622 research outputs found

    Unfolding the procedure of characterizing recorded ultra low frequency, kHZ and MHz electromagetic anomalies prior to the L'Aquila earthquake as pre-seismic ones. Part I

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    Ultra low frequency, kHz and MHz electromagnetic anomalies were recorded prior to the L'Aquila catastrophic earthquake that occurred on April 6, 2009. The main aims of this contribution are: (i) To suggest a procedure for the designation of detected EM anomalies as seismogenic ones. We do not expect to be possible to provide a succinct and solid definition of a pre-seismic EM emission. Instead, we attempt, through a multidisciplinary analysis, to provide elements of a definition. (ii) To link the detected MHz and kHz EM anomalies with equivalent last stages of the L'Aquila earthquake preparation process. (iii) To put forward physically meaningful arguments to support a way of quantifying the time to global failure and the identification of distinguishing features beyond which the evolution towards global failure becomes irreversible. The whole effort is unfolded in two consecutive parts. We clarify we try to specify not only whether or not a single EM anomaly is pre-seismic in itself, but mainly whether a combination of kHz, MHz, and ULF EM anomalies can be characterized as pre-seismic one

    Site-specific characterisation of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein receptor binding domain

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    The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the infective agent causing COVID-19, is having a global impact both in terms of human disease as well as socially and economically. Its heavily glycosylated spike glycoprotein is fundamental for the infection process, via its receptor binding domains interaction with the glycoprotein angiotensin converting enzyme 2 on human cell surfaces. We therefore utilized an integrated glycomic and glycoproteomic analytical strategy to characterise both N- and O- glycan site specific glycosylation within the receptor binding domain. We demonstrate the presence of complex type N-glycans with unusual fucosylated LacdiNAc at both sites N331 and N343 and a single site of O-glycosylation on T323

    Chaotic Dynamics of N-degree of Freedom Hamiltonian Systems

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    We investigate the connection between local and global dynamics of two N-degree of freedom Hamiltonian systems with different origins describing one-dimensional nonlinear lattices: The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) model and a discretized version of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation related to Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC). We study solutions starting in the vicinity of simple periodic orbits (SPOs) representing in-phase (IPM) and out-of-phase motion (OPM), which are known in closed form and whose linear stability can be analyzed exactly. Our results verify that as the energy E increases for fixed N, beyond the destabilization threshold of these orbits, all positive Lyapunov exponents exhibit a transition between two power laws, occurring at the same value of E. The destabilization energy E_c per particle goes to zero as N goes to infinity following a simple power-law. However, using SALI, a very efficient indicator we have recently introduced for distinguishing order from chaos, we find that the two Hamiltonians have very different dynamics near their stable SPOs: For example, in the case of the FPU system, as the energy increases for fixed N, the islands of stability around the OPM decrease in size, the orbit destabilizes through period-doubling bifurcation and its eigenvalues move steadily away from -1, while for the BEC model the OPM has islands around it which grow in size before it bifurcates through symmetry breaking, while its real eigenvalues return to +1 at very high energies. Still, when calculating Lyapunov spectra, we find for the OPMs of both Hamiltonians that the Lyapunov exponents decrease following an exponential law and yield extensive Kolmogorov--Sinai entropies per particle, in the thermodynamic limit of fixed energy density E/N with E and N arbitrarily large.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, published at International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC

    Expressive Completeness of Separation Logic With Two Variables and No Separating Conjunction ∗

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    We show that first-order separation logic with one record field restricted to two variables and the separating implication (no separating conjunction) is as expressive as weak second-order logic, substantially sharpening a previous result. Capturing weak secondorder logic with such a restricted form of separation logic requires substantial updates to known proof techniques. We develop these, and as a by-product identify the smallest fragment of separation logic known to be undecidable: first-order separation logic with one record field, two variables, and no separating conjunction

    Glyco-engineered MDCK cells display preferred receptors of H3N2 influenza absent in eggs used for vaccines

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    Evolution of human H3N2 influenza viruses driven by immune selection has narrowed the receptor specificity of the hemagglutinin (HA) to a restricted subset of human-type (Neu5Acα2-6 Gal) glycan receptors that have extended poly-LacNAc (GalÎČ1-4GlcNAc) repeats. This altered specificity has presented challenges for hemagglutination assays, growth in laboratory hosts, and vaccine production in eggs. To assess the impact of extended glycan receptors on virus binding, infection, and growth, we have engineered N-glycan extended (NExt) cell lines by overexpressing ÎČ3-Ν-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 in MDCK, SIAT, and hCK cell lines. Of these, SIAT-NExt cells exhibit markedly increased binding of H3 HAs and susceptibility to infection by recent H3N2 virus strains, but without impacting final virus titers. Glycome analysis of these cell lines and allantoic and amniotic egg membranes provide insights into the importance of extended glycan receptors for growth of recent H3N2 viruses and relevance to their production for cell- and egg-based vaccines

    Weak chaos detection in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-α\alpha system using qq-Gaussian statistics

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    We study numerically statistical distributions of sums of orbit coordinates, viewed as independent random variables in the spirit of the Central Limit Theorem, in weakly chaotic regimes associated with the excitation of the first (k=1k=1) and last (k=Nk=N) linear normal modes of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-α\alpha system under fixed boundary conditions. We show that at low energies (E=0.19E=0.19), when the k=1k=1 linear mode is excited, chaotic diffusion occurs characterized by distributions that are well approximated for long times (t>109t>10^9) by a qq-Gaussian Quasi-Stationary State (QSS) with q≈1.4q\approx1.4. On the other hand, when the k=Nk=N mode is excited at the same energy, diffusive phenomena are \textit{absent} and the motion is quasi-periodic. In fact, as the energy increases to E=0.3E=0.3, the distributions in the former case pass through \textit{shorter} qq-Gaussian states and tend rapidly to a Gaussian (i.e. q→1q\rightarrow 1) where equipartition sets in, while in the latter we need to reach to E=4 to see a \textit{sudden transition} to Gaussian statistics, without any passage through an intermediate QSS. This may be explained by different energy localization properties and recurrence phenomena in the two cases, supporting the view that when the energy is placed in the first mode weak chaos and "sticky" dynamics lead to a more gradual process of energy sharing, while strong chaos and equipartition appear abruptly when only the last mode is initially excited.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted for publication to International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. In honor of Prof. Tassos Bountis' 60th birthda

    Production and transfer of energy and information in Hamiltonian systems

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    We present novel results that relate energy and information transfer with sensitivity to initial conditions in chaotic multi-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. We show the relation among Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, Lyapunov exponents, and upper bounds for the Mutual Information Rate calculated in the Hamiltonian phase space and on bi-dimensional subspaces. Our main result is that the net amount of transfer from kinetic to potential energy per unit of time is a power-law of the upper bound for the Mutual Information Rate between kinetic and potential energies, and also a power-law of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. Therefore, transfer of energy is related with both transfer and production of information. However, the power-law nature of this relation means that a small increment of energy transferred leads to a relatively much larger increase of the information exchanged. Then, we propose an ?experimental? implementation of a 1-dimensional communication channel based on a Hamiltonian system, and calculate the actual rate with which information is exchanged between the first and last particle of the channel. Finally, a relation between our results and important quantities of thermodynamics is presented
