939 research outputs found
Irreducible p-constant characters of finite reflection groups
A complex irreducible character of a finite group G is said to be p-constant,
for some prime p dividing the order of G, if it takes constant value at the set
of p-singular elements of G. In this paper we classify irreducible p-constant
characters for finite reflection groups, nilpotent groups and complete monomial
groups. We also propose some conjectures about the structure of the groups
admitting such characters.Comment: To appear in Journal of Group Theor
The (2,3)-generation of the special linear groups over finite fields
We complete the classification of the finite special linear groups \SL_n(q)
which are -generated, i.e., which are generated by an involution and an
element of order . This also gives the classification of the finite simple
groups \PSL_n(q) which are -generated.Comment: 5 page
The (2,3)-generation of the classical simple groups of dimension 6 and 7
In this paper we prove that the finite simple groups ,
and are (2,3)-generated for all q. In particular,
this result completes the classification of the (2,3)-generated finite
classical simple groups up to dimension 7
A generalization of the problem of Mariusz Meszka
Mariusz Meszka has conjectured that given a prime p=2n+1 and a list L
containing n positive integers not exceeding n there exists a near 1-factor in
K_p whose list of edge-lengths is L. In this paper we propose a generalization
of this problem to the case in which p is an odd integer not necessarily prime.
In particular, we give a necessary condition for the existence of such a near
1-factor for any odd integer p. We show that this condition is also sufficient
for any list L whose underlying set S has size 1, 2, or n. Then we prove that
the conjecture is true if S={1,2,t} for any positive integer t not coprime with
the order p of the complete graph. Also, we give partial results when t and p
are coprime. Finally, we present a complete solution for t<12.Comment: 15 page
A problem on partial sums in abelian groups
In this paper we propose a conjecture concerning partial sums of an arbitrary
finite subset of an abelian group, that naturally arises investigating simple
Heffter systems. Then, we show its connection with related open problems and we
present some results about the validity of these conjectures
Globally simple Heffter arrays and orthogonal cyclic cycle decompositions
In this paper we introduce a particular class of Heffter arrays, called
globally simple Heffter arrays, whose existence gives at once orthogonal cyclic
cycle decompositions of the complete graph and of the cocktail party graph. In
particular we provide explicit constructions of such decompositions for cycles
of length . Furthermore, starting from our Heffter arrays we also
obtain biembeddings of two -cycle decompositions on orientable surfaces.Comment: The present version also considers the problem of biembedding
Emergent Noncommutative gravity from a consistent deformation of gauge theory
Starting from a standard noncommutative gauge theory and using the
Seiberg-Witten map we propose a new version of a noncommutative gravity. We use
consistent deformation theory starting from a free gauge action and gauging a
killing symmetry of the background metric to construct a deformation of the
gauge theory that we can relate with gravity. The result of this consistent
deformation of the gauge theory is nonpolynomial in A_\mu. From here we can
construct a version of noncommutative gravity that is simpler than previous
attempts. Our proposal is consistent and is not plagued with the problems of
other approaches like twist symmetries or gauging other groups.Comment: 18 pages, references added, typos fixed, some concepts clarified.
Paragraph added below Eq. (77). Match published PRD version
Some new results about a conjecture by Brian Alspach
In this paper we consider the following conjecture, proposed by Brian
Alspach, concerning partial sums in finite cyclic groups: given a subset of
of size such that ,
it is possible to find an ordering of the elements of
such that the partial sums , , are nonzero
and pairwise distinct. This conjecture is known to be true for subsets of size
in cyclic groups of prime order. Here, we extend such result to any
torsion-free abelian group and, as a consequence, we provide an asymptotic
result in .
We also consider a related conjecture, originally proposed by Ronald Graham:
given a subset of , where is a prime, there
exists an ordering of the elements of such that the partial sums are all
distinct. Working with the methods developed by Hicks, Ollis and Schmitt, based
on the Alon's combinatorial Nullstellensatz, we prove the validity of such
conjecture for subsets of size
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