503 research outputs found

    Undeclared animal species in dry and wet novel and hydrolyzed protein diets for dogs and cats detected by microarray analysis

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    Abstract Background Although the European Pet Food Industry Federation (FEDIAF) stated that labels must be accurate and provide detailed information on the ingredients, mislabeling of pet food has been documented by several authors. This phenomenon is of particular concern when related to products used as elimination diets for the diagnosis of adverse food reaction (AFR) in dogs and cats because the presence of undeclared ingredients may negatively interfere with the trial and prevent the veterinarian from making an appropriate diagnosis. The aim of this study was to shed light upon the problem of contamination and mislabeling in both dry and wet novel protein diets (NPDs) and hydrolyzed protein diets (HPDs) using a microarray-based commercial kit which tests for the presence of 19 animal species. Results Of the 40 analyzed products (9 dry NPDs, 22 wet NPDs, 6 dry HPDs and 3 wet HPDs), ten presented a content that correctly matched the label, while five did not contain the declared animal species, twenty-three revealed the presence of undeclared animal species, and two had a vague label that did not allow the evaluation of its accuracy. The most frequently contaminants identified in both dry and wet pet foods were pork, chicken and turkey. The presence of undeclared animal species was higher in dry than wet pet foods; furthermore, a lower number of contaminating animal species was identified in HPDs than NPDs (4 vs 10), and a lower number of contaminated HPDs (6 out of 9, 67%) than contaminated NPDs was detected (24 out of 31, 77%). Thirteen out of 14 brands tested presented at least one mislabeled product. Conclusions Mislabeling seems to be a widespread issue in pet foods used as elimination diets. Contamination can occur in all types of products used for the purpose, although dry NPDs are the main issue. Due to the high risk of contamination, particular attention should be given to both the selection of raw material suppliers and the production process

    Dolphins Stranded along the Tuscan Coastline (Central Italy) of the “Pelagos Sanctuary”: A Parasitological Investigation

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    Parasite monitoring is considered a necessary step for cetacean management and conservation. Between February 2013 and July 2015, 26 dolphins (15 Stenella coeruleoalba, 10 Tursiops truncatus, and one Grampus griseus) stranded along the Tuscan coastline of the protected marine area “Pelagos Sanctuary”, were examined. Organs, tissues, and faecal and blood samples taken from all animals were analysed by parasitological, immunological, and molecular techniques. Twenty-one out of 26 dolphins (80.77%) tested positive for at least one parasite species, and 13/15 (86.7%) S. coeruleoalba, 7/10 (70%) T. truncatus, and the single G. griseus were found positive. Identified parasites included the nematodes Skrjabinalius guevarai (7.69%, 2/26), Halocercus lagenorhynchi (3.85%, 1/26), Halocercus delphini (7.69%, 2/26), Stenurus ovatus (7.69%, 2/26), Crassicauda spp. (7.69%, 2/26); the trematodes Pholeter gastrophilus (26.92%, 7/26), Campula palliata (3.85%, 1/26); the cestodes Phyllobothrium delphini (42.31%, 11/26), Monorygma grimaldii (23.08%, 6/26), Tetrabothrium forsteri (7.69%, 2/26), Strobilocephalus triangularis (7.69%, 2/26), and the acanthocephalan Bolbosoma vasculosum (7.69%, 2/26). Moreover, 6/26 (23%) animals scored positive to Toxoplasma gondii at serology, but PCR confirmed the infection (T. gondii Type II genotype) in a single animal. In examined dolphins, obtained results showed a high prevalence of endoparasites, which included species considered as a cause of severe debilitation or deat

    Isolation of Escherichia coli O157 in pigs at slaughter in Northern Italy

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    A study of VTEC 0157 intestinal carriage was performed in pigs at slaughter, carrying out surveys respectively in the Veneto and the Lombardia regions of Italy within a common research project. The study was conducted for 15 months, starting in June 2002. As a minimum, a sample size of 300 samples was defined for each survey, assuming an expected prevalence of 1%, C.l. 95%, accuracy 5% One gram samples of Intestinal content from the distal gut were tested for E. coli O157 using an isolation method based on immunomagnetic separation. In the survey performed in the Veneto region, all the 397 samples collected from pigs of 132 farms tested negative for VTEC O157, but one E. coli O157 harbouring the eae gene only was isolated. In the survey performed in the Lombardia region, VTEC 0157 was detected in 3 (0.63%, 95% C I 0.12- 1.81) of the 480 sampled p1gs from 3 (2.80%, 95% C.l. 0.58- 7.97) of the 107 farms of origin. Therefore in the study a total of 877 pigs were tested in 15 slaughters of two regions, with a prevalence of 0.34% 95% C.l. 0.07- 0 99) of positive pigs from 1.26% (95% C. I. 0.25- 3.62) of the herds. In one of the positive farms also cattle were reared with pigs, even if housed separately, and in a follow-up investigation VTEC 0157 strains sharing more than 96% homology with the pig strain were found in cattle

