1,728 research outputs found

    Imaging Impulsivity in Parkinson's Disease and the Contribution of the Subthalamic Nucleus

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    Taking risks is a natural human response, but, in some, risk taking is compulsive and may be detrimental. The subthalamic nucleus (STN) is thought to play a large role in our ability to inhibit responses. Differences between individuals' ability to inhibit inappropriate responses may underlie both the normal variation in trait impulsivity in the healthy population, as well as the pathological compulsions experienced by those with impulse control disorders (ICDs). Thus, we review the role of the STN in response inhibition, with a particular focus on studies employing imaging methodology. We also review the latest evidence that disruption of the function of the STN by deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease can increase impulsivity

    The future of the Mediterranean agri-food systems: trends and perspectives from a Delphi survey

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    The Mediterranean region is widely acknowledged as one of the most exposed in the world to the effects of climate change, water scarcity, biodiversity loss and land degradation, coupled with a nutrition transition of its populations. In such a context, to explore the evolution of the region is of both political and theoretical interest. This study presents the result of a scenario-building exercise, based on a Delphi method – an interactive forecasting technique – relying upon about 60 practitioners, experts and academics representing 19 Mediterranean countries and a wide range of disciplines and expertise. The present article has three main purposes. First, to identify the main challenges, trends and driving forces that influence the agri-food systems in the Mediterranean over a short (2020) and medium (2030) term. Second, to discuss the alternative policy responses to the challenges that the region will face in terms of water resource management, farming systems and agri-food value chains in terms of desirability and feasibility. Thirdly, to provide informed, evidence-based recommendations that might help different stakeholders to take action in the region’s agri-food sector. Based on this Delphi’s results, the study suggests that the gap between the countries in the South and the North of the Mediterranean in terms of challenges posed in water management, farming systems and the agri-food value chain is expected to grow. Experts agree that climate change is going to play a key role in the future of both sides of the Mediterranean, but with a differential impact in the sub-two regions. Nutrition-related challenges will exert a growing pressure especially in the Southern Mediterranean countries. A set of desirable and feasible policy option for addressing the Mediterranean food-related challenges are discussed

    MicroRNA-29 family expression and its relation to antiviral immune response and viro-immunological markers in HIV-1-infected patients

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Several in vitro studies suggested the microRNA-29 (miRNA-29) family is involved in regulating HIV-1 and modulating the expression of interleukin (IL)-32, an anti-HIV-1 cytokine. METHODS: To investigate the contribution of the miRNA-29 family to HIV-1 infection in vivo, we compared miRNA-29 expression in PBMC collected from 58 HIV-1-infected patients, naïve for antiretroviral therapy, and 21 gender- and age-matched HIV-1 seronegative healthy donors, using RT-Taqman assays. The relation between miRNA-29 levels and HIV-1 viro-immunological markers and the activation rate of antiviral immune response were also evaluated. In addition, we profiled miRNA-29 expression in CD4+ T lymphocytes and CD14+ monocytes collected from 5 antiretroviral treated HIV-1 infected patients. RESULTS: miRNA-29b levels were higher in HIV-1-infected patients than in the control group (p < 0.001). There were no correlations with either HIV-1 RNA levels or CD4+ T count, whereas a significant correlation was found between miRNA-29-a/c levels and integrated HIV-1 DNA (miRNA-29a: p = 0.009, r = -0.448; miRNA-29c: p = 0.029; r = -0.381). When the HIV-1-infected patients were grouped on the basis of their plasma HIV-1 RNA and CD4+ T cell count, we also found that patients expressing the lowest levels of miRNA-29c showed high viraemia, low CD4+ T cell count and high levels of integrated HIV-1 DNA. Moreover, miRNA-29b levels were correlated with those of IL-32nonα (p = 0.028; r = -0.298). Patients expressing higher levels of miRNA-29b showed lower levels of MxA, an interferon-stimulated gene, also induced by IL-32 (p = 0.006 r = -0.397). Lastly, we found that CD4+ T lymphocytes and CD14+ monocytes shared similar miRNA-29a/b/c expression patterns but the amount of miRNA-29a/b/c, IL-32 isoforms and MxA were highly variable in these two cellular subsets. CONCLUSIONS: The miRNA-29 family could influence the clinical progression of HIV-1 infection, the HIV-1 proviral load and the innate immune response against HIV-1

