9,476 research outputs found

    Carbonation of borehole seals: comparing evidence from short-term laboratory experiments and long-term natural analogues

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    It is crucial that the engineered seals of boreholes in the vicinity of a deep storage facility remain effective for considerable timescales if the long-term geological containment of stored CO2 is to be effective. These timescales extend beyond those achievable by laboratory experiments or industrial experience. Study of the carbonation of natural Ca silicate hydrate (CSH) phases provides a useful insight into the alteration processes and evolution of cement phases over long-timescales more comparable with those considered in performance assessments. Samples from two such natural analogues in Northern Ireland have been compared with samples from laboratory experiments on the carbonation of Portland cement. Samples showed similar carbonation reaction processes even though the natural and experimental samples underwent carbonation under very different conditions and timescales. These included conversion of the CSH phases to CaCO3 and SiO2, and the formation of a well-defined reaction front. In laboratory experiments the reaction front is associated with localised Ca migration, localised matrix porosity increase, and localised shrinkage of the cement matrix with concomitant cracking. Behind the reaction front is a zone of CaCO3 precipitation that partly seals porosity. A broader and more porous/permeable reaction zone was created in the laboratory experiments compared to the natural samples, and it is possible that short-term experiments might not fully replicate slower, longer-term processes. That the natural samples had only undergone limited carbonation, even though they had been exposed to atmospheric CO2 or dissolved in groundwater for several thousands of years, may indicate that the limited amounts of carbonate mineral formation may have protected the CSH phases from further reaction

    The Dynamic Relationship Between Money Supply and Economic Growth

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    This study analyzes the influence of the financial sector to economic growth in Indonesia. The variables used are the countrys financial sectors which are narrow money (M1), broad money (M2) and money the broadest money (M3), with an interest rate as a control variable. Economic growth is represented by Gross Domestic Product and producer price index. The analysis is performed using an Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL). The stability test is conducted using CUSUM test to see the changes in the structure and the effect of disruption to financial sector development relationship of economic growth. ARDL analysis results indicate that the development of the financial sector has a significant relationship with the countrys economic growth. CUSUM analysis results suggest that the relationship of financial sector development-economic growth is stable against changes in economic structure

    Perlindungan Terhadap Anak Yang Melakukan Kejahatan

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    Children in principle is a picture of the future of a nation, on the shoulders of black and white they are an expectation, therefore it is appropriate that they should be protected as much as possible. Protection may include not only protection to children in general, as well as special protection should be given to children who commit crimes, because of the hope and future of a sprawling before them.ملخص: الأطفال في المبدأ هو صورة للمستقبل أمة، على أكتاف بالأبيض والأسود هم توقع، وبالتالي فإنه من المناسب أن عليهم أن تكون محمية قدر الإمكان. ويمكن أن تشمل الحماية حماية ليس فقط للأطفال بشكل عام، وكذلك ينبغي إيلاء حماية خاصة للأطفال الذين يرتكبون الجرائم، بسبب الأمل ومستقبل المترامية الاطراف من قبلهم

    Hukum dan Perubahan Masyarakat

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    Where there is sugar there must be an ant, or likefish and water, as it were appropriate parable likens the Lawand Society, because where there is society there must be lawswill be needed. Law and society are two sides of which aredifficult to separate, because they will need each other andinfluence each other.ملخص:حیث یوجد السكر یجب أن یكون ھناك نملة، أو مثل السمك والماء، كما انھاكانت مناسبة المثل یشبھ القانون والمجتمع، وذلك لأن عندما یكون ھناك مجتمع یجبأن یكون ھناك وستكون ھناك حاجة القوانین .القانون والمجتمع وجھان لوالتي یصعبفصل، لأنھا سوف نحتاج إلى بعضنا البعض وتؤثر على بعضھا البعض

    Face Validation Method Alternatives for Shiphandling Fuzzy Logic Difficulty Model

