51 research outputs found

    Computation of Hilbert class polynomials and modular polynomials from supersingular elliptic curves

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    We present several new heuristic algorithms to compute class polynomials and modular polynomials modulo a prime PP. For that, we revisit the idea of working with supersingular elliptic curves. The best known algorithms to this date are based on ordinary curves, due to the supposed inefficiency of the supersingular case. While this was true a decade ago, it is not anymore due to the recent advances in the study of supersingular curves. Our main ingredients are two new heuristic algorithms to compute the jj-invariants of supersingular curves having an endomorphism ring contained in some set of isomorphism class of maximal orders

    Verifiable random function from the Deuring correspondence and higher dimensional isogenies

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    In this paper, we introduce the family DeuringVRFy,z\mathsf{DeuringVRF}_{y,z} of Verifiable Random Function (VRF) protocols. Based on isogenies between supersingular curves, the random function at the heart of our scheme is the one that computes the codomain of an isogeny of big prime degree from its kernel. In DeuringVRFy,z\mathsf{DeuringVRF}_{y,z}, the evaluation is done with algorithms for the Deuring correspondence that make use of isogenies in dimension zz, and the verification is based on the isogeny representation obtained from isogenies in dimension yy. The main advantage of the DeuringVRFy,z\mathsf{DeuringVRF}_{y,z} family is its compactness, with proof sizes of a few hundred bytes, which is orders of magnitude smaller than other generic purpose post-quantum VRF constructions. We describe four variants of our scheme with (y,z)∈{(2,1),(2,2),(4,1),(4,2)}(y,z) \in \lbrace (2,1),(2,2),(4,1), (4,2) \rbrace each offering different tradeoffs between compactness, evaluation efficiency and verification efficiency. In the process, we introduce several new algorithms that might be of independent interest. In particular, for the variants with z=2z=2, we introduce the first algorithm to translate an ideal into the corresponding isogeny of dimension 11 using isogenies between abelian variety of dimension 22 as a tool. The main advantage of this new algorithm compared to existing solution is the relaxation of the constraints on the prime characteristic: our new algorithm can run efficiently with ``SIDH primes that are very easy to generate unlike ``SQIsign primes that are currently required by the state of the art appoach. We believe that this algorithm opens a promising research direction to speed-up other schemes based on the Deuring correspondence such as the SQIsign signature scheme

    An Effective Lower Bound on the Number of Orientable Supersingular Elliptic Curves

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    International audienceIn this article, we prove a generic lower bound on the number of O-orientable supersingular curves over F p 2 , i.e curves that admit an embedding of the quadratic order O inside their endomorphism ring. Prior to this work, the only known effective lower-bound is restricted to small discriminants. Our main result targets the case of fundamental discriminants and we derive a generic bound using the expansion properties of the supersingular isogeny graphs. Our work is motivated by isogeny-based cryptography and the increasing number of protocols based on O-oriented curves. In particular, our lower bound provides a complexity estimate for the brute-force attack against the new O-uber isogeny problem introduced by De Feo, Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Fouotsa, Kutas, Leroux, Petit, Silva and Wesolowski in their recent article on the SETA encryption scheme

    A New Isogeny Representation and Applications to Cryptography

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on isogeny representations, defined as ways to evaluate isogenies and verify membership to the language of isogenous supersingular curves (the set of triples D, E1, E2 with a cyclic isogeny of degree D between E1 and E2). The tasks of evaluating and verifying isogenies are fundamental for isogeny-based cryptography. Our main contribution is the design of the suborder representation, a new isogeny representation targetted at the case of (big) prime degree. The core of our new method is the revelation of endomorphisms of smooth norm inside a well-chosen suborder of the codomain's endomorphism ring. This new representation appears to be opening interesting prospects for isogeny-based cryptography under the hardness of a new computational problem: the SubOrder to Ideal Problem (SOIP). As an application, we introduce pSIDH, a new NIKE based on the suborder representation. Studying new assumption appears to be particularly crucial in the light of the recent attacks against isogeny-based cryptography. In order to manipulate efficiently the suborder representation, we develop several heuristic algorithmic tools to solve norm equations inside a new family of quaternion orders. These new algorithms may be of independent interest

    SCALLOP-HD: group action from 2-dimensional isogenies

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    We present SCALLOP-HD, a novel group action that builds upon the recent SCALLOP group action introduced by De Feo, Fouotsa, Kutas, Leroux, Merz, Panny and Wesolowski in 2023. While our group action uses the same action of the class group Cl(O)\textnormal{Cl}(\mathfrak{O}) on O\mathfrak{O}-oriented curves where O=Z[f−1]\mathfrak{O} = \mathbb{Z}[f\sqrt{-1}] for a large prime ff as SCALLOP, we introduce a different orientation representation: The new representation embeds an endomorphism generating O\mathfrak{O} in a 2e2^e-isogeny between abelian varieties of dimension 22 with Kani\u27s Lemma, and this representation comes with a simple algorithm to compute the class group action. Our new approach considerably simplifies the SCALLOP framework, potentially surpassing it in efficiency — a claim to be confirmed by implementation results. Additionally, our approach streamlines parameter selection. The new representation allows us to select efficiently a class group Cl(O)\textnormal{Cl}(\mathfrak{O}) of smooth order, enabling polynomial-time generation of the lattice of relation, hence enhancing scalability in contrast to SCALLOP. To instantiate our SCALLOP-HD group action, we introduce a new technique to apply Kani\u27s Lemma in dimension 2 with an isogeny diamond obtained from commuting endomorphisms. This method allows one to represent arbitrary endomorphisms with isogenies in dimension 2, and may be of independent interest

