4 research outputs found

    Ostruzione polmonare ed aritmia respiratoria

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    Il monitoraggio di pazienti tramite segnali fotopletismografici (PhotoPlethysmoGram, PPG) acquisiti sul polso, arteria radiale, piuttosto che sulla punta dell’indice, permette di ottenere un segnale più stabile e con maggiori informazioni, come la gittata cardiaca, la durata della contrazione ventricolare e la chiusura dell’aorta. In questo lavoro è presentata un’attività preliminare per rilevare condizioni come l’ostruzione polmonare e le apnee notturne. Si è indagato l’andamento dell’aritmia respiratoria in relazione ad eventuali difficoltà respiratorie. Per il momento ci si è limitati ad osservare soggetti sani e l’ostruzione è stata simulata facendo respirare i soggetti attraverso una cannuccia

    One Time Surgery in Contemporary Diseases of the Abdominal Wall and Pelvis in the Elderly

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    Introduction: The diseases most frequently found in the elderly are E.I. (inguinal hernia)* and BPH. (Prostatic hypertrophy non-neoplastic)*. The latter causes an effect on the abdominal wall to the increase in abdominal pressure from cervical-urethral obstruction, leading to the onset of the inguinal hernia pathology due to abdominal pressure which is higher, the greater as the residual bladder urine. The purpose of the study is to provide information on the surgical strategy and on timing in the presence of the simultaneous two diseases.Material and Method: Patients observed and joint treated were divided into two subgroups A (patients without) and B (patients with prosthetic implantation), with a mean age of 74 years. These patients accounted for 23% of the cases handled by hernioplasty and 49% of treated cases of BPH. The surgical treatment performed for joint pathologies in the two groups was that of a Pfannestiel single super-pubic incision extending on the projection of the inguinal ligament. In a first stage is performed a prostatic adeno-myomectomy sec Frayer, and subsequently an hernioplasty (prosthetic and do not).Results: The complications (seroma, hematoma) represented 10.6% of group A patients. In group B patients’ complications attested to only 6% of cases, without a significant increase in complications or therapeutic failure, or a prolongation of hospital stay which was an average of 4 days and of 2 days in group A and B respectively. Early recurrent hernia, episodes that usually occur in the immediate postoperative period (prosthesis mobilization, throttling of the spermatic cord, etc.), we observe only 1% in group B, while present in 3% of patients in group A without affixing the prosthetic material. Finally the follow-up, implemented for a period of 24 -36 months to two groups, was sufficiently adequate for the purposes of a detection of possible late complications or relapses.Discussion: The affixing of the prosthesis thanks to the continuous evolution of materials and improved surgical technique favors the consolidation of early hernioplasty and the further reduction of the relapse rate. The simultaneous treatment of the two diseases in terms of satisfaction in patients treated has produced excellent results. Patients with only one operating session are not exposed to additional risks both anesthesia, and surgical, still burdened by complicationsConclusions: The treatment of joint diseases EI ((inguinal hernia) and BPH (prostatic hypertrophy non-neoplastic) meets a great liking to the patient, for the adoption of a single analgesia to allow the implementation of both interventions in same day. Anatomical incision detects any non-clinically significant hernias, or unmask.</p

    Variazione della pressione sistolica e diastolica con la respirazione

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    L’attività di ricerca in corso riguarda la possibilità di ricavare dati clinicamente significativi dai segnali ottici PPG (PhotoPletysmoGraphy). Il segnale PPG viene utilizzato per ricavare informazioni sul volume e sulla saturazione del sangue che interessa il distretto illuminato dalla luce IR (infrarosso) usata per l’analisi. Il volume di sangue contenuto nel segmento di arteria esaminato dipende dalla pressione e dal ciclo cardiaco, attraverso la rigidità dell’arteria

    Displacement across the Trecastagni Fault (Mt. Etna) and induced seismicity: the October 2009 to January 2010 episode

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    The Trecastagni Fault (TF) is a NNW-SSE tectonic structure inside Mt. Etna that is characterized by evident morphological scarps and normal and right-lateral type movements that directly affect roads and buildings. The TF has an important role in the instability that affects the south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna, and it represents part of the southern boundary of the unstable sector. Starting from 2005, the TF has been monitored using continuous wire extensometers and by carrying out periodic direct measurements across the northern and central sectors. From 2005 to September 2009, the measurements show that the TF has undergone continuous extension of about 2-3 mm/yr. During the October 2009 to January 2010 period, the creep rate of the TF reached up to 5.5 to 7.0 mm/yr, and this was accompanied by several shallow, low magnitude earthquakes that were felt by local people. This episode appears to be linked to the increase in the sliding velocity of the eastern flank that occurred during 2009.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;!--[if gte mso 9]&gt;&lt;xml&gt; &lt;w:WordDocument&gt; &lt;w:View&gt;Normal&lt;/w:View&gt; &lt;w:Zoom&gt;0&lt;/w:Zoom&gt; &lt;w:HyphenationZone&gt;14&lt;/w:HyphenationZone&gt; &lt;w:PunctuationKerning /&gt; &lt;w:ValidateAgainstSchemas /&gt; &lt;w:SaveIfXMLInvalid&gt;false&lt;/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid&gt; &lt;w:IgnoreMixedContent&gt;false&lt;/w:IgnoreMixedContent&gt; &lt;w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText&gt;false&lt;/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText&gt; &lt;w:Compatibility&gt; &lt;w:BreakWrappedTables /&gt; &lt;w:SnapToGridInCell /&gt; &lt;w:WrapTextWithPunct /&gt; &lt;w:UseAsianBreakRules /&gt; &lt;w:DontGrowAutofit /&gt; &lt;/w:Compatibility&gt; &lt;w:BrowserLevel&gt;MicrosoftInternetExplorer4&lt;/w:BrowserLevel&gt; &lt;/w:WordDocument&gt; &lt;/xml&gt;&lt;![endif]--&gt;&lt;!--[if gte mso 9]&gt;&lt;xml&gt; &lt;w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"&gt; &lt;/w:LatentStyles&gt; &lt;/xml&gt;&lt;![endif]--&gt;&lt;!--[if !mso]&gt;&lt;object classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui&gt;&lt;/object&gt; &lt;mce:style&gt;&lt;! st1:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } --&gt; &lt;!--[endif]--&gt;&lt;!--[if gte mso 10]&gt; &lt;mce:style&gt;&lt;! /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabella normale"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} --&gt; &lt;!--[endif]--&gt