    Percezione della corruzione e partecipazione alle mobilitazioni anticorruzione: elementi di analisi nell’epoca del covid-19

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    L’articolo indaga la percezione della corruzione durante la pandemia da COVID-19 e mira a rintracciare le tendenze di sviluppo della mobilitazione anticorruzione, anche in rapporto alla disaffezione alla partecipazione politica e associativa, nel periodo da Tangentopoli ad oggi. Lo studio si inserisce nel dibattito sulla politicizzazione della corruzione e dell’anticorruzione.The paper focuses on the perception of corruption during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research analyzes the trends of anti-corruption mobilization, also in relation to disaffection with political and associative participation. The article is a pioneering attempt to contribute to the debate on the politicization of corruption and anti-corruption strategies

    PFAS in textile wastewater: An integrated scenario analysis for interventions prioritization to reduce environmental risk

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are used in several industrial applications, such as in textile manufacturing, and are known as "forever chemicals" due to their spread, stability and (eco-)toxicity, gaining increasing concern. To avoid PFAS spread in the environment, reducing the environmental risk on receiving surface water, prevention and removal strategies should be implemented at multiple levels, comprising both textile factories and municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). This study presents an integrated scenario analysis to compare and prioritize prevention and removal strategies based on their potential in risk minimization. Field monitoring campaigns, lab- and pilot-scale experiments on two established removal processes (pressure-driven membrane separation, adsorption on activated carbon) were combined, and environmental risk was assessed due to a mixture of 15 PFAS. About prevention, substitution of long-chain PFAS with short-chain PFAS were considered, as well as the reduction of PFAS used in textile processing. The proposed approach was applied in a textile district in northern Italy without PFAS spikes in the tested wastewaters. This approach has proven to be beneficial in determining the optimal combination of actions to be implemented across different levels of the industrial district (including textile factories and/or municipal WWTP). This methodology provides a clear indication of the environmental advantages, specifically in minimizing risks, resulting from the implementation of diverse PFAS reduction strategies. Compared to the current scenario, resulting in an unacceptable risk (risk quotient, RQ=2.2), the risk can be reduced below the acceptable threshold (RQ=0.9) by the combination of (i) PFAS reduction/replacement in textile processing, (ii) treatment of wastewater discharged by textile factories through membrane separation prior to the discharge in the sewer, and (ii) WWTP upgrade through an activated carbon adsorption downstream the ozonation ste

    Aromatic profile of white sweet semi-sparkling wine from Malvasia di Candia aromatica grapes

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    Malvasia di Candia aromatica is an aromatic white grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivar that grows in the Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy regions and is used for manufacturing sweet and dry white wines. A study of the gas chromatography analysis of the aromatic profile was carried out during the winemaking process for the production of a sweet semi-sparkling wine. At the end of the monitoring period, free monoterpenic and fermentative compounds characterised the aromatic profile of the wine. Linalool and nerol had a similar concentration, while the main fermentative compounds were the isoamyl alcohols, 2-phenylethanol, medium-chain fatty acids and their corresponding ethyl esters, and isoamyl acetate. All these compounds showed increasing trends during the fermentation process. The amount of linalool at the end of the monitoring period exceeded the threshold of perception, hence contributing to the floral scent of the wine. The higher alcohols (concentration up to 200 mg/L) and their esters also made a pleasant contribution to the aroma definition. Finally, the low temperature of fermentation helped to preserve the varietal aroma and enhanced the production of fermentative compounds, with a corresponding restraint of higher alcohols. This work is a first approach to a study of the sweet semi-sparkling wine (vino frizzante) obtained from Malvasia di Candia aromatica grapes. A more detailed investigation is required to understand how to improve the varietal and fermentative aromas of the wine