    Updatable Encryption from Group Actions

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    Updatable Encryption (UE) allows to rotate the encryption key in the outsourced storage setting while minimizing the bandwith used. The server can update ciphertexts to the new key using a token provided by the client. UE schemes should provide strong confidentiality guarantees against an adversary that can corrupt keys and tokens. This paper studies the problem of building UE in the group action framework. We introduce a new notion of Mappable Effective Group Action (MEGA) and show that we can build CCA secure UE from a MEGA by generalizing the SHINE construction of Boyd et al. at Crypto 2020. Unfortunately, we do not know how to instantiate this new construction in the post-quantum setting. Doing so would solve the open problem of building a CCA secure post-quantum UE scheme. Isogeny-based group actions are the most studied post-quantum group actions. Unfortunately, the resulting group actions are not mappable. We show that we can still build UE from isogenies by introducing a new algebraic structure called Effective Triple Orbital Group Action (ETOGA). We prove that UE can be built from an ETOGA and show how to instantiate this abstract structure from isogeny-based group actions. This new construction solves two open problems in ciphertext-independent post-quantum UE. First, this is the first post-quantum UE scheme that supports an unbounded number of updates. Second, our isogeny-based UE scheme is the first post-quantum UE scheme not based on lattices

    Computing Orientations from the Endomorphism Ring of Supersingular Curves and Applications

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    This work introduces several algorithms related to the computation of orientations in endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves. This problem boils down to representing integers by ternary quadratic forms, and it is at the heart of several results regarding the security of oriented-curves in isogeny-based cryptography. Our main contribution is to show that there exists efficient algorithms that can solve this problem for quadratic orders of discriminant nn up to O(p4/3)O(p^{4/3}). Our approach improves upon previous results by increasing this bound from O(p)O(p) to O(p4/3)O(p^{4/3}) and removing some heuristics. We introduce several variants of our new algorithm and provide a careful analysis of their asymptotic running time (without heuristic when it is possible). The best proven asymptotic complexity of one of our variant is O(n3/4/p)O(n^{3/4}/p) in average. The best heuristic variant has a complexity of O(p1/3)O(p^{1/3}) for big enough nn. We then introduce several results regarding the computation of ideals between oriented orders. The first application of this is a simplification of the known reduction from vectorization to computing the endomorphism ring, removing the assumption on the factorization of the discriminant. As a second application, we relate the problem of computing fixed-degree isogenies between supersingular curves to the problem of computing orientations in endomorphism rings, and we show that for a large range of degree dd, our new algorithms improve on the state-of-the-art, and in important special cases, the range of degree dd for which there exist a polynomial-time algorithm is increased. In the most special case we consider, when both curves are oriented by a small degree endomorphism, we show heuristically that our techniques allow the computation of isogenies of any degree, assuming they exist

    Communication-Efficient Proactive MPC for Dynamic Groups with Dishonest Majorities

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    International audienceSecure multiparty computation (MPC) has recently been increasingly adopted to secure cryptographic keys in enterprises, cloud infrastructure, and cryptocurrency and blockchain-related settings such as wallets and exchanges. Using MPC in blockchains and other distributed systems highlights the need to consider dynamic settings. In such dynamic settings, parties, and potentially even parameters of underlying secret sharing and corruption tolerance thresholds of sub-protocols, may change over the lifetime of the protocol. In particular, stronger threat models-in which mobile adversaries control a changing set of parties (up to t out of n involved parties at any instant), and may eventually corrupt all n parties over the course of a protocol's execution-are becoming increasingly important for such real world deployments; secure protocols designed for such models are known as Proactive MPC (PMPC). In this work, we construct the first efficient PMPC protocol for dynamic groups (where the set of parties changes over time) secure against a dishonest majority of parties. Our PMPC protocol only requires O(n 2) (amortized) communication per secret, compared to existing PMPC protocols that require O(n 4) and only consider static groups with dishonest majorities. At the core of our PMPC protocol is a new efficient technique to perform multiplication of secret shared data (shared using a bivariate scheme) with O(n √ n) communication with security against a dishonest majority without requiring pre-computation. We also develop a new efficient bivariate batched proactive secret sharing (PSS) protocol for dishonest majorities, which may be of independent interest. This protocol enables multiple dealers to contribute different secrets that are efficiently shared together in one batch; previous batched PSS schemes required all secrets to come from a single dealer
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