13 research outputs found

    Cosmological Dark Energy: Prospects for a Dynamical Theory

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    We present an approach to the problem of vacuum energy in cosmology, based on dynamical screening of Lambda on the horizon scale. We review first the physical basis of vacuum energy as a phenomenon connected with macroscopic boundary conditions, and the origin of the idea of its screening by particle creation and vacuum polarization effects. We discuss next the relevance of the quantum trace anomaly to this issue. The trace anomaly implies additional terms in the low energy effective theory of gravity, which amounts to a non-trivial modification of the classical Einstein theory, fully consistent with the Equivalence Principle. We show that the new dynamical degrees of freedom the anomaly contains provide a natural mechanism for relaxing Lambda to zero on cosmological scales. We consider possible signatures of the restoration of conformal invariance predicted by the fluctuations of these new scalar degrees of freedom on the spectrum and statistics of the CMB, in light of the latest bounds from WMAP. Finally we assess the prospects for a new cosmological model in which the dark energy adjusts itself dynamically to the cosmological horizon boundary, and therefore remains naturally of order H^2 at all times without fine tuning.Comment: 50 pages, Invited Contribution to New Journal of Physics Focus Issue on Dark Energ

    Quantum Diffeomorphisms and Conformal Symmetry

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    We analyze the constraints of general coordinate invariance for quantum theories possessing conformal symmetry in four dimensions. The character of these constraints simplifies enormously on the Einstein universe R×S3R \times S^3. The SO(4,2)SO(4,2) global conformal symmetry algebra of this space determines uniquely a finite shift in the Hamiltonian constraint from its classical value. In other words, the global Wheeler-De Witt equation is {\it modified} at the quantum level in a well-defined way in this case. We argue that the higher moments of T00T^{00} should not be imposed on the physical states {\it a priori} either, but only the weaker condition T˙00=0\langle \dot T^{00} \rangle = 0. We present an explicit example of the quantization and diffeomorphism constraints on R×S3R \times S^3 for a free conformal scalar field.Comment: PlainTeX File, 37 page

    Conformal Invariance and Cosmic Background Radiation

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    The spectrum and statistics of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) are investigated under the hypothesis that scale invariance of the primordial density fluctuations should be promoted to full conformal invariance. As in the theory of critical phenomena, this hypothesis leads in general to deviations from naive scaling. The spectral index of the two-point function of density fluctuations is given in terms of the quantum trace anomaly and is greater than one, leading to less power at large distance scales than a strict Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum. Conformal invariance also implies non-gaussian statistics for the higher point correlations and in particular, it completely determines the large angular dependence of the three-point correlations of the CMBR.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex file, uuencoded with one figur

    On Infrared Effects in de~Sitter Background

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    We have estimated higher order quantum gravity corrections to de~Sitter spacetime. Our results suggest that, while the classical spacetime metric may be distorted by the graviton self-interactions, the corrections are relatively weaker than previously thought, possibly growing like a power rather than exponentially in time.Comment: 17, UM-TH-94-11, (1 postscript fig. at end

    Conformal Invariance, Dark Energy, and CMB Non-Gaussianity

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    In addition to simple scale invariance, a universe dominated by dark energy naturally gives rise to correlation functions possessing full conformal invariance. This is due to the mathematical isomorphism between the conformal group of certain 3 dimensional slices of de Sitter space and the de Sitter isometry group SO(4,1). In the standard homogeneous isotropic cosmological model in which primordial density perturbations are generated during a long vacuum energy dominated de Sitter phase, the embedding of flat spatial sections in de Sitter space induces a conformal invariant perturbation spectrum and definite prediction for the shape of the non-Gaussian CMB bispectrum. In the case in which the density fluctuations are generated instead on the de Sitter horizon, conformal invariance of the horizon embedding implies a different but also quite definite prediction for the angular correlations of CMB non-Gaussianity on the sky. Each of these forms for the bispectrum is intrinsic to the symmetries of de Sitter space and in that sense, independent of specific model assumptions. Each is different from the predictions of single field slow roll inflation models which rely on the breaking of de Sitter invariance. We propose a quantum origin for the CMB fluctuations in the scalar gravitational sector from the conformal anomaly that could give rise to these non-Gaussianities without a slow roll inflaton field, and argue that conformal invariance also leads to the expectation for the relation n_S-1=n_T between the spectral indices of the scalar and tensor power spectrum. Confirmation of this prediction or detection of non-Gaussian correlations in the CMB of one of the bispectral shape functions predicted by conformal invariance can be used both to establish the physical origins of primordial density fluctuations and distinguish between different dynamical models of cosmological vacuum dark energy.Comment: 73 pages, 9 figures. Final Version published in JCAP. New Section 4 added on linearized scalar gravitational potentials; New Section 8 added on gravitational wave tensor perturbations and relation of spectral indices n_T = n_S -1; Table of Contents added; Eqs. (3.14) and (3.15) added to clarify relationship of bispectrum plotted to CMB measurements; Some other minor modification

