166 research outputs found

    Les Cavaliers du Bouc : brigandage et répression en Basse Meuse (1730-1778)

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    Organised bandirty is rarely tackled by studies on collective violence, though this aspect is truly interesting because it generally simultaneously reveals two forms of collective violence. These two forms are banditry itself, and the public authority repression. Anton Blok analyses in this contribution the ascent of the goat-riders (« cavaliers du bouc »), these 18th Century riders who raged in the French Basse Meuse region, and the repression they suffered from. The author shows that even if these forms of violence were new to the region, they had relatively weak effects : the 'goat-riders' were eventually military defeated and the former social order thus re-established. Thereby, the author shows that forms of massive violence can remain geographically and historically circumscribed. Concerning these horsemen, this circumscribtion was such that they have been forgotten by the official history

    Relationship between formaldehyde and quaternium-15 contact allergy. Influence of strength of patch test reactions

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    Objectives: To test our hypothesis that patients with stronger patch test reactions to formaldehyde are more likely to react to quaternium-15, attesting to the aetiological role for formaldehyde in such co-reactivity. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all patients patch tested with formaldehyde and quaternium-15 in the European baseline series between 1994 and 2009 (TRUE test (R)). Results: In a group of 86 patients allergic to formaldehyde, 73% co-reacted to quaternium-15; in the subgroup of 70 women, the percentage was 83. In both groups, more reactions were observed to quaternium-15 in the patients with a ++ reaction compared to the patients with a + reaction to formaldehyde. Conversely, stronger reactions to quaternium-15 were significantly more often associated with formaldehyde sensitivity in a group of 107 patients reacting to quaternium-15 and a subgroup of 88 women. In men, such effects were not observed and only 5 of 16 (31%) men allergic to formaldehyde also reacted to quaternium-15. Conclusions: In women, but not in men, stronger reactions to formaldehyde lead to more positive quaternium-15 patch tests

    Regulation of inhibin βB-subunit mRNA expression in rat Sertoli cells: Consequences for the production of bioactive and immunoreactive inhibin

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    Abstract In Sertoli cells from 21-day-old rats, the expression of the mRNA encoding the α-subunit of inhibin, and the production of immunoreactive inhibin are stimulated by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In contrast, the amount of βB-subunit mRNA is not increased after FSH treatment of the cells, and the ratio between bioactive and immunoactive inhibin decreases after stimulation with FSH. These data suggest that the βB-subunit is the limiting factor in the production of bioactive inhibin. The aim of the present experiments was to investigate the effect of changes in the amount of βB-subunit mRNA on the production of bioactive and immunoreactive inhibin. During early postnatal testicular development, the relative amounts of the 4.2 kb and 3.5 kb mRNAs encoding the βB-subunit of inhibin changed markedly. The meaning of this changing ratio between βB-subunit mRNAs is not clear, since both mRNAs are actively translated, as demonstrated by polysomal analysis. The total amount of βB-subunit mRNA correlated with the in vitro production of bioactive inhibin as published earlier. Prolonged stimulation of cultured Sertoli cells from 14-day-old rats with 4β-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) caused a decreased expression of the βB-subunit mRNAs, presumably by down-regulation of protein kinase C. A similar effect was obtained after addition of the calcium ionophore A23187. Concomitantly, a decreased production of bioactive inhibin was observed. Furthermore, Western blotting revealed that secretion of the 32 kDa inhibin αβ-dimer was decreased, whereas secretion of the combination of the C-terminal part with the pro-region of the α-subunit was increased. It is concluded that the level of the βB-subunit of inhibin is rate-limiting for the production of bioactive inhibin in cultured Sertoli cells, and that its expression can be influenced by modulation of protein kinase C, and/or intracellular calcium levels

