20 research outputs found

    Superfluid and supersolid phases of lattice bosons with ring-exchange interaction

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    We examine the superfluid phase of a hard-core boson model with nearest-neighbor exchange J and four-particle ring-exchange K at half-filling on the square lattice. At zero temperature we find that the superfluid in the pure-J model is quickly destroyed by the inclusion of negative-K ring-exchange interactions, favoring a state with a (pi,pi) ordering wavevector. Minimization of the mean-field energy suggests that a supersolid state with coexisting superfluidity, charge-density wave, and valence-bond-like order is formed. We also study the behavior of the finite-T Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in the superfluid phase, by forcing the Nelson-Kosterlitz universal jump condition on the finite-T spin wave superfluid density. Away from the pure J point, T_{KT} decreases rapidly for negative K, while for positive K, T_{KT} reaches a maximum at some K \neq 0 in agreement with recent quantum Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Putting competing orders in their place near the Mott transition

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    We describe the localization transition of superfluids on two-dimensional lattices into commensurate Mott insulators with average particle density p/q (p, q relatively prime integers) per lattice site. For bosons on the square lattice, we argue that the superfluid has at least q degenerate species of vortices which transform under a projective representation of the square lattice space group (a PSG). The formation of a single vortex condensate produces the Mott insulator, which is required by the PSG to have density wave order at wavelengths of q/n lattice sites (n integer) along the principle axes; such a second-order transition is forbidden in the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson framework. We also discuss the superfluid-insulator transition in the direct boson representation, and find that an interpretation of the quantum criticality in terms of deconfined fractionalized bosons is only permitted at special values of q for which a permutative representation of the PSG exists. We argue (and demonstrate in detail in a companion paper: L. Balents et al., cond-mat/0409470) that our results apply essentially unchanged to electronic systems with short-range pairing, with the PSG determined by the particle density of Cooper pairs. We also describe the effect of static impurities in the superfluid: the impurities locally break the degeneracy between the q vortex species, and this induces density wave order near each vortex. We suggest that such a theory offers an appealing rationale for the local density of states modulations observed by Hoffman et al. (cond-mat/0201348) in STM studies of the vortex lattice of BSCCO, and allows a unified description of the nucleation of density wave order in zero and finite magnetic fields. We note signatures of our theory that may be tested by future STM experiments.Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures; (v2) part II is cond-mat/0409470; (v3) added new appendix and clarifying remarks; (v4) corrected typo

    Collective transport in bilayer quantum Hall systems

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    Filling factor ν=1\nu=1 incompressible states in ideal bilayer quantum Hall systems have spontaneous interlayer phase coherence and can be regarded either as easy-plane pseudospin ferromagnets or as condensates of excitons formed from electrons in one layer and holes in the other layer. In this paper we discuss efforts to achieve an understanding of the two different types of transport measurements (which we refer to as drag and tunneling experiments respectively) that have been carried out in bilayer quantum Hall systems by the group of Jim Eisenstein at the California Institute of Technology. In a drag experiment, current is sent through one of the two-layers and the voltage drop is measured in the other layer. We will argue that the finding of these experiments that the voltage drop in the drag layer is different from that in the the drive layer, is an experimental proof that these bilayers do not have quasi-long-range excitonic order. The property that at ν=1\nu=1 the longitudinal drag voltage increases from near zero when spontaneous coherence is initially established, then falls back toward zero as it becomes well established, can be explained as a competition between the broken symmetry and the gap to which it gives rise. In the tunneling experiment, current is injected in one layer and removed from the other layer. The absence of quasi-long-range order likely explains the relatively small tunneling conductance per area found in the these measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, EP2DS-03 Conference Proceeding