121 research outputs found

    Cambios de estructuras de Gasto y de Consumo en el Cálculo del IPC

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    Mediante la definición de un efecto-precios y un efecto-consumo se trata de mostrar hasta que punto es técnicamente incorrecto tomar por equivalentes o semejantes las evoluciones temporales de las estructuras de gasto y de las estructuras de consumo, cuando se están produciendo variaciones en los precios relativos. Por el interés que tiene la aplicación del análisis al caso de las ponderaciones utilizadas en el cálculo de los índices de precios, se analizan los sucesivos cambios de base del ICV y del IPC desde 1936

    Invariant energy in short-term personality dynamics

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    Caselles, A.; Amigó, S.; Micó, JC. (2020). Invariant energy in short-term personality dynamics. 36-41. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/178203S364

    A proposal for quantum short time personality dynamics

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    Micó, JC.; Amigó, S.; Caselles, A. (2020). A proposal for quantum short time personality dynamics. 102-108. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/178215S10210

    Lorenzo Ferrer Figueras para mi

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    El autor como género: el cine "Almodovariano"

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    La expresión "cine de autor" se podría decir con ello que la acepción ha conseguido adentrarse incluso coloquialmente y sirve como clasificación a directores que crean una propia forma de hacer cine, y que se piensa menos comercial, aunque esto último es bastante discutible. El objetivo final de esta investigación es descubrir qué función cumplen tanto el concepto de "cine de autor" como este tipo de acepciones genéricas y su uso. Para ello se tomará como base uno de los conceptos, el relacionado a la obra de Pedro Almodóvar. Se estudiará su trayectoria y se analizarán sus obras con el fin de descubrir las características que engloba el concepto "Almodovariano" y la relevancia de su uso en la actualidad.Caselles Sáez, AJ. (2013). El autor como género: el cine "Almodovariano". Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/34885Archivo delegad

    Biology and personality: a mathematical approach to the body-mind problem

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    [EN] Purpose ¿ The purpose of this paper is to investigate the body-mind problem from a mathematical invariance principle in relation to personality dynamics in the psychological and the biological levels of description. Design/methodology/approach ¿ The relationship between the two mentioned levels of description is provided by two mathematical models as follows: the response model and the bridge model. The response model (an integro-differential equation) is capable to reproduce the personality dynamics as a consequence of a determined stimulus. The invariance principle asserts that the response model can reproduce personality dynamics at the two levels of description. The bridge model (a second-order partial differential equation) can be deduced as a consequence of this principle: it provides the co-evolution of the general factor of personality (GFP) (mind), the it is an immediate early gene (c-fos) and D3 dopamine receptor gene (DRD3) gens and the glutamate neurotransmitter (body). Findings ¿ An application case is presented by setting up two experimental designs: a previous pilot AB pseudo-experimental design (AB) pseudo-experimental design with one subject and a subsequent ABC experimental design (ABC) experimental design with another subject. The stimulus used is the stimulant drug methylphenidate. The response and bridge models are validated with the outcomes of these experiments. Originality/value ¿ The mathematical approach here presented is based on a holistic personality model developed in the past few years: the unique trait personality theory, which claims for a single personality trait to understand the overall human personality: the GFP. Keywords Integro-differential equation, Body-mind problem, Bridge model, General factor of personality, Response model, Second-order partial differential equation, c-fos, DRD3, Glutamate, Methylphenidate Paper type Research paperMicó, JC.; Amigó, S.; Caselles, A.; Romero, PD. (2021). Biology and personality: a mathematical approach to the body-mind problem. Kybernetes. 50(5):1566-1587. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-03-2020-0138S1566158750

    The general factor of personality : history of an interdisciplinary venture

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    The General Factor of Personality (GFP) is a new psychological approach of the study of the human personality that is based on the idea that, as in the case of General Intelligence, there is a personality super-factor that agglutinates and represents all the other aspects of personality. Therefore, it can be considered as a system of personality subsystems, or a global and integrated system of all the different components from the personality