    Salmonella monitoring in pigs in the Veneto Region of Italy: results of three monitoring campaigns from 2002 to 2006

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    From 2002 to 2006 three monitonng campa1gns have been performed in the Veneto Region of Italy to define the prevalence of Salmonella in p1gs slaughtered in this area. The monitoring scheme applied allowed to assess the prevalence for Salmonella, and was adjusted after each year of application in order to detect defined variations in prevalence, with a reduced number of samples. In the first (2002-2003) monitoring campaign the sample size (384 slaughtered batches) was assessed on the basis of the following criteria: expected prevalence = 50%; accuracy = 5% and confidence 1nterval = 95%. Samples were stratified according to the capacity of each slaughterhouse, and equally distributed in a 12 months period. One animal was sampled for each batch, collecting 25 grams of caecal content

    Foodborne pathogens monitoring in pigs in the Veneto region of Italy

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    At the European level the control of foodborne diseases is defined by the new zoonoses legislation (Directive 2003/99/CE and Regulation (CE) 2160/2003), which points out the necessity to establish surveillance programmes for zoonotic agents in animal populations. From 2002 to 2004 baseline studies have been performed in the Veneto Region of Italy to define the prevalence of Salmonella, Campylobacter, antimicrobial resistance indicators in the most important animal species farmed and slaughtered in this area. The monitoring scheme applied allowed to precisely assess the prevalence for different pathogens and animal species, and was adjusted after the first year of application in order to detect defined variations in prevalence, with a reduced number of samples. In this paper authors will describe methods and results of the monitoring scheme applied in pigs at slaughter

    Evaluation of the use of serological and bacteriological investigation for monitoring and controlling Salmonella in Italian pig herds

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    At the European level the control of foodborne diseases is defined by the new zoonoses legislation (Directive 20031991EC and Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003), which points out the necessity to establish surveillance programmes for zoonotic agents in animal populations. Recently Commission Decision 2006/6681EC concerning a baseline study on the prevalence of Salmonella in slaughter pigs has been published. Many different strategies have been developed and applied by EU Member States in order to Implement momtoring and/or control programmes for Salmonella in pigs; these strategies are mamly based on bacteriological analysis (performed on caecal content, ileo caecal lymph nodes or carcass swabs collected at slaughterhouse) and/or on serological analysis (mainly performed on meat juice obtained from diaphragm muscle)

    Possible Influence of Natural Events on Heavy Metals Exposure from Shellfish Consumption: A Case Study in the North-East of Italy

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    The objective of this study was the estimation of the exposure over time to heavy metals (cadmium, mercury and lead) due to shellfish consumption in the Veneto Region, Italy. Shellfish consumption was investigated by a food frequency consumption survey. Altogether, 1949 households, stratified into the five most populated areas of the Veneto Region, were involved in the study. Exposure estimation to heavy metals was carried out taking into account the level of metal measured in samples of Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) and grooved carpetshell (Ruditapes decussatus), collected in the frame of the monitoring activities of mollusk production areas of Veneto Region, between January 2007 and December 2012. A general high contribution of the considered shellfish to the Tolerable Weekly Intake (TWI) was noticed in the case of cadmium, especially in 2011, when a considerable increase in cadmium intake was estimated. This was probably due to a heavy rainfall event that triggered catastrophic flooding with high impact on shellfish capture areas in November 2010. The results strongly emphasise the importance of dealing with food safety in a holistic way, taking into account the potential impact of extraordinary natural events on food chain contamination, in order to identify food hazards at an early stage, before developing into a real risk for consumers

    Comparison of DNA extraction methods to detect Salmonella spp. from pig faeces and pork

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    The quality of DNA extract significantly influences the outcome of PCR-based detection methods. Performances of four different DNA extraction methods were evaluated for their ability to recover Salmonella DNA from artificially contaminated specimens. Swine faecal and pork samples were spiked with known concentration of Salmonella Typhimurium, DNA was then extracted by each of the methods considered and finally tested by a commercial Salmonella Real Time kit

    In vitro evaluation of live attenuated vaccines against Salmonella enteritidis: humoral immune response

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    Salmonella enteritidis (SE) vaccination is one of the major tool to reduce the infection in commercial poultry. In this work, techniques, evaluating the presence of Ig-G and Ig-A in serum, tears and intestinal secretions, were studied to improve the knowledge of the humoral immune response following SE live attenuated vaccination. The Ig-G and Ig-A ELISA are important and easy tests to plan and optimize SE vaccination programs