909 research outputs found

    Industrial engineering in Spain, the challenge of a new liberal profession in the nineteenth century

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    Industrial engineering was established in Spain in 1850. Despite the initial difficulties, the profession found its role in the process of the industrialization of Spain. The industrial engineers were the first free professionals in the world of engineerin g, given that there was not a State Corps linked to them. In this sense, there are some similarities between the Spanish industrial engineers and the French Centraliens . Moreover, the educational system developed in Spain in the nineteenth century gave lit tle autonomy to the engineering schools, and this was a major difference from the French onesPostprint (published version

    Robert Fox y Agustí Nieto Galán (eds.), Natural Dyestuffs and Industrial Culture in Europe, 1750-1880

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    La física a Barcelona en el primer terç del segle XX

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    La física a Catalunya a primers de segle amb una referència especial a la gran figura d'Esteve Terrada

    Voltage noise analysis with ring oscillator clocks

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    Voltage noise is the main source of dynamic variability in integrated circuits and a major concern for the design of Power Delivery Networks (PDNs). Ring Oscillators Clocks (ROCs) have been proposed as an alternative to mitigate the negative effects of voltage noise as technology scales down and power density increases. However, their effectiveness highly depends on the design parameters of the PDN, power consumption patterns of the system and spatial locality of the ROCs within the clock domains. This paper analyzes the impact of the PDN parameters and ROC location on the robustness to voltage noise. The capability of reacting instantaneously to unpredictable voltage droops makes ROCs an attractive solution, which allows to reduce the amount of decoupling capacitance without downgrading performance. Tolerance to voltage noise and related benefits can be increased by using multiple ROCs and reducing the size of the clock domains. The analysis shows that up to 83% of the margins for voltage noise and up to 27% of the leakage power can be reduced by using local ROCs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Narcís Monturiol i la seva "Idea General del universo" (1874)

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    En els darrers anys de la seva vida, Narcís Monturiol actuà com a dirigent republicà, no solament participant en la formació de noves organitzacions, sinó també en la tasca de difondre una ideologia progressista. En la conferència que analitzem en aquest article, Monturiol oferí la perspectiva de què es disposava a la seva època sobre la constitució de l’Univers. Com ell mateix va dir, es tractava de fer veure que la ciència era una de les principals eines de transformació social


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    La Guerra Civil i la immediata postguerra a Guissona, a les actes dels plens municipals (1936-1949)

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    El govern municipal de Guissona - com a tots els indrets de Catalunya- es veiés profundament trasbalsat pel fet de la guerra civil 1936-1939. Les Sessions dels Plens Municipals es convertiren progressivament en contínues lluites partidistes i ideològiques i fins i tot en aferrissats enfrontaments personals que paralitzaren gairebé tota l'activitat pròpia del Consistori