548 research outputs found

    Demand and routing models for urban goods movement simulation

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    This paper presents a macro-architecture for simulating goods movements in an urban area. Urban goods supply is analysed when the retailer is the decision-maker and chooses to supply his/her shop. Two components are considered: demand in terms of goods supply and vehicle routing with constraints to simulate goods movements. To analyse demand we consider a multi-step model, while to analyse goods movements a Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is formalized. We examine the distribution process for a VRPTW in which the optimum paths between all the customers are combined to determine the best vehicle trip chain. As regard optimum path search, a multipath approach is proposed that entails the generation of more than one path between two delivery points. Some procedures (traffic assignment, real time system measurement, reverse assignment) to estimate system performance are also proposed. Finally, heuristics to solve the proposed problem are reported and their results are compared with those exact

    Dynamic investigation on the Mirandola bell tower in post-earthquake scenarios

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    After the seismic events of the 20th and 29th of May 2012 in Emilia (Italy), most of the monumental and historic buildings of the area were severely damaged. In a few structures, partial collapse mechanisms were observed (e.g. façade tilting, out-of-plane overturning of panels…). This paper presents the case-study of the bell tower of the Santa Maria Maggiore cathedral, located in Mirandola (Italy). The dynamic response of the structure was evaluated through operational modal analysis using ambient vibrations, a consolidated non-destructive procedure that estimates the dynamic parameters of the bell-tower. The dynamic tests were carried out in pre-intervention and post-intervention conditions in order to understand the sensitivity of dynamic measurements to safety interventions. Furthermore, a comparative study is made with similar cases of undamaged masonry towers up to the 6th mode. Finally, an investigation on the state of connections and of the building itself is carried out via FE model updating

    Strategie di ottimizzazione tecnico-economiche di un aggregato di utenze attive e passive

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    In uno scenario di grossa diffusione di risorse energetiche distribuite di piccola taglia (DER "Distributed Energy Resources"), nasce l'esigenza di integrare tali risorse nelle operazioni di rete e nelle attività relative al mercato, operazioni queste attualmente non possibili viste le piccole taglie di tali unità. Per facilitare l'accesso di tali risorse energetiche distribuite nelle suddette attività si è cercato di trovare delle soluzioni che potessero permettere il soddisfacimento di tale obiettivo. La soluzione che si ritiene essere la più ovvia consiste nell'aggregare tali risorse all'interno di quelle che vengono denominate Virtual Power Plant (VPP), ossia centrali virtuali costituite da tali aggregati di risorse (generatori e carichi) che garantiscono rispetto alle vecchie centrali convenzionali una maggiore flessibilità dovuta alla presenza di un'ampia gamma di risorse energetiche di cui disporre. Il concetto di VPP darebbe visibilità alle risorse distribuite sia agli operatori di mercato che agli operatori di sistema. Tale aggregato di risorse verrebbe ad essere gestito da una figura nuova nello scenario elettrico, ossia la figura dell'aggregatore il quale permetterebbe l'accesso di tali risorse distribuite nelle operazioni di rete e nei mercati elettrici con l'obiettivo di massimizzare i profitti delle unità DER sotto il suo controllo. Nel lavoro di tesi sono stati presi in considerazione i principali progetti europei che hanno affrontato i suddetti problemi; in particolare sono stati presi in considerazione i progetti europei FENIX e ADDRESS

    Ugo Spirito: filosofo, giurista, economista e la recezione dell'attualismo a Trieste. Trieste 27-29 novembre 1995

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    Il volume è frutto del convegno organizzato in occasione del centenario della nascita del filosofo, economista, giurista Ugo Spirito e del cinquantesimo anniversario della costituzione della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Trieste, avvenuta nel 1945. I saggi, a carattere interdisciplinare, (giuridico, economico, filosofico, storiografico, pedagogico) rappresentano trattazioni analitiche dei diversi aspetti del pensiero di Spirito e delineano perciò la sua figura sotto più profili, non ultimo quello umano

    A rare presentation of gastric phytobezoar: Simultaneous bleeding and perforation. combined laparoscopic and endoscopic approach. Report of a case