    Perturbative corrections to zero recoil inclusive BB decay sum rules

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    Comparing the result of inserting a complete set of physical states in a time ordered product of bb decay currents with the operator product expansion gives a class of zero recoil sum rules. They sum over physical states with excitation energies less than Δ\Delta, where Δ\Delta is much greater than the QCD scale and much less than the heavy charm and bottom quark masses. These sum rules have been used to derive an upper bound on the zero recoil limit of the BDB\to D^* form-factor, and on the matrix element of the kinetic energy operator between BB meson states. Perturbative corrections to the sum rules of order αs(Δ)Δ2/mc,b2\alpha_s(\Delta) \Delta^2/m_{c,b}^2 have previously been computed. We calculate the corrections of order αs(Δ)\alpha_s(\Delta) and αs2(Δ)β0\alpha_s^2(\Delta) \beta_0 keeping all orders in Δ/mc,b\Delta/m_{c,b}, and show that these perturbative QCD corrections suppressed by powers of Δ/mc,b\Delta/m_{c,b} significantly weaken the upper bound on the zero recoil BDB\to D^* form-factor, and also on the kinetic energy operator's matrix element.Comment: 13 pages revtex, four figures included; minor change

    Transient down-regulation of androgen receptor messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression in Sertoli cells by follicle-stimulating hormone is followed by up-regulation of androgen receptor mRNA and protein

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    In Sertoli cells from 21-day-old rats, the expression of the mRNA encoding the alpha-subunit of inhibin, and the production of immunoreactive inhibin are stimulated by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In contrast, the amount of beta B-subunit mRNA is not increased after FSH treatment of the cells, and the ratio between bioactive and immunoactive inhibin decreases after stimulation with FSH. These data suggest that the beta B-subunit is the limiting factor in the production of bioactive inhibin. The aim of the present experiments was to investigate the effect of changes in the amount of beta B-subunit mRNA on the production of bioactive and immunoreactive inhibin. During early postnatal testicular development, the relative amounts of the 4.2 kb and 3.5 kb mRNAs encoding the beta B-subunit of inhibin changed markedly. The meaning of this changing ratio between beta B-subunit mRNAs is not clear, since both mRNAs are actively translated, as demonstrated by polysomal analysis. The total amount of beta B-subunit mRNA correlated with the in vitro production of bioactive inhibin as published earlier. Prolonged stimulation of cultured Sertoli cells from 14-day-old rats with 4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) caused a decreased expression of the beta B-subunit mRNAs, presumably by down-regulation of protein kinase C. A similar effect was obtained after addition of the calcium ionophore A23187. Concomitantly, a decreased production of bioactive inhibin was observed. Furthermore, Western blotting revealed that secr

    Transcriptional regulation of androgen receptor gene expression in Sertoli cells and other cell types

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    Cooperative actions of FSH and androgens on initiation, maintenance, and restoration of spermatogenesis have been described. In the present experiments the regulatory effects of FSH on androgen receptor (AR) gene expression in Sertoli cells were studied. In immature rats injection of FSH (1 microgram/g BW, ip) resulted in a rapid down-regulation of testicular AR mRNA expression (4 h), followed by recovery to the control level (10 h). Using cultured immature Sertoli cells, a similar transient effect on AR mRNA expression was observed after the addition of FSH (500 ng/ml) or (Bu)2cAMP (0.5 mM). Cycloheximide treatment of the cells did not prevent the rapid FSH-induced down-regulation of AR mRNA expression, indicating that de novo protein synthesis is not required for this effect. Furthermore, using a transcriptional run-on assay, no marked decrease in the rate of AR gene transcription was found upon treatment of the cultured Sertoli cells with FSH for 2 or 4 h. This demonstrates that the short term effect of FSH or AR mRNA expression reflects a change in mRNA stability. The AR protein level was not markedly affected by the transient decrease in AR mRNA expression. When immature Sertoli cells were incubated with FSH for longer time periods (24-72 h), both AR mRNA and protein expression were increased. In Sertoli cells isolated from 15-day-old rats, this increase was higher (mRNA, 2- to 3-fold; protein, 2-fold) than in Sertoli cell