80 research outputs found

    1,2-Αnnulated Adamantane Heterocyclic Derivatives as Anti-Influenza Α Virus Agents

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    In this report we review our results on the development of 1,2-annulated adamantane heterocyclic derivatives and we discuss the structure-activity relationships obtained from their biological evaluation against influenza A virus. We have designed and synthesized numerous potent 1,2-annulated adamantane analogues of amantadine and rimantadine against influenza A targeting M2 protein the last 20 years. For their synthesis we utilized the key intermediates 2-(2-oxoadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid and 3-(2-oxoadamantan-1-yl)propanoic acid, which were obtained by a simple, fast and efficient synthetic protocol. The latter involved the treatment of protoadamantanone with different electrophiles and a carbon-skeleton rearrangement. These ketoesters offered a new pathway to the synthesis of 1,2-disubstituted adamantanes, which constitute starting materials for many molecules with pharmacological potential, such as the 1,2-annulated adamantane heterocyclic derivatives. To obtain additional insight for their binding to M2 protein three structurally similar 1,2-annulated adamantane piperidines, differing in nitrogen position, were studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidyl-choline (POPC) hydrated bilayers. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    On the mechanism of the Au(I)‐mediated addition of alkynes to anthranils to furnish 7‐acylindoles

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    Indole is a very common structural motif in alkaloids with a remarkable history in pharma industry. In the continuous search for more direct and efficient access to these valuable structures, a new and rather elegant approach was found by Jin and coworkers, which involved a gold(I)-mediated addition of alkynes onto anthralins. This approach selectively furnishes 7-acylindoles in a rather expeditious way, and it has been shown to be compatible with a large range of decorated reactants, both at the alkyne side and at the anthralin side. We studied the mechanism of this reaction with a set of different alkynes, including disubstituted ones, to establish similarities and differences between them and to aid in the elucidation of key steps in the reaction pathway. The observed regioselectivity seems to be connected to the irreversible formation of a key α-imino gold carbene intermediate, common to all reaction profiles, through the initial regioselective nucleophilic attack of the anthranil N atom onto the alkyne fragment.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/41Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020‐115789GB‐C22Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Discovery of Novel Adenosine Receptor Antagonists through a Combined Structure- and Ligand-Based Approach Followed by Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Ligand Binding Mode

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    An intense effort is made by pharmaceutical and academic research laboratories to identify and develop selective antagonists for each adenosine receptor (AR) subtype as potential clinical candidates for "soft" treatment of various diseases. Crystal structures of subtypes A2A and A1ARs offer exciting opportunities for structure-based drug design. In the first part of the present work, Maybridge HitFinder library of 14400 compounds was utilized to apply a combination of structure-based against the crystal structure of A2AAR and ligand-based methodologies. The docking poses were rescored by CHARMM energy minimization and calculation of the desolvation energy using Poisson-Boltzmann equation electrostatics. Out of the eight selected and tested compounds, five were found positive hits (63% success). Although the project was initially focused on targeting A2AAR, the identified antagonists exhibited low micromolar or micromolar affinity against A2A/A3, ARs, or A3AR, respectively. Based on these results, 19 compounds characterized by novel chemotypes were purchased and tested. Sixteen of them were identified as AR antagonists with affinity toward combinations of the AR family isoforms (A2A/A3, A1/A3, A1/A2A/A3, and A3). The second part of this work involves the performance of hundreds of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of complexes between the ARs and a total of 27 ligands to resolve the binding interactions of the active compounds, which were not achieved by docking calculations alone. This computational work allowed the prediction of stable and unstable complexes which agree with the experimental results of potent and inactive compounds, respectively. Of particular interest is that the 2-amino-thiophene-3-carboxamides, 3-acylamino-5-aryl-thiophene-2-carboxamides, and carbonyloxycarboximidamide derivatives were found to be selective and possess a micromolar to low micromolar affinity for the A3 receptor

    Amantadine variant - aryl conjugates that inhibit multiple M2 mutant - amantadine resistant influenza a viruses

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    Influenza A viruses can cause a serious future threat due to frequent mutations. Amantadine and rimantadine inhibit influenza A M2 wild-type (WT) viruses by binding and blocking M2 WT channel-mediated proton current. The resistant to the drugs amantadine and rimantadine influenza A viruses bearing the S31 N mutant in the M2 proton channel can be inhibited by amantadine - aryl conjugates, in which amantadine and an aryl group are linked through a methylene, which block M2 S31 N channel-mediated proton current. However, the M2 amantadine/rimantadine resistant viruses bearing one of the four mutations L26F, V27A, A30T, G34E in residues that line the M2 protein pore pose an additional concern for public health. Here, we designed 33 compounds based on the structure of three previously published and potent amantadine-aryl conjugates against M2 S31 N virus, by replacing amantadine with 16 amantadine variants. The compounds were tested against M2 WT and the five M2 amantadine-resistant viruses aiming at identifying inhibitors against multiple M2 mutant - amantadine resistant viruses. We identified 16 compounds that inhibited in vitro two influenza A viruses with M2 WT or L26F channels. Additionally, compounds 21 or 32 or 33, which are conjugates of the rimantadine variant with CMe2 (instead of CHMe in rimantadine) or the diamantylamine or the 4-(1-adamantyl)benzenamine with the 2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl aryl group, were in vitro inhibitors against three influenza A viruses with M2 WT or L26F or S31 N, while compound 21 inhibited also in vitro the M2 G34E virus and 32 inhibited also in vitro the M2 A30T virus. For these compounds we performed a preliminary drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics study. Also, using electrophysiology, we showed that compound 21 was an efficient blocker of the M2 WT and M2 L26F channels, compound 32 blocked efficiently the M2 WT channel and compound 33 blocked the M2 WT, L26F and V27A channels. The drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics studies showed these compounds need further optimization