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    Introduction: Bezoars are intraluminal conglomerates of indigestible foreign materials that accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. We describe our experience with a patient with gastric perforation and concomitant gastric haemorrhage with severe anaemia, in whom we successfully extracted a giant gastric phytobezoar by cooperative laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery. Case presentation: A 68-year-old man was admitted with melena and septic shock. CT scan revealed a gastric perforation. We performed a combined laparoscopic and endoscopic approach with gastrotomy, removal of the phytobezoar and laparoscopic gastric suture. The suture was examined for leakage with the endoscopic hydropneumatic test to obtain direct vision of the suture and no evidence of leakage by insufflation of the area. Discussion: Gastric bezoars can be managed conservatively, endoscopically or surgically. Endoscopic removal, if effective, would be an attractive alternative for bezoar treatment. Usually endoscopic attempts are unsuccessful because of the large size of the bezoar and the difficulty in fragmentation. The laparoscopic approach for bezoar seems to have better postoperative outcomes. The main criticisms of the technique are abdominal spillage with risk of contamination as well as longer operative times. Conclusion: In our case we simultaneously performed laparoscopic surgery and endoscopic operative procedure in accordance with the principles of laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery to treat the gastric bezoar in order to overcome the limits of a single technique

    Ultrafine Magnetite Nanopowder: Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Use as Filler of Polymethylmethacrylate Nanocomposites

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    Magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles prepared by microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis have been characterized in terms of morphological and structural features. Electron micrographs collected in both scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) modes and evaluations of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns have indicated the achievement of a monodispersed crystallite structure with particles having an average size around 15–20 nm. Structural investigations by Micro-Raman spectroscopy highlighted the obtainment of magnetite nanocrystals with a partial surface oxidation to maghemite (γ-Fe3O4). Preliminary attention has been also paid to the use of these magnetite nanoparticles as filler for a commercial polymethylmethacrylate resin. Hybrid formulations containing up to 3 wt% of nanoparticles were prepared by melt blending and characterized by calorimetric and thermogravimetric tests. For sake of comparison, same formulations containing commercial Fe3O4nanoparticles are also reported. Calorimetric characterization indicates an increase of both glass transition temperature and thermal stability of the nanocomposite systems when loaded with the synthesized magnetite nanoparticles rather then loaded with the same amount of commercial Fe3O4. This first observation represents just one aspect of the promising potentiality offered by the novel magnetic nanoparticles when mixed with PMMA

    A narrative review on the implementation of liquid biopsy as a diagnostic tool in thoracic tumors during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Objective: In this review, we evaluate the role of liquid biopsy in managing lung cancer patients during the still ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) healthcare emergency. Background: The novel influenza coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus or SARSCoV-2) has upended several aspects of our lives, including medical activities. In this setting, many routine cancer diagnostic and therapeutic procedures have been suspended, leading to delays in diagnosis, treatments, and, ultimately, increases in cancer mortality rates. Equally drastic has been the impact of COVID-19 on clinical trials, many of which have been stalled or have never begun. This has left many patients who were hoping to receive innovative treatments in a limbo. Although, as of today, the introduction of drastic security measures has been crucially important to contain the pandemic, one cannot ignore the need to continue providing chronically ill patients all the health care they need, in terms of detection, prevention, and treatment. In these unprecedented times, liquid biopsy, more than ever before, may play a relevant role in the adequate management of these frail patients. Methods: we performed a deep analysis of the recent international literature published in English on PUBMED in the last six months focused on the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the management of lung cancer patients, focusing the attention on the role of liquid biopsy. Conclusions: COVID-19 pandemic has significantly modified our lives and overall medical practice. In these unprecedented times, liquid biopsy may represent a valid and less time-consuming diagnostic approach than conventional tissue and cytological specimens

    Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Enteropathogenic Bacteria in Yellow-Legged Gulls (Larus michahellis) in Southern Italy.

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    Wild birds may host and spread pathogens, integrating the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Particularly, Larus spp. have been described as responsible for the spread of many enteric diseases, primarily because of their large populations at landfill sites. The aim of this study was to examine the role of yellow-legged gulls as a source of enteropathogenic bacteria such as Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Yersinia spp., with particular attention to antibiotic-resistant strains. Enteropathogenic bacteria were isolated from 93/225 yellow-legged gulls examined from April to July, during a four-year period (2016-2019). Specifically, Campylobacter spp. was isolated from 60/225 samples (26.7%), and identified as C. coli (36/60) and as C. jejuni (24/60). Salmonella spp. was isolated from 3/225 samples (1.3%), and identified as Salmonella arizonae. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli were isolated from 30/225 samples (13.3%) samples, and serotyped as E. coli O128 (12/30) O26 (9/30), O157 (6/30) and O11 (3/30); Yersinia spp. was never detected. Isolated strains exhibited multidrug resistance, including vitally important antibiotics for human medicine (i.e., fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines). Our study emphasizes the importance of yellow-legged gulls as potential reservoirs of pathogenic and resistant strains and their involvement in the dissemination of these bacteria across different environments, with resulting public health concerns