP, and it has recently been shown that inclusion logic captures P on ordered models. These results demonstrate that team semantics offers interesting new possibilities for descriptive complexity theory. In order to properly understand the connection between team semantics and descriptive complexity, we introduce an extension D* of dependence logic that can define exactly all recursively enumerable classes of finite models. Thus D* provides an approach to computation alternative to Turing machines. The essential novel feature in D* is an operator that can extend the domain of the considered model by a finite number of fresh elements. Due to the close relationship between generalized quantifiers and oracles, we also investigate generalized quantifiers in team semantics. We show that monotone quantifiers of type (1) can be canonically eliminated from quantifier extensions of first-order logic by introducing corresponding generalized dependence atoms

    One-dimensional fragment of first-order logic

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    We introduce a novel decidable fragment of first-order logic. The fragment is one-dimensional in the sense that quantification is limited to applications of blocks of existential (universal) quantifiers such that at most one variable remains free in the quantified formula. The fragment is closed under Boolean operations, but additional restrictions (called uniformity conditions) apply to combinations of atomic formulae with two or more variables. We argue that the notions of one-dimensionality and uniformity together offer a novel perspective on the robust decidability of modal logics. We also establish that minor modifications to the restrictions of the syntax of the one-dimensional fragment lead to undecidable formalisms. Namely, the two-dimensional and non-uniform one-dimensional fragments are shown undecidable. Finally, we prove that with regard to expressivity, the one-dimensional fragment is incomparable with both the guarded negation fragment and two-variable logic with counting. Our proof of the decidability of the one-dimensional fragment is based on a technique involving a direct reduction to the monadic class of first-order logic. The novel technique is itself of an independent mathematical interest

    Modal Logic and Distributed Message Passing Automata

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    In a recent article, Lauri Hella and co-authors identify a canonical connection between modal logic and deterministic distributed constant-time algorithms. The paper reports a variety of highly natural logical characterizations of classes of distributed message passing automata that run in constant time. The article leaves open the question of identifying related logical characterizations when the constant running time limitation is lifted. We obtain such a characterization for a class of finite message passing automata in terms of a recursive bisimulation invariant logic which we call modal substitution calculus (MSC). We also give a logical characterization of the related class A of infinite message passing automata by showing that classes of labelled directed graphs recognizable by automata in A are exactly the classes co-definable by a modal theory. A class C is co-definable by a modal theory if the complement of C is definable by a possibly infinite set of modal formulae. We also briefly discuss expressivity and decidability issues concerning MSC. We establish that MSC contains the Sigma^mu_1 fragment of the modal mu-calculus in the finite. We also observe that the single variable fragment MSC^1 of MSC is not contained in MSO, and that the SAT and FINSAT problems of MSC^1 are complete for PSPACE

    Uniform One-Dimensional Fragments with One Equivalence Relation

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    The uniform one-dimensional fragment U1 of first-order logic was introduced recently as a natural generalization of the two-variable fragment FO2 to contexts with relation symbols of all arities. It was shown that U1 has the exponential model property and NEXPTIME-complete satisfiability problem. In this paper we investigate two restrictions of U1 that still contain FO2. We call these logics RU1 and SU1, or the restricted and strongly restricted uniform one-dimensional fragments. We introduce Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games for the logics and prove that while SU1 and RU1 are expressively equivalent, they are strictly contained in U1. Furthermore, we consider extensions of the logics SU1, RU1 and U1 with unrestricted use of a single built-in equivalence relation E. We prove that while all the obtained systems retain the finite model property, their complexities differ. Namely, the satisfiability problem is NEXPTIME-complete for SU1(E) and 2NEXPTIME-complete for both RU1(E) and U1(E). Finally, we show undecidability of some natural extensions of SU1
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