10 research outputs found

    Exkursionspunkt 4: Sandgrube in den Dünen der Picherberge, südlich von Schöbendorf

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    Die Picherberge bei Schöbendorf liegen im Baruther Urstromtal am Rande des Niederen Flämings, ungefähr 6 km westlich von Baruth, auf einer der älteren Terrassen in ca. 57 m NN Höhe. Im unteren Teil des Dünenprofils fallen Sandlößschichten auf, die sich mit den Flugdecksanden im Profil verzahnen und die darüber liegenden, bis zu drei Meter mächtigen Dünensande sind in der Zeitspanne Älteste Dryas - Bölling - Ältere Dryas angehäuft worden. Dünnschliffproben zeigen in den Diagrammen der Längsachsenverteilung zwei Idealtypen: einen Typ, der vorherrschende Ost- bis Nordwestwinde vermuten läßt und einen Typ, bei dem vorherrschende Süd- bis Westwinde wahrscheinlich sind. Die mittleren Partien dieser Dünensande zeigen im südlichen Teil der Grube ein starkes Einfallen der Schichten nach Nordost und lassen so eine Bildung durch Südwestwinde erkennen. In den oberen Partien der Altdünensande hat sich in dieser Zeit eine Braunerde herausgebildet. Wahrscheinlich im Alleröd hat sich im oberen Teil der Braunerde ein Regosol neu herausgebildet. In der Jüngeren Dryas oder am Anfang des Holozäns ist diese Serie erneut überweht worden und in diesen Dünensanden entstand im Altholozän ein Podsol. Vermutlich wurde der Podsol infolge der bronzezeitlichen Rodungen überweht. Seit der Bronzezeit haben verschiedene Überwehungsphasen und (Regosol-)Bodenbildungsphasen einander bis in die historische Zeit hinein abgewechselt. Die Picherberge bei Schöbendorf sollten nach DE BOER (2000 und 2001) wegen ihrer bemerkenswerten Böden und erdgeschichtlichen Aufschlüsse nach §23: ´Naturdenkmale´ des Brandenburgischen Naturschutzgesetzes unter Schutz gestellt werden.In the dune profile of the sand pit in the 'Picher Berge' south of Schöbendorf, about 6 km west of Baruth (Brandenburg, Germany, WGS84: 52º2.9070’N 13º25.8767’O), on the oldest terrace of the Baruth Ice-Marginal Valley, about 57 m. above sea-level, one can observe at least five well developed buried soils. Not only the uppermost part of the dune, the 'young dune' part, in which fragments of pottery of bronze age and flints were found, but also the 'old dune' part of the dune was subdivided several times by buried soils. Measurements on long axes orientations of quartz grains in three thin sections that were taken from the 'old dune' (see drawing) were done by DE BOER (1992). Automated optical analysis of those thin sections derived from the Picherberge showed that grain orientation in Weichselian Late glacial substrata reflect dune forming winds from predominantly (N)NE-(S)SW-, ENE-WSW- and SSE-NNW-directions. These headings corresponded well with the paleo wind directions derived from the north-easterly dips from the slip face beddings of the inland dune complex. At the basis of the 'old dune' part, loessy sands alternate with cover sand strata. The Picher Berge should be placed under protection by Nature Conservation Laws of the German State of Brandenburg (§23: ´Naturdenkmale´ des Brandenburgischen Naturschutzgesetzes) because of their well-preserved and remarkable paleo-soils and unique vertical profiles after DE BOER (2000 and 2001).Peer Reviewe

    Nishida und die Politik

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    <p>The low degree of heterogeneity (I<sup>2</sup> = 0.0%) should encourage the use of the fixed effect method of pooling. The test for interaction does not show the formal presence of a ‘subgroup effect’ (p = 0.4803); however, the direction of the result is toward damage only in the stratum where simvastatin was the no-E drug, showing a clinically important 45% increment of SAEs risk. The non-significant overall result shows a trend toward damage (24% increment of SAEs risk, p = 0.216). The larger risk of major clinical endpoints was in fact noted in the E arms of trials where E plus simvastatin were compared with simvastatin alone (Figs <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0124587#pone.0124587.g001" target="_blank">1</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0124587#pone.0124587.g007" target="_blank">7</a>).</p

    Studierende nach Studiengängen seit 2014 (2014/15)

