8 research outputs found

    Rizični čimbenici povezani s nastankom crnih obojenja na zubima

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    The aim of the study was to show whether there is any influence of food, drink or drug intake on the formation of tooth discoloration. A total of 500 patients aged 15-25 years were examined to take part in the study. Of these, 60 patients were selected and divided into two groups of 30 patients each. Group 1 included patients with blackpigmentation on vestibular/oral tooth surfaces. Group 2 included patients without discoloration (control). Data were recorded in a questionnaire. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine elements in discoloration samples. The Caries Risk Test (CRT) buffer was used to assess buffer capacity of saliva, while CRT bacteria were used to determine the presence of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillusspp. Statistically significant betweengroup differences were found for the intake of collard greens and beets (p<0.05), but not for other vegetables. As for drink consumption, patients with pigmentation reported less wine intake (p<0.05) than those without pigmentation. There was no diff erence according to drug intake between patients with and without pigmentation. Patients with pigmentation were older, smoked and had lower saliva pH with lower presence of Streptococcus mutansthan those without pigmentation (p<0.05). In tooth discoloration samples, there were traces of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc. The appearance of tooth discoloration is influenced by many factors, among which diet and saliva seem to be very important. Our study showed that patients with black pigmentation used to take more beets, while patients without pigmentation were taking more collard greens and red wine.Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je dokazati postoji li utjecaj konzumacije hrane, pića ili lijekova na nastanak i pojavnost crnihobojenja na zubima. Ukupno 500 pacijenata u dobi od 15-25 godina pregledano je i uključeno u ovu studiju. Od ukupnog broja, 60 pacijenata je odabrano i podijeljeno u dvije skupine od 30 pacijenata. Skupina 1. je uključivala pacijente s crnim obojenjima na vestibularnim/oralnim plohama zuba. Skupina 2. je uključivala pacijente bez crnih obojenja (kontrola). Podaci su prikupljeni koriÅ”tenjem posebno pripremljenog upitnika. Atomska apsorpcijska spektroskopija je primijenjena za odre-đivanje elemenata koji uzrokuju i nalaze se u sastavu crnih obojenja zubi. Test rizika karijesa (CRT) koriÅ”ten je za određivanje puferskog kapaciteta sline, dok je CRT test bakterija koriÅ”ten za određivanje prisutnosti bakterija Streptococcus mutansi Lactobacillusspp. u slini. Statistički značajna razlika između skupina utvrđena je za kelj i ciklu (p<0,05), no ne i za ostalo povrće. Å to se tiče konzumacije pića, pacijenti s crnim obojenjima na zubima su pili manje vina (p<0,05) u odnosu na pacijente bez obojenja. Nije zabilježena razlika u konzumaciji lijekova između pacijenata s crnim obojenjima i bez njih. Pacijenti s obojenjima su bili stariji, puÅ”ili su i imali su niži pH sline te nižu razinu bakterije Streptococcus mutansnego oni bez obojenja (p<0,05). U diskoloriranim uzorcima pronađeni su tragovi kalcija, magnezija, željeza, bakra i cinka. Na nastanak obojenja zuba utječe niz čimbenika, među kojima se prehrana i slina smatraju jednim od važnijih. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da pacijenti s crnim obojenjima na zubima konzumiraju viÅ”e cikle, dok pacijenti bez obojenja konzumiraju viÅ”e kelja i crnog vina

    A Comparative EPR Study of Non-Substituted and Mg- Substituted Hydroxyapatite Behaviour in Model Media and during Accelerated Ageing

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    To assess the application potential of novel biomaterials, their behaviour in model media and upon sterilization should be investigated, as well as the stability related to their storage conditions. Such data are lacking for Mg- substituted HAP (Mg-HAP). Therefore, the changes in the local structure of non-substituted and Mg- HAP after irradiation and immersion in corrected simulated fluid and saline solution for 28 days were followed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for the first time. To better understand the stability of radical species induced by sterilization, EPR spectra of samples kept for 2 h at temperatures up to 373 K were recorded to provide an insight into the stability of the sample storage conditions by the accelerated aging method. Samples were characterized by PXRD, FTIR, SEM, EDS, AAS and TGA. Results confirmed that irradiation does not induce changes in the composition or the structure of any of the investigated materials. Fading or the complete disappearance of radical signals in the EPR spectra after immersion in both media was accompanied by the disappearance of other phases formed as a minor byproduct in the synthesis of substituted HAP, as confirmed by PXRD and FTIR analysis. Obtained results confirm the great potential of Mg-HAPs for biomedical applications, although closer attention should be given to the processes related to sample storage stability at different temperatures

    Search for the spiritual identity in adolescence

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    HTF - Katedra religionistikyHussite Theological FacultyHusitskĆ” teologickĆ” fakult