    Comprehensive Overview of Homogeneous Gold-Catalyzed Transformations of π-Systems for Application Scientists

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    We present an overview of fundamental catalytic reactions of nucleophiles with π-systems in relation to gold chemistry. We present examples of reactions with gold-activated π-systems, alkynyl or allenyl moieties, and the regulation of their reactivity due to the presence of an electron-donating or -withdrawing group. The reactions describe furnished hard-to-reach heterocyclic building blocks for medicinal chemistry purposes. Important gold(I) or gold(III) complexes that are used as catalysts are presented. We examine the activation of such π-systems using gold(I) or gold(III) catalysts and the corresponding divergent catalytic transformations. We provide examples of divergent catalysis using gold(I) catalyst and other metal catalysts (Pt, Ag, Pd, Rh, Sc, Cu) or by changing the ligands in gold(I) catalyst complexes. We also discuss the role of the solvent, counterions and additives in gold(I)-catalyzed reactions. We mention, in a few cases, characteristic experimental or computational studies of these gold-catalyzed reactions of nucleophiles with π-systems

    Formation and intramolecular capture of α-imino gold carbenoids in the Au(I)-catalyzed [3 + 2] reaction of anthranils, 1,2,4-oxadiazoles, and 4,5-dihydro-1,2,4-oxadiazoles with ynamides

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    α-Imino gold carbenoid species have been recognized as key intermediates in a plethora of processes involving gold-activated alkynes. Here, we explored the pathways of the Au(I)-catalyzed [3 + 2] reaction between the mild nucleophiles: anthranil, 1,2,4-oxadiazole, or 4,5-dihydro-1,2,4-oxadiazole, and an ynamide, PhC≡C-N(Ts)Me, proceeding via the formation of the aforementioned α-imino gold carbene intermediate which, after intramolecular capture, regioselectively produces 2-amino-3-phenyl-7-acyl indoles, N-acyl-5-aminoimidazoles, or N-alkyl-4-aminoimidazoles, respectively. In all cases, the regioselectivity of the substituents at 2, 3 in the 7-acyl-indole ring and 4, 5 in the substituted imidazole ring is decided at the first transition state, involving the attack of nitrogen on the C1 or C2 carbon of the activated ynamide. A subsequent and steep energy drop furnishes the key α-imino gold carbene. These features are more pronounced for anthranil and 4,5-dihydro-1,2,4-oxadiazole reactions. Strikingly, in the 4,5-dihydro-1,2,4-oxadiazole reaction the significant drop of energy is due to the formation of an unstable α-imino gold carbene, which after a spontaneous benzaldehyde elimination is converted to a stabilized one. Compared to anthranil, the reaction pathways for 1,2,4-oxadiazoles or 4,5-dihydro-1,2,4-oxadiazoles are found to be significantly more complex than anticipated in the original research. For instance, compared to the formation of a five-member ring from the α-imino gold carbene, one competitive route involves the formation of intermediates consisting of a four-member ring condensed with a three-member ring, which after a metathesis and ring expansion led to the imidazole ring.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020-115789GB-C22Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/41Chiesi Hellas | Ref. 1035

    Spotting Differences in Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Influenza A M2 Protein-Ligand Complexes by Varying M2 construct, Lipid Bilayer and Force Field

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    We studied by molecular dynamic (MD) simulations systems including the inwardclosed state of influenza A M2 protein in complex with aminoadamantane drugs in membrane bilayers. We varied the M2 construct and performed MD simulations in M2TM or M2TM with amphipathic helices (M2AH). We also varied the lipid bilayer by changing either the lipid, DMPC or POPC, POPE or POPC/cholesterol (chol), or the lipids buffer size, 10x10 Å2 or 20x20 Å2. We aimed to suggest optimal system conditions for the computational description of this ion channel and related systems. Measures performed include quantities that are available experimentally and include: (a) the position of ligand, waters and chlorine anion inside the M2 pore, (b) the passage of waters from the outward Val27 gate of M2 S31N in complex with an aminoadamantane-aryl head blocker, (c) M2 orientation, (d) the AHs conformation and structure which is affected from interactions with lipids and chol and is important for membrane curvature and virus budding. In several cases we tested OPLS2005, which is routinely applied to describe drug-protein binding, and CHARMM36 which describes reliably protein conformation. We found that for the description of the ligands position inside the M2 pore, a 10x10 Å2 lipids buffer in DMPC is needed when M2TM is used but 20x20 Å2 lipids buffer of the softer POPC; when M2AH is used all 10x10 Å2 lipid buffers with any of the tested lipids can be used. For the passage of waters at least M2AH with a 10x10 Å2 lipid buffer is needed. The folding conformation of AHs which is defined from hydrogen bonding interactions with the bilayer and the complex with chol is described well with a 10x10 Å2 lipids buffer and CHARMM36. </p