    Weyl Cohomology and the Effective Action for Conformal Anomalies

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    We present a general method of deriving the effective action for conformal anomalies in any even dimension, which satisfies the Wess-Zumino consistency condition by construction. The method relies on defining the coboundary operator of the local Weyl group, and giving a cohomological interpretation to counterterms in the effective action in dimensional regularization with respect to this group. Non-trivial cocycles of the Weyl group arise from local functionals that are Weyl invariant in and only in the physical even integer dimension. In the physical dimension the non-trivial cocycles generate covariant non-local action functionals characterized by sensitivity to global Weyl rescalings. The non-local action so obtained is unique up to the addition of trivial cocycles and Weyl invariant terms, both of which are insensitive to global Weyl rescalings. These distinct behaviors under rigid dilations can be used to distinguish between infrared relevant and irrelevant operators in a generally covariant manner. Variation of the d=4d=4 non-local effective action yields two new conserved geometric stress tensors with local traces. The method may be extended to any even dimension by making use of the general construction of conformal invariants given by Fefferman and Graham. As a corollary, conformal field theory behavior of correlators at the asymptotic infinity of either anti-de Sitter or de Sitter spacetimes follows, i.e. AdSd+1_{d+1} or deSd+1_{d+1}/CFTd_d correspondence. The same construction naturally selects all infrared relevant terms (and only those terms) in the low energy effective action of gravity in any even integer dimension. The infrared relevant terms arising from the known anomalies in d=4 imply that the classical Einstein theory is modified at large distances.Comment: 32 pages. LateX file. LateX twic

    Attractor states and infrared scaling in de Sitter space

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    The renormalized expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor for a scalar field with any mass m and curvature coupling xi is studied for an arbitrary homogeneous and isotropic physical initial state in de Sitter spacetime. We prove quite generally that has a fixed point attractor behavior at late times, which depends only on m and xi, for any fourth order adiabatic state that is infrared finite. Specifically, when m^2 + xi R > 0, approaches the Bunch-Davies de Sitter invariant value at late times, independently of the initial state. When m = xi = 0, it approaches instead the de Sitter invariant Allen-Folacci value. When m = 0 and xi \ge 0 we show that this state independent asymptotic value of the energy-momentum tensor is proportional to the conserved geometrical tensor (3)H_{ab}, which is related to the behavior of the quantum effective action of the scalar field under global Weyl rescaling. This relationship serves to generalize the definition of the trace anomaly in the infrared for massless, non-conformal fields. In the case m^2 + xi R = 0, but m and xi separately different from zero, grows linearly with cosmic time at late times. For most values of m and xi in the tachyonic cases, m^2 + xi R grows exponentially at late cosmic times for all physically admissable initial states.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, 46 kB tar.gz fil

    Characteristic angular scales in cosmic microwave background radiation

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    We investigate the stochasticity in temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. We show that the angular fluctuation of the temperature is a Markov process with a Markov angular scale, ΘMarkov = 1.01-0.07+0.09. We characterize the complexity of the CMB fluctuations by means of a Fokker–Planck or Langevin equation and measure the associated Kramers–Moyal coefficients for the fluctuating temperature field T(\hat n) and its increment, \Delta T=T(\hat n_1)-T(\hat n_2) . Through this method we show that temperature fluctuations in the CMB have fat tails compared to a Gaussian distribution