15 research outputs found

    Method for the player profiling in the turn-based computer games

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    The following paper presents the players profiling methodology applied to the turn-based computer game in the audience-driven system. The general scope are mobile games where the players compete against each other and are able to tackle challenges presented by the game engine. As the aim of the game producer is to make the gameplay as attractive as possible, the players should be paired in a way that makes their duel the most exciting. This requires the proper player profiling based on their previous games. The paper presents the general structure of the system, the method for extracting information about each duel and storing them in the data vector form and the method for classifying different players through the clustering or predefined category assignment. The obtained results show the applied method is suitable for the simulated data of the gameplay model and clustering of players may be used to effectively group them and pair for the duels

    Wokół rekodyfikacji prawa cywilnego. Prace jubileuszowe

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPrezentowana książka to głos w debacie nad stanem naszej kodyfikacji cywilnej. Jubileusz 50-lecia uchwalenia Kodeksu cywilnego, Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego oraz Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego zbiega się z jubileuszem Profesora Janusza Szwai1. Profesor, wybitny cywilista, obchodzi swoje 80. urodziny, mija także 50 lat od obrony przez Niego doktoratu. Jest to doskonała okazja by przyjrzeć się propozycjom zmian prawa cywilnego płynących z różnych środowisk akademickich. Wszak dużą część swojego życia Profesor Szwaja poświęcił pracom legislacyjnym, ich komentowaniu czy krytykowaniu. Sam aktywnie w zmianach różnych kodyfikacji uczestniczył. Jego poglądy zawsze były wyważone. Dziś właśnie taki wyważony głos w dyskusji nad kształtem polskiego prawa cywilnego stał się niezbędny

    Normal Patch Retinex robust algorithm for white balancing in digital microscopy

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    The acquisition of accurately coloured, balanced images in an optical microscope can be a challenge even for experienced microscope operators. This article presents an entirely automatic mechanism for balancing the white level that allows the correction of the microscopic colour images adequately. The results of the algorithm have been confirmed experimentally on a set of two hundred microscopic images. The images contained scans of three microscopic specimens commonly used in pathomorphology. Also, the results achieved were compared with other commonly used white balance algorithms in digital photography. The algorithm applied in this work is more effective than the classical algorithms used in colour photography for microscopic images stained with hematoxylin-phloxine-saffron and for immunohistochemical staining images

    Text area detection in handwritten documents scanned for further processing

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    In this paper we present an approach to text area detection using binary images, Constrained Run Length Algorithm and other noise reduction methods of removing the artefacts. Text processing includes various activities, most of which are related to preparing input data for further operations in the best possible way, that will not hinder the OCR algorithms. This is especially the case when handwritten manuscripts are considered, and even more so with very old documents. We present our methodology for text area detection problem, which is capable of removing most of irrelevant objects, including elements such as page edges, stains, folds etc. At the same time the presented method can handle multi-column texts or varying line thickness. The generated mask can accurately mark the actual text area, so that the output image can be easily used in further text processing steps

    Decision Confidence Assessment in Multi-Class Classification

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    This paper presents a novel approach to the assessment of decision confidence when multi-class recognition is concerned. When many classification problems are considered, while eliminating human interaction with the system might be one goal, it is not the only possible option—lessening the workload of human experts can also bring huge improvement to the production process. The presented approach focuses on providing a tool that will significantly decrease the amount of work that the human expert needs to conduct while evaluating different samples. Instead of hard classification, which assigns a single label to each class, the described solution focuses on evaluating each case in terms of decision confidence—checking how sure the classifier is in the case of the currently processed example, and deciding if the final classification should be performed, or if the sample should instead be manually evaluated by a human expert. The method can be easily adjusted to any number of classes. It can also focus either on the classification accuracy or coverage of the used dataset, depending on user preferences. Different confidence functions are evaluated in that aspect. The results obtained during experiments meet the initial criteria, providing an acceptable quality for the final solution

    Application of Siamese Networks to the Recognition of the Drill Wear State Based on Images of Drilled Holes

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    In this article, a Siamese network is applied to the drill wear classification problem. For furniture companies, one of the main problems that occurs during the production process is finding the exact moment when the drill should be replaced. When the drill is not sharp enough, it can result in a poor quality product and therefore generate some financial loss for the company. In various approaches to this problem, usually, three classes are considered: green for a drill that is sharp, red for the opposite, and yellow for a tool that is suspected of being worn out, requiring additional evaluation by a human expert. In the above problem, it is especially important that the green and the red classes not be mistaken, since such errors have the highest probability of generating financial loss for the manufacturer. Most of the solutions analysing this problem are too complex, requiring specialized equipment, high financial investment, or both, without guaranteeing that the obtained results will be satisfactory. In the approach presented in this paper, images of drilled holes are used as the training data for the Siamese network. The presented solution is much simpler in terms of the data collection methodology, does not require a large financial investment for the initial equipment, and can accurately qualify drill wear based on the chosen input. It also takes into consideration additional manufacturer requirements, like no green-red misclassifications, that are usually omitted in existing solutions