    A Methodology for Modeling and Optimizing Social Systems

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    [EN] A system methodology for modeling and optimizing social systems is presented. It allows constructing dynamical models formulated stochastically, i.e., their results are given by confidence intervals. The models provide optimal intervention ways to reach the stated objectives. Two optimization methods are used: (1) to test strategies and scenarios and (2) to optimize with a genetic algorithm. The application case presented is a small nonformal education Spanish business. First, the model is validated in the 2008-2012 period, and subsequently, the optimal way to obtain a maximum profit in the 2013-2025 period is obtained using the two methods.Caselles, A.; Soler Fernández, D.; Sanz, MT.; Micó, JC. (2020). A Methodology for Modeling and Optimizing Social Systems. Cybernetics & Systems. 51(3):265-314. https://doi.org/10.1080/01969722.2019.1684042S265314513Caselles, A. 1993. System Decomposition and Coupling. Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal 24 (4):305–323. doi:10.1080/01969729308961712.CASELLES, A. (1994). IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SYSTEMS-BASED MODELS GENERATOR SIGEM. Cybernetics and Systems, 25(1), 81-103. doi:10.1080/01969729408902317Caselles, A., Soler, D., Sanz, M. T., & Micó, J. C. (2014). SIMULATING DEMOGRAPHY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT DYNAMICS. Cybernetics and Systems, 45(6), 465-485. doi:10.1080/01969722.2014.929347Djidjeli, K., Price, W. G., Temarel, P., & Twizell, E. H. (1998). Partially implicit schemes for the numerical solutions of some non-linear differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 96(2-3), 177-207. doi:10.1016/s0096-3003(97)10133-3Gutiérrez, M. M. and H. P. Leone. 2012. DE2M: An environment for developing distributed and executable enterprise models. Advances in Engineering Software 47:80–103. doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2011.12.002.SANZ, M. T., MICÓ, J. C., CASELLES, A., & SOLER, D. (2014). A Stochastic Model for Population and Well-Being Dynamics. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 38(2), 75-94. doi:10.1080/0022250x.2011.629064Sanz, M. T., Caselles, A., Micó, J. C., & Soler, D. (2016). Including an environmental quality index in a demographic model. International Journal of Global Warming, 9(3), 362. doi:10.1504/ijgw.2016.075448Shannon, R., & Johannes, J. D. (1976). Systems Simulation: The Art and Science. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC-6(10), 723-724. doi:10.1109/tsmc.1976.430943

    A genetic algorithm to calibrate dynamical systems : Confidence intervals for parameters and residuals

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    This paper presents a genetic algorithm to calibrate dynamical systems that is able to calculate confidence intervals for the parameters of the system. As an application case is used to calibrate the system that reproduces the dynamical response of the General Factor of Personality (GFP) to a given stimulus, particularly to a stimulant drug dose. The model is called in Literature as the response model and includes an integro-differential equation. The presented application case is a single case ABC experimental design where the stimulus is methylphenidate

    Learning to be a psychostimulants addict with self-regulation therapy

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    This article presents the results of a single-case experiment of alternative treatments in which a participant applied the Self-Regulation Therapy (SRT) to reproduce the effects of a stimulant drug, methylphenidate, and a sedative, alcohol. The SRT is a learning procedure based on classic conditioning and suggestion that reproduces the effect of drugs by remembering the effects they have. The participant reproduced the effects of both drugs during ten sessions held on 5 consecutive days. To record effects, adjective scales were used that measured Drug effect, High, Rush, Energy, Tension and the General Factor of Personality (GFP). The results indicated that the participant was capable of independently reproducing the effects of both the above-cited drugs, and that most of these effects were graphically represented as an inverted U-shape. This inverted U can be interpreted as a process in which effects of drugs become progressively more marked (sensitization) to become progressively less marked (tolerance). In this way, the inverted U represents the equivalent to a complete process of becoming addicted to a drug. The participant ?learnt to be an addict? without using drugs. The theoretical implications and therapeutic potential of this procedure are discussed