35 research outputs found

    Trophectoderm mechanics direct epiblast shape upon embryo implantation

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    Implantation is a hallmark of mammalian embryogenesis during which embryos establish their contacts with the maternal endometrium, remodel, and undertake growth and differentiation. The mechanisms and sequence of events through which embryos change their shape during this transition are largely unexplored. Here, we show that the first extraembryonic lineage, the polar trophectoderm, is the key regulator for remodeling the embryonic epiblast. Loss of its function after immuno-surgery or inhibitor treatments prevents the epiblast shape transitions. In the mouse, the polar trophectoderm exerts physical force upon the epiblast, causing it to transform from an oval into a cup shape. In human embryos, the polar trophectoderm behaves in the opposite manner, exerting a stretching force. By mimicking this stretching behavior in mouse embryogenesis, we could direct the epiblast to adopt the disc-like shape characteristic of human embryos at this stage. Thus, the polar trophectoderm acts as a conserved regulator of epiblast shape

    Morphogenesis of extra-embryonic tissues directs the remodelling of the mouse embryo at implantation

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    Abstract: Mammalian embryos change shape dramatically upon implantation. The cellular and molecular mechanism underlying this transition are largely unknown. Here, we show that this transition is directed by cross talk between the embryonic epiblast and the first extra-embryonic tissue, the trophectoderm. Specifically, we show via visualisation of a Cdx2-GFP reporter line and pharmacologically mediated loss and gain of function experiments that the epiblast provides FGF signal that results in differential fate acquisition in the multipotent trophectoderm leading to the formation of a tissue boundary within this tissue. The trophectoderm boundary becomes essential for expansion of the tissue into a multi-layered epithelium. Folding of this multi-layered trophectoderm induces spreading of the second extra-embryonic tissue, the primitive endoderm. Together, these events remodel the pre-implantation embryo into its post-implantation cylindrical shape. Our findings uncover how communication between embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues provides positional cues to drive shape changes in mammalian development during implantation

    Sequential formation and resolution of multiple rosettes drive embryo remodelling after implantation

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    The morphogenetic remodelling of embryo architecture after implantation culminates in pro-amniotic cavity formation. Despite its key importance, how this transformation occurs remains unknown. Here, we apply high-resolution imaging of embryos developing in vivo and in vitro, spatial RNA sequencing and 3D trophoblast stem cell models to determine the sequence and mechanisms of these remodelling events. We show that cavitation of the embryonic tissue is followed by folding of extra-embryonic tissue to mediate the formation of a second extra-embryonic cavity. Concomitantly, at the boundary between embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues, a hybrid 3D rosette forms. Resolution of this rosette enables the embryonic cavity to invade the extra-embryonic tissue. Subsequently, β1-integrin signalling mediates the formation of multiple extra-embryonic 3D rosettes. Podocalyxin exocytosis leads to their polarized resolution, permitting the extension of embryonic and extra-embryonic cavities and their fusion into a unified pro-amniotic cavity. These morphogenetic transformations of embryogenesis reveal a previously unappreciated mechanism for lumen expansion and fusion

    Integrin-Mediated Focal Anchorage Drives Epithelial Zippering during Mouse Neural Tube Closure.

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    Epithelial fusion is a key process of morphogenesis by which tissue connectivity is established between adjacent epithelial sheets. A striking and poorly understood feature of this process is "zippering," whereby a fusion point moves directionally along an organ rudiment. Here, we uncover the molecular mechanism underlying zippering during mouse spinal neural tube closure. Fusion is initiated via local activation of integrin β1 and focal anchorage of surface ectoderm cells to a shared point of fibronectin-rich basement membrane, where the neural folds first contact each other. Surface ectoderm cells undergo proximal junction shortening, establishing a transitory semi-rosette-like structure at the zippering point that promotes juxtaposition of cells across the midline enabling fusion propagation. Tissue-specific ablation of integrin β1 abolishes the semi-rosette formation, preventing zippering and causing spina bifida. We propose integrin-mediated anchorage as an evolutionarily conserved mechanism of general relevance for zippering closure of epithelial gaps whose disturbance can produce clinically important birth defects

    A single cell characterisation of human embryogenesis identifies pluripotency transitions and putative anterior hypoblast centre.

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    Following implantation, the human embryo undergoes major morphogenetic transformations that establish the future body plan. While the molecular events underpinning this process are established in mice, they remain unknown in humans. Here we characterise key events of human embryo morphogenesis, in the period between implantation and gastrulation, using single-cell analyses and functional studies. First, the embryonic epiblast cells transition through different pluripotent states and act as a source of FGF signals that ensure proliferation of both embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues. In a subset of embryos, we identify a group of asymmetrically positioned extra-embryonic hypoblast cells expressing inhibitors of BMP, NODAL and WNT signalling pathways. We suggest that this group of cells can act as the anterior singalling centre to pattern the epiblast. These results provide insights into pluripotency state transitions, the role of FGF signalling and the specification of anterior-posterior axis during human embryo development

    Sequential formation and resolution of multiple rosettes drive embryo remodelling after implantation

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    The morphogenetic remodelling of embryo architecture after implantation culminates in pro-amniotic cavity formation. Despite its key importance, how this transformation occurs remains unknown. Here, we apply high-resolution imaging of embryos developing in vivo and in vitro, spatial RNA sequencing and 3D trophoblast stem cell models to determine the sequence and mechanisms of these remodelling events. We show that cavitation of the embryonic tissue is followed by folding of extra-embryonic tissue to mediate the formation of a second extra-embryonic cavity. Concomitantly, at the boundary between embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues, a hybrid 3D rosette forms. Resolution of this rosette enables the embryonic cavity to invade the extra-embryonic tissue. Subsequently, β1-integrin signalling mediates the formation of multiple extra-embryonic 3D rosettes. Podocalyxin exocytosis leads to their polarized resolution, permitting the extension of embryonic and extra-embryonic cavities and their fusion into a unified pro-amniotic cavity. These morphogenetic transformations of embryogenesis reveal a previously unappreciated mechanism for lumen expansion and fusionThe M.Z.G lab is supported by grants from the European Research Council (669198) and the Welcome Trust (098287/Z/12/Z) and the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (ImageInLife,721537). C.K is supported by BBSRC Doctoral training studentship