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    <p>The low degree of heterogeneity (I<sup>2</sup> = 0.0%) should encourage the use of the fixed effect method of pooling. The test for interaction does not show the formal presence of a ‘subgroup effect’ (p = 0.422); however, the direction of the result is toward damage only in the stratum where simvastatin was the no-E drug, showing a clinically important increment of not-CV death risk. The non-significant overall result shows a small trend toward damage (4% increment of not-CV death risk, p = 0.966). We calculated the number of not-CV deaths by subtracting the number of CV deaths from the number of all-cause deaths reported by each single trial.</p

    Complementary analysis: net effect of the Ezetimibe/Simvastatin combination (E+Simvastatin against placebo) on cancer.

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    <p>The simvastatin dosage was different in the two trials (20 mg/day in SHARP, 40 mg/day in SEAS). The high degree of heterogeneity (I<sup>2</sup> = 83.7%) should encourage use of the random effect method of pooling. The non-significant overall result shows a trend toward damage (18% increment of cancer risk, p = 0.395).</p

    Main analysis: net effect of Ezetimibe on all-cause death stratified by comparator (E+lipid-lowering drug against the same lipid-lowering drug at the same dosage; E+simvastatin against simvastatin at the same dosage).

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    <p>The low degree of heterogeneity (I<sup>2</sup> = 10.3%) should encourage use of the fixed effect method of pooling. The test for interaction does not show the formal presence of a ‘subgroup effect’ (p = 0.2696); however, the direction of the result is toward damage only in the stratum where simvastatin was the no-E drug, showing a clinically important increment of death risk. The non-significant overall result shows a small trend toward damage (3% increment of death risk, p = 0.947).</p

    Main baseline data of patients in the trials included

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    <p><sup>1</sup> percentage of the whole sample</p><p><sup>2</sup> main analysis</p><p><sup>3</sup> complementary analysis</p><p>na = not available</p><p>Main baseline data of patients in the trials included</p

    Main analysis: net effect of Ezetimibe on Cancer stratified by comparator (E+lipid-lowering drug against the same lipid-lowering drug at the same dosage; E+simvastatin against simvastatin at the same dosage).

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    <p>The medium degree of heterogeneity (I<sup>2</sup> = 60.1%) should encourage the use of the random effect method of pooling. No test for interaction was done (only two trials). The overall result, although not significant, shows a definite trend toward damage (212% increment of Cancer Risk, p = 0.167), due to an impressive trend toward damage in the UK-HARP-II trial, where simvastatin was the Not-E drug.</p

    sj-docx-6-tam-10.1177_17588359221110162 – Supplemental material for The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-6-tam-10.1177_17588359221110162 for The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis by Antonio Galvano, Luisa Castellana, Valerio Gristina, Maria La Mantia, Lavinia Insalaco, Nadia Barraco, Alessandro Perez, Sofia Cutaia, Valentina Calò, Tancredi Didier Bazan Russo, Edoardo Francini, Lorena Incorvaia, Mario Giuseppe Mirisola, Salvatore Vieni, Christian Rolfo, Viviana Bazan and Antonio Russo in Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology</p

    sj-docx-9-tam-10.1177_17588359221110162 – Supplemental material for The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-9-tam-10.1177_17588359221110162 for The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis by Antonio Galvano, Luisa Castellana, Valerio Gristina, Maria La Mantia, Lavinia Insalaco, Nadia Barraco, Alessandro Perez, Sofia Cutaia, Valentina Calò, Tancredi Didier Bazan Russo, Edoardo Francini, Lorena Incorvaia, Mario Giuseppe Mirisola, Salvatore Vieni, Christian Rolfo, Viviana Bazan and Antonio Russo in Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology</p

    sj-docx-7-tam-10.1177_17588359221110162 – Supplemental material for The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-7-tam-10.1177_17588359221110162 for The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis by Antonio Galvano, Luisa Castellana, Valerio Gristina, Maria La Mantia, Lavinia Insalaco, Nadia Barraco, Alessandro Perez, Sofia Cutaia, Valentina Calò, Tancredi Didier Bazan Russo, Edoardo Francini, Lorena Incorvaia, Mario Giuseppe Mirisola, Salvatore Vieni, Christian Rolfo, Viviana Bazan and Antonio Russo in Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology</p