    Prediction of Blueberry (<i>Vaccinium corymbosum</i> L.) Yield Based on Artificial Intelligence Methods

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    In this paper, we present a high-accuracy model for blueberry yield prediction, trained using structurally innovative data sets. Blueberries are blooming plants, valued for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Yield on the plantations depends on several factors, both internal and external. Predicting the accurate amount of harvest is an important aspect in work planning and storage space selection. Machine learning algorithms are commonly used in such prediction tasks, since they are capable of finding correlations between various factors at play. Overall data were collected from years 2016–2021, and included agronomic, climatic and soil data as well satellite-imaging vegetation data. Additionally, growing periods according to BBCH scale and aggregates were taken into account. After extensive data preprocessing and obtaining cumulative features, a total of 11 models were trained and evaluated. Chosen classifiers were selected from state-of-the-art methods in similar applications. To evaluate the results, Mean Absolute Percentage Error was chosen. It is superior to alternatives, since it takes into account absolute values, negating the risk that opposite variables will cancel out, while the final result outlines percentage difference between the actual value and prediction. Regarding the research presented, the best performing solution proved to be Extreme Gradient Boosting algorithm, with MAPE value equal to 12.48%. This result meets the requirements of practical applications, with sufficient accuracy to improve the overall yield management process. Due to the nature of machine learning methodology, the presented solution can be further improved with annually collected data

    Advanced Feature Extraction Methods from Images of Drillings in Melamine Faced Chipboard for Automatic Diagnosis of Drill Wear

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    In this paper, a novel approach to evaluation of feature extraction methodologies is presented. In the case of machine learning algorithms, extracting and using the most efficient features is one of the key problems that can significantly influence overall performance. It is especially the case with parameter-heavy problems, such as tool condition monitoring. In the presented case, images of drilled holes are considered, where state of the edge and the overall size of imperfections have high influence on product quality. Finding and using a set of features that accurately describes the differences between the edge that is acceptable or too damaged is not always straightforward. The presented approach focuses on detailed evaluation of various feature extraction approaches. Each chosen method produced a set of features, which was then used to train a selected set of classifiers. Five initial feature sets were obtained, and additional ones were derived from them. Different voting methods were used for ensemble approaches. In total, 38 versions of the classifiers were created and evaluated. Best accuracy was obtained by the ensemble approach based on Weighted Voting methodology. A significant difference was shown between different feature extraction methods, with a total difference of 11.14% between the worst and best feature set, as well as a further 0.2% improvement achieved by using the best voting approach

    BCT Boost Segmentation with U-net in TensorFlow

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    In this paper we present a new segmentation method meant for boost area that remains after removing the tumour using BCT (breast conserving therapy). The selected area is a region on which radiation treatment will later be made. Consequently, an inaccurate designation of this region can result in a treatment missing its target or focusing on healthy breast tissue that otherwise could be spared. Needless to say that exact indication of boost area is an extremely important aspect of the entire medical procedure, where a better definition can lead to optimizing of the coverage of the target volume and, in result, can save normal breast tissue. Precise definition of this area has a potential to both improve the local control of the disease and to ensure better cosmetic outcome for the patient. In our approach we use U-net along with Keras and TensorFlow systems to tailor a precise solution for the indication of the boost area. During the training process we utilize a set of CT images, where each of them came with a contour assigned by an expert. We wanted to achieve a segmentation result as close to given contour as possible. With a rather small initial data set we used data augmentation techniques to increase the number of training examples, while the final outcomes were evaluated according to their similarity to the ones produced by experts, by calculating the mean square error and the structural similarity index (SSIM)

    Improved Drill State Recognition during Milling Process Using Artificial Intelligence

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    In this article, an automated method for tool condition monitoring is presented. When producing items in large quantities, pointing out the exact time when the element needs to be exchanged is crucial. If performed too early, the operator gets rid of a good drill, also resulting in production downtime increase if this operation is repeated too often. On the other hand, continuing production with a worn tool might result in a poor-quality product and financial loss for the manufacturer. In the presented approach, drill wear is classified using three states representing decreasing quality: green, yellow and red. A series of signals were collected as training data for the classification algorithms. Measurements were saved in separate data sets with corresponding time windows. A total of ten methods were evaluated in terms of overall accuracy and the number of misclassification errors. Three solutions obtained an acceptable accuracy rate above 85%. Algorithms were able to assign states without the most undesirable red-green and green-red errors. The best results were achieved by the Extreme Gradient Boosting algorithm. This approach achieved an overall accuracy of 93.33%, and the only misclassification was the yellow sample assigned as green. The presented solution achieves good results and can be applied in industry applications related to tool condition monitoring