12 research outputs found

    The tangled cases of Deinogalerix (Late Miocene endemic erinaceid of Gargano) and Galericini (Eulipotyphla, Erinaceidae): A cladistic perspective

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    The Late Miocene giant erinaceid Deinogalerix from Scontrone and Gargano (Italy) is associated with many other vertebrates in deposits of a past island, the \u201cAbruzzo-Apulia Platform\u201d. At Gargano, Deinogalerix is accompanied by the moderately endemized Galericini Apulogalerix. This first extensive cladistic analysis is aimed at defining the relationships of Deinogalerix with characteristic members of the tribe Galericini. The analysis was performed on a matrix of 30 characters and 19 taxa and identified some smaller clades, nested within three major ones. The latter include: (i) a pentatomy of Galerix species, (ii) a polytomy of \u201ctransitional\u201d Galerix\u2013Parasorex species and (iii) a large clade with Parasorex, Schizogalerix and Gargano representatives. Galerix and Parasorex proved to be paraphyletic and Schizogalerix monophyletic. Based on the results of the analysis, Deinogalerix and Apulogalerix have distinct origins, which supports an asynchronous colonization of the island. The line of Deinogalerix possibly stemmed from some eastern species transitional between Galerix and Parasorex around Mammal Neogene (MN) zone 2. Conversely, the line of Apulogalerix originated from a primitive Parasorex ibericus, or a close relative, around MN 9\u201310. Another important result was detecting an impressive early Miocene (MN 2?) radiation of Galericini. Moreover, Schizogalerix and Parasorex originated from eastern Galericini morphologically transitional between Galerix and Parasorex

    new light on parasorex depereti erinaceomorpha erinaceidae galericini from the late messinian mn 13 of the monticino quarry brisighella faenza italy

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    Abstract A large-sized species of Parasorex is common in the MN 13 mammal assemblages from the uppermost Messinian sandy-marly fissure fillings within the Gessoso Solfifera Formation at Brisighella (Northern Apennine). This erinaceid has been classified as Galerix sp. in the first papers on the Brisighella fauna. Later, it was described in detail in an unpublished Ph.D. dissertation by Fanfani (1999), who referred it to Galerix depereti. Van den Hoek Ostende (2001) included G. depereti in the genus Parasorex, Parasorex depereti has been described by Crochet (1986) on scarce material from a few Early Pliocene (MN 14–15) localities of southern France and Spain. Parasorex cf. depereti has been reported from the Early Pliocene fauna of Capo Mannu (Mandriola, Sardinia; Furió and Angelone 2010). The species seems actually distributed in south-western Europe, where it represents the youngest occurrence of the genus Parasorex. The very abundant sample of P. depereti from fissure filling BRS 25 enables a more accurate and comprehensive description of the species. It also permits inspection of the mesial elements of the dentition, which were lacking in the material examined by Crochet (1986). The systematic position of the species has been revisited and compared with those of other Galericini of the Parasorex group

    Some species of the southeastern Italian Miocene giant galericine Deinogalerix (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla) revisited, with review of the genus

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    • Revision of Deinogalerix remains from the Terre Rosse of Gargano stored at the University of Florence. • The material was assigned mainly to D. freudenthali, D. intermedius and D. minor. • The material improves our knowledge of the small and primitive species D. freudenthali. • The study confirms the validity of the lineages D. minor-D. brevirostris and D. intermedius-D. koenigswaldi


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    Rodents are the most abundant group of small mammals occurring in Brisighella deposits. They are represented by 12 species in total, among which 2 hamsters (Apocricetus cf. barrierei and Ruscinomys cf. lasallei), 2 dormice (Muscardinus sp. and Myomimus sp.), 1 porcupine (Hystrix (Hystrix) depereti), 2 sciurids (Atlantoxerus cf. rhodius and Hylopetes sp.) and 5 species of muridae (Apodemus cf. gudrunae, Centralomys benericettii, Occitanomys sp, Paraethomys meini and Stephanomys debruijni). This association suggests a relatively dry open environment, interrupted by forest environment with more or less dense underground


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    Sono note quattro diverse specie di insettivori dalla cava del Monticino, due soricidi (Neomyosorex sp. e cf. Miosorex desnoyersianus) e due erinaceidi (Parasorex depereti e “Mioechinus” sp.). Parasorex depereti appartiene ai Galericini, una tribù estinta di gimnuri, e probabilmente era un animale piuttosto opportunista, come gli altri membri dello stesso genere, forse non legato ad ambienti di foresta o umidi relativamente caldi. “Mioechinus” sp. di collocazione sistematica incerta, per alcuni autori potrebbe essere sinonimo dei generi di ricci moderni Atelerix o Hemiechinus. In questo caso, la sua presenza escluderebbe ambienti desertici o di foresta pluviale. Infine, Neomyosorex sp., relativamente vicino ai moderni toporagni d’acqua, potrebbe suggerire la presenza di specchi d’acqua dolce permanenti.Four different species of insectivores are known from the Monticino quarry, two soricids (Neomyosorex sp. and cf. Miosorex desnoyersianus) and two erinaceids (Parasorex depereti and “Mioechinus” sp.). Parasorex depereti belongs to the Galericini, an extinct tribe of gymnures and, as other members of the same genus, was probably a rather opportunistic animal not bound to relatively warm forest or wetland environments. “Mioechinus” sp., although of uncertain systematic placement, for some authors could be synonymous with the modern hedgehog genera Atelerix or Hemiechinus. Thus, its occurrence might exclude desert or rainforest environments. Finally, Neomyosorex sp., rather close to modern water shrews, could suggest the presence of permanent freshwater bodies

    Audiovisivo e logiche di partecipazione

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    Il presente saggio prende in esame il lavoro di Ansano Giannarelli rispetto al tema della partecipazione, trasversale in tutta la sua opera. Nella sua attività produttiva - ha lavorato per il cinema, la televisione, il video e i nuovi media – le logiche di partecipazione dello spettatore, diverse a seconda del medium utilizzato, sono state al centro della riflessione teorica e della pratica autoriale di Giannarelli. Il percorso proposto in questo saggio si snoda su una serie di questioni: la sua idea di cinema o più in generale di audiovisivo e il suo stile di regia, il concetto di partecipazione alla luce dell'evoluzione degli scenari contemporanei, l'attualità della sua proposta rivolta alla creazione di uno spazio di comunicazione bidirezionale che mette al centro lo spettatore partecipante