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    The development of shiphandling difficulty model for ferry is based on the empirical experience through the Master of Ro-Ro ferries. The SHDMF is consisted from two parts which are the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Inference System. Both parts had been validated through internal validation in the form of consistency test for the first part and robustness test for the second part. Further, the external/face validation is required to compare the proposed model with similar model through benchmarking approach. The benchmarking approaches are elaborated for the reliability, validity, possibility, efficiency and effectiveness. Through fuzzy group decision making method, the questionnaire survey is performed to verify the most appropriate approach based on the shiphandling simulator as the most preferred benchmarking tool by experts. Next, the proposed scenario is overviewed and discussed especially related to the advantages and drawbacks of shiphandling simulator. Keywords: shiphandling difficulty, fuzzy group decision making, internal validation Model pengukuran kesulitan pengendalian feri didasarkan pada pengalaman empiris melalui pernyataan nahkoda kapal feri Ro-Ro. SHDMF terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu Analytic Hierarchy Process dan Fuzzy Inference System. Kedua bagian ini telah divalidasi melalui validasi internal dalam bentuk uji konsistensi untuk bagian pertama dan uji kehandalan untuk bagian kedua. Selanjutnya validasi atau wajah eksternal diperlukan untuk membandingkan model yang diusulkan dengan model yang diperoleh dari benchmarking. Pendekatan benchmarking dijabarkan untuk kehandalan, validitas, kemungkinan, efisiensi, dan efektivitas. Melalui metode fuzzy kelompok pembuatan keputusan, survei kuesioner dilakukan untuk memverifikasi pendekatan yang paling tepat dengan simulator pengendalian kapal sebagai alat yang paling disukai oleh para ahli untuk benchmarking. Selanjutnya skenario yang ditinjau-ulang dan dibahas terutama terkait dengan keuntungan dan kelemahan simulator pengendalian kapal. Kata

    Discrete Time Quantum Walk Approach to State Transfer

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    We show that a quantum state transfer, previously studied as a continuous time process in networks of interacting spins, can be achieved within the model of discrete time quantum walks with position dependent coin. We argue that due to additional degrees of freedom, discrete time quantum walks allow to observe effects which cannot be observed in the corresponding continuous time case. First, we study a discrete time version of the engineered coupling protocol due to Christandl et. al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 187902 (2004)] and then discuss the general idea of conversion between continuous time quantum walks and discrete time quantum walks.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, comments welcom

    Probabilistic coding of quantum states

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    We discuss properties of probabilistic coding of two qubits to one qutrit and generalize the scheme to higher dimensions. We show that the protocol preservers entanglement between qubits to be encoded and environment and can be also applied to mixed states. We present the protocol which enables encoding of n qudits to one qudit of dimension smaller than the Hilbert space of the original system and then probabilistically but error-free decode any subset of k qudits. We give a formula for the probability of successful decoding

    Pengaruh Brand Image dan Kepercayaan Merek terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen pada Produk Mobil Toyota Etios Valco (Studi pada PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru)

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    In the higher level of competition, companies must be able to face competitors offering similar products. Competition between brands of each product in the vehicle will be more sharply captured the interest and attention of consumers. Realizing that the company PT. Agung Automall have prepared themselves by offering after-sales services that include maintenance and repair and supply of spare parts for the Toyota customer partners.This study aims to identify and analyze the brand image and brand trust car Etios Valco, and to determine the interest in buying the car Etios Valco and to investigate the influence of brand image and brand trust towards buying interest car Etios Valco at PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru. This research is descriptive quantitative statistical calculations. The statistical analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression. The population in this study is the partner of customers in 2015 at PT. Agung Automall as many as 40 people. While the sampling technique uses accidental sampling method, ie the sampling technique based on chance.The results showed that the respondents said "agree" the brand image of Toyota is perceived by the consumer is a brand that is highly qualified and respondents said "strongly agree" to trust the brand Toyota is perceived by consumers is very high, as well as the respondents said "agree" interest in buying products car toyota perceived by consumers is very high. Brand image and brand trust significantly influence buying interest car Etios Valco at PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru. This is evidenced by F count variable brand image and brand trust by (12.243) greater than> F table (3.355) and Sig. (0,000) <0.05. Meaning is the brand image and brand trust simultaneous influence on consumer buying interest car Etios Valco at PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru Branch has been verified

