13 research outputs found

    Risk factors and pathways leading to suicide with special focus in schizophrenia:the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate risk factors, developmental pathways and the rate of attempted or accomplished suicide in a longitudinal population-based prospective birth cohort. The Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort (NFBC 1966) consists of 12,068 pregnant women with expected dates of delivery in 1966, and their 12,058 live-born children. The data used here was collected prospectively for 10,934 individuals who were alive and resident in Finland at the age of 16. This study utilized an extensive data set collected in antenatal clinics at mid-pregnancy, by postal questionnaire at the age of 14 years and through national registers. A total of 121 suicide attempts (57 males) and 69 suicides (56 males) had occurred by the end of 2005. A single-parent family was a risk factor for attempted suicides and grand multiparity for suicides in male offspring. Adolescent regular smoking was associated with an increased risk of suicide attempts in both genders and for suicide among males. Good school performance at age 16 years was associated with an increased risk of suicide in psychosis cases, whereas in persons who did not develop psychosis it was associated with a lower suicide risk. The suicide rate in new-onset schizophrenia followed until the age of 39 was 7%. Over two thirds of the suicides took place during the first 3 years of the illness. This was the first study of suicide rates in a prospectively followed population-based birth cohort of individuals with schizophrenia. This study replicated association between some early family-related risk factors for attempted and accomplished suicide, and also presented data for previously unstudied early factors, namely maternal antenatal depression, smoking and unwanted pregnancy This study has clarified the association between adolescent smoking and later suicide risk. It also revealed the association between good school performance and elevated risk of suicide in psychotic people, in contrast to its protective effect in the non-psychotic population. However, even though there were significant antenatal and developmental risk factors, a later psychiatric disorder seems to be the major risk factor for both attempted and accomplished suicide. Nevertheless, suicide usually seems to be a long multifactorial process that begins in early life and has complex trajectories in adolescence or early midlife.Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia itsemurhien esiintyvyyttä, riskitekijöitä, siihen johtavia kehityspolkuja yleisväestöön perustuvassa prospektiivisessa pitkittäistutkimuksessa. Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohorttiin kuului alun perin 12,068 raskaana olevaa naista joiden laskettu aika oli vuonna 1966, ja heidän 12,058 elävänä syntynyttä lastaan, kohortin jäsenet. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto on kerätty 11,017 kohortin jäsenestä, jotka olivat elossa ja asuivat Suomessa 16-vuotiaana. Käytetty aineisto on kerätty äitiysneuvoloissa, 14-vuotiaana tehdyssä postikyselyssä ja kansallisista rekistereistä. Kaikkiaan 121 itsemurhayritystä (joista 57 miehillä) ja 69 itsemurhaa (56 miehillä) tapahtui vuoden 2005 loppuun mennessä. Yhden vanhemman perhe syntymän aikaan oli riski myöhemmälle itsemurhayritykselle ja syntyminen monilapsiseen perheeseen (yli viisi lasta) oli riski itsemurhalle. Tupakointi 14-vuotiaana ennusti itsemurhayrityksiä kummallakin sukupuolella sekä itsemurhia miehillä. Hyvä koulumenestys 16-vuotiaana liittyi kohonneeseen itsemurhavaaraan niillä jotka myöhemmin sairastuivat psykoosiin, kun muilla se liittyi alentuneeseen vaaraan. Skitsofreniaan sairastuneista 7 % teki itsemurhan ja yli kaksi kolmannesta skitsofreniaan sairastuneiden itsemurhista tapahtui kolmen vuoden kuluessa sairastumisesta. Tämä tutkimus vahvisti aikaisempia havaintoja varhaisista riskitekijöistä itsemurhayrityksiin ja itsemurhiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin myös kokonaan uusia varhaisia riskitekijöitä, joita ei ole ennen tutkittu suhteessa itsemurhaan tai itsemurhayrityksiin, kuten äidin raskaudenaikainen masennus ja tupakointi sekä ei-toivottu raskaus. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla saatiin myös uutta tietoa teini-iässä aloitetun tupakoinnin suhteesta itsemurhiin ja -yrityksiin. Tutkimus paljasti hyvän koulumenestyksen lisäävän riskiä itsemurhaan henkilöillä jotka sairastuvat myöhemmin psykoosiin. Tämä oli ensimmäinen tutkimus, jossa skitsofreniaa sairastavien henkilöiden itsemurhakuolleisuutta selvitettiin yleisväestöön pohjautuvassa syntymäkohortissa. Vaikka tutkimuksessa tuli ilmi sekä syntymän, että nuoruuden aikaisia varhaisia riskitekijöitä, myöhempi psykiatrinen sairaus on merkittävin itsemurhan ja -yritysten riskitekijä. Siitä huolimatta itsemurha on aina monitekijäinen prosessi, joka voi alkaa jo ennen syntymää ja johon myöhemmät elämänvaiheet vaikuttavat

    Risk factors for schizophrenia. Follow-up data from the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study

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    This paper updates single risk factors identified by the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study up to the end of year 2001 or age 34. Impaired performance (e.g., delayed motor or intellectual development) or adverse exposures (e.g., pregnancy and birth complications, central nervous system diseases) are associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia. However, upper social class girls and clever schoolboys also have an increased risk to develop schizophrenia, contrasted to their peers. Individuals who subsequently develop schizophrenia follow a developmental trajectory that partly and subtly differs from that of the general population; this trajectory lacks flexibility and responsiveness compared to control subjects, at least in the early stages. We propose a descriptive, lifespan, multilevel systems model on the development and course of schizophrenia

    Longitudinal Changes in Total Brain Volume in Schizophrenia:Relation to Symptom Severity, Cognition and Antipsychotic Medication

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    Studies show evidence of longitudinal brain volume decreases in schizophrenia. We studied brain volume changes and their relation to symptom severity, level of function, cognition, and antipsychotic medication in participants with schizophrenia and control participants from a general population based birth cohort sample in a relatively long follow-up period of almost a decade. All members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 with any psychotic disorder and a random sample not having psychosis were invited for a MRI brain scan, and clinical and cognitive assessment during 1999-2001 at the age of 33-35 years. A follow-up was conducted 9 years later during 2008-2010. Brain scans at both time points were obtained from 33 participants with schizophrenia and 71 control participants. Regression models were used to examine whether brain volume changes predicted clinical and cognitive changes over time, and whether antipsychotic medication predicted brain volume changes. The mean annual whole brain volume reduction was 0.69% in schizophrenia, and 0.49% in controls (p = 0.003, adjusted for gender, educational level, alcohol use and weight gain). The brain volume reduction in schizophrenia patients was found especially in the temporal lobe and periventricular area. Symptom severity, functioning level, and decline in cognition were not associated with brain volume reduction in schizophrenia. The amount of antipsychotic medication (dose years of equivalent to 100 mg daily chlorpromazine) over the follow-up period predicted brain volume loss (p = 0.003 adjusted for symptom level, alcohol use and weight gain). In this population based sample, brain volume reduction continues in schizophrenia patients after the onset of illness, and antipsychotic medications may contribute to these reductions