    Functional Evaluation of The Reducible Lower Radioulnar Joint Disruption between below Elbow Slab and Percutaneus Ulnoradial Pinning Surgical Treatments in Adult Patients with Galeazzi Fracture

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    Background: Incidence of Galeazzi fracture is relatively rare, but it requires correct management to attain desirable outcome and to prevent functional disorder in the affected patients. Generally, radius shaft plating is considered the best method to produce desirable outcome. However, there are some options to choose for DRUJ dysfunction management. No previous evaluation has been conducted on the functional effect of distal radio-ulnar joint (DRUJ) disruption in patients with Galeazzi fracture at Prof. DR. R. Soeharso Orthopedi Hospital. This study aimed to evaluate the relative effects of below elbow slab and percutaneus ulnoradial pinning surgical treatments on the reducible lower radioulnar joint disruption in adult patients with Galeazzi fracture. Subjects and Method: This was a cohort study conducted at Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Orthopedi Hospital, Surakarta, Central Java, from January to December 2012. A total of 39 adult patients with Galeazzi fracture consisting of 23 with percutaneus pinning and 16 with below elbow slab treatment were selected for this study. The dependent variable was reducible lower radio-ulnar joint disruption. The independent variable was type of surgical treatment (below elbow slab versus percutaneus ulnoradial pinning). After 34 week follow-up period, the outcomes of these surgical treatments, i.e. the functional evaluation of reducible lower radio-ulnar joint disruption, were measured by Mikic criteria. The outcome data between the two types of surgical treatment were compared and tested by chi-square test. Results: The score of functional evaluation of reducible lower radio-ulnar joint disruption in patients who underwent below elbow slab surgical treatment was comparable with counterpart who underwent percutaneus ulnoradial pinning surgical treatment, and it was statistically non significant. Conclusion: Below elbow slab surgical treatment and percutaneus ulnoradial pinning surgical treatment result in comparable good outcomes in adult patients with Galeazzi fracture. Keywords: below elbow slab, percutaneus ulnoradial pinning, surgical treatment, Galeazzi fracture

    New mechanisms for double charmed meson production at the LHCb

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    We discuss production of D0D0D^0 D^0 (and Dˉ0Dˉ0{\bar D}^0 {\bar D}^0) pairs related to the LHCb Collaboration results for s\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV in proton-proton scattering. We consider double-parton scattering (DPS) mechanisms of double ccˉc \bar c production and subsequent ccD0D0cc \to D^{0}D^{0} hadronization as well as double gg and mixed gccˉg c\bar c production with ggD0D0gg \to D^{0}D^{0} and gcD0D0gc \to D^{0}D^{0} hadronization calculated with the help of the scale-dependent hadronization functions of Kniehl et al. Single-parton scattering (SPS) mechanism of digluon production is also taken into account. We compare our results with several correlation observables in azimuthal angle φD0D0\varphi_{D^{0}D^{0}} between D0D^{0} mesons or in dimeson invariant mass MD0D0M_{D^{0}D^{0}}. The inclusion of new mechanisms with gD0g \to D^{0} fragmentation leads to larger cross sections, than when including only DPS mechanism with standard scale-independent ccD0D0cc \to D^{0}D^{0} fragmentation functions. Some consequences of the presence of the new mechanisms are discussed. In particular a larger σeff\sigma_{eff} is needed to describe the LHCb data. There is a signature that σeff\sigma_{eff} may depend on transverse momentum of cc quarks and/or cˉ\bar c antiquarks.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure