176 research outputs found

    Online Networks, Social Interaction and Segregation: An Evolutionary Approach

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    We have developed an evolutionary game model, where agents can choose between two forms of social participation: interaction via online social networks and interaction by exclusive means of face-to-face encounters. We illustrate the societal dynamics that the model predicts, in light of the empirical evidence provided by previous literature. We then assess their welfare implications. We show that dynamics, starting from a world in which online social interaction is less gratifying than offline encounters, will lead to the extinction of the sub-population of online networks users, thereby making Facebook and alike disappear in the long run. Furthermore, we show that the higher the propensity for discrimination between the two sub-populations of socially active individuals, the greater the probability that individuals will ultimately segregate themselves, making society fall into a social poverty trap

    Online Networks, Social Interaction and Segregation: An Evolutionary Approach

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    We have developed an evolutionary game model, where agents can choose between two forms of social participation: interaction via online social networks and interaction by exclusive means of face-to-face encounters. We illustrate the societal dynamics that the model predicts, in light of the empirical evidence provided by previous literature. We then assess their welfare implications. We show that dynamics, starting from a world in which online social interaction is less gratifying than offline encounters, will lead to the extinction of the sub-population of online networks users, thereby making Facebook and alike disappear in the long run. Furthermore, we show that the higher the propensity for discrimination between the two sub-populations of socially active individuals, the greater the probability that individuals will ultimately segregate themselves, making society fall into a social poverty trap

    Provoked Vestibulodynia and Topical Treatment: A New Option

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    Background: Provoked vestibulodynia is commonly associated with dyspareunia and affects 7% to 15% of women. This pathology has major implications on sexual function and quality of life, and several types of treatments are available for its management. However, a consensus has not been reached concerning the best treatment of vulvar pain. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of a brand-new product, the vulvar emulgel Meclon (R) Lenex, for the management of provoked vestibulodynia and non-infective vulvitis. Methods: This was a monocentric, prospective, randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study. We enrolled 40 women with provoked vestibulodynia; 20 patients received Meclon (R) Lenex, whereas the remaining received a placebo. Each woman was assessed subjectively (through questionnaires) and objectively by evaluating vaginal and vulvar symptoms (Friedrichs criteria and Marinoff dyspareunia grade). We evaluated efficacy, safety, compliance and tolerability of the brand-new product vulvar gel Meclon (R) Lenex in provoked vestibulodynia. Results: After administration of Meclon (R) Lenex, we evaluated all parameters of the Friedrichs criteria (burning, dyspareunia, erythema, vulvar pain at the 5 o'clock position and 7 o'clock position), as well as the levels of Marinoff dyspareunia. The active treatment showed to be statistically significantly effective (p value <= 0.05) in reducing all symptoms of Friedrichs criteria, vulvar pain and Marinoff dyspareunia. Conclusion: This prospective study showed that Meclon (R) Lenex vulvar emulgel revealed an excellent tolerability and compliance, demonstrating to be a safe and effective option in the treatment of provoked vestibulodynia and non-infective vulvitis

    New insights on Avian orthoreovirus and Chicken astrovirus co-infection in an Italian broiler flock: preliminary biomolecular and pathological results

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    Summary Common pathogens of intensive poultry farms, either parasitic or bacterial, such as Coccidia or Salmonella, are well known and strictly controlled by veterinary management. This case study reports an unusual case of runting stunting syndrome (RSS) observed on a Sicilian poultry farm of broiler chickens during 2019. The investigation was carried out on five chickens which present delayed in body weight and growth performance. Animals showed also difficulty in deambulation and diarrhea. At necropsy, intestinal lesions were detected in three of the five clinical cases. Gut samples were collected and analyzed to identify potential pathogens responsible for the RSS. Presence of viruses was detected by using quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT‑qPCR), while selected tissues were fixed and embedded in paraffin wax according to routine procedures. All histological sections were stained with hematoxylin‑eosin. RT‑qPCR successfully detected both Chicken astrovirus (CAstV) and Avian orthoreovirus (ARV). Histology evidenced severe specific lesions on the intestinal mucosa in liver and kidneys. Chicken astrovirus and Avian orthoreovirus RNA was also detected in cecal tonsils, kidney and liver, thus implying their possible primary role in inducing the disease. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role of other possible factors (low biosecurity measures, e.g.) and, most of all, the consequences in terms of economic losses and animal health impairment

    Surgical approach and etiopathogenetic considerations to the umbilical tumefactions in cattle: Case review in twenty years (2000/2020)

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    B S T R A C T Objective: Our investigation was conducted to evaluate the incidence of umbilical pathologies and the result of related surgical interventions in Sicilian cattle. Study design: 320 (214 females, 106 males) cattle with umbilical lesions were collected, anesthetized, operated on and follow-up recorded. We evaluated the injury incidence rate. Population: The animals considered were: high productivity dairy cattle (Holstein Friesian and Brown Swiss); meat breeds (Charolaise and Limousine) and some crosses. Results: The highest injury rate was simple omphalocele, followed by purulent omphalitis. A high percentage was found in young cattle. Friesians are the most prone to navel diseases. The dairy breeds, compared to the meat breeds, and double aptitude and crosses, were the most affected. The most common was simple omphalocele, with a small hernial port (1 to 3 cm), while the rest was greater than 3 cm, with severe organs or complications. Methods: the most commonly used surgery was herniorraphy with autologous reinforcement, while classic su- tures and mesh sutures were used in the remaining cases. Follow-up demonstrated healing in most of the treated subjects. Conclusions: The study aimed to estimate some surgical clinical cases in Sicilian cattle. Most injuries are lower abdomen injuries, mostly simple or complicated umbilical hernias. Young dairy females were the most affected. Meaning/Impact: Radical surgery is the treatment of choice in the vast majority of symptomatic or asymptomatic umbilical diseases; moreover, the correct management and the choice of an appropriate surgical approach allow to obtain an effective treatment of the lesions. Simple summary: In cattle farm, the correct management of births is a fundamental step for the future of the breeding. In fact, there are numerous critical factors in this phase: calving area management, umbilical disin- fection, correct administration of colostrum, management of individual pens. Generally, after a few hours from birth, the calf is transferred in individual pens, the walls of this box allow visual and tactile contact but avoid the possibility of mutual sucking of the umbilical region, a risk factor, in that area, of infections and hernias. In the study have been collected umbilical interventions carried out over twenty years by a team operating in south- eastern Sicily: Ragusa. Out of a total of 320 cases, have been reported: the prevalence of types of umbilical tumefactions, anesthetic techniques and surgical techniques performed. The purpose of the work was to highlight any predispositions of race, sex, age regarding the lesion considered and above all, the effectiveness of the surgical therap

    Management Factors Influence AnimalWelfare and the Correlation to Infectious Diseases in Dairy Cows

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    Simple Summary: To investigate the relationship between some infectious diseases (Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, Chlamydiophila abortus, Neospora caninum, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and the bovine herpesvirus) and the dairy farms’ welfare scores, 36 dairy farms were monitored using the Italian National AnimalWelfare Reference Center (CreNBA) checklist. Farms and their animals were scored in five different areas, namely: Area A, “Farm management and personnel”; Area B, “Facilities and equipment”; Area C, “Animal-based measures”; Area D, “Inspection of microclimatic environmental conditions and alarm systems”; and Area E, “Biosecurity”. The recorded scores were compared between two farming conditions (access to pasture and indoor housing) and correlated with the serum data. Our results indicated that an accurate application of the checklist could be an instrument to prevent and control the spread of infections in dairy farms. Abstract: The present study assessed dairy cow welfare through the application of the Italian National Animal Welfare Reference Center (CReNBA) checklist in 36 dairy farms located in Ragusa (Italy) subjected to two different management conditions, housing with free access to pasture (Group 1, farms n = 17) and indoor housing (Group 2, farms n = 19). Five areas of investigation were considered: Area A, “Farm management and personnel”; Area B, “Facilities and equipment”; Area C, “Animal-based measures”; Area D, “Inspection of microclimatic environmental conditions and alarm systems”; and Area E, “Biosecurity”. Blood samples were collected by coccygeal venipuncture from all animals (4081 cows). The specific antibodies against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, Chlamydiophila abortus, Neospora caninum, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and the bovine herpesvirus were assessed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serological test. Group 1 (access to pasture) showed a lower value of percentage score recorded in Area A (p = 0.02) and E (p = 0.01) than Group 2 (indoor housing). Herpesvirus (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis - IBR - detection of gB antibodies/IBR-gB) blood concentrations were higher in the cows housed indoor versus those with access to pasture (p = 0.01). Farm management and personnel (score A) was correlated with the level of bovine viral diarrhea virus ( = 0.3754) and bovine-herpesvirus-specific antibodies (IBR-gB) ( = 0.4159). “Biosecurity” percentage score showed a significant correlation with Chlamydiophila abortus ( = 0.4621) in the cows with access to pasture and IBR-gB ( = 0.3435) in the cows housed fully indoors. Group 2 showed a significantly reduced level of antibodies against Neospora caninum. In conclusion, differences in the welfare assessment score were observed in the “Farm management and personnel” and “Biosecurity” between the two management conditions. It had an effect on the prevalence of herpesvirus, which occurred more in cattle with access to pasture. Therefore, an accurate application of the checklist could be an instrument to prevent and control the spread of infections in farms

    The Wide Range of Antibiotic Resistance and Variability of Genotypic Profiles in Escherichia coli from Domestic Animals in Eastern Sicily

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    serious public health threat. Escherichia coli, a usual host of intestinal microbiota, is recognized also as etiological agent of numerous infections widespread in both humans and animals. The colibacillosis is one of the most reported zoonoses worldwide, typically treated with antibiotics in the primary stages. This strategy has promoted the onset of antibiotic-resistant serotypes of E. coli, reducing the effectiveness of therapeutic treatments and contributing to antibiotic resistance spread. The current study focused on biodiversity, pathogenicity, and antibiotic resistance profile of 104 E. coli strains isolated from domestic animals in Eastern Sicily. The strains were isolated from sick animals and carcasses of six different animal species and screened for resistance against 16 antibiotic molecules, as recommended by WHO and OIE. The antibiotic resistance patterns highlighted that all strains were multi-resistant, showing resistance to at least three antibiotic classes. The highest incidence of resistance was observed against amoxicillin (100%), tylosin (97%), sulfamethoxazole (98%), and erythromycin (92%), while the lowest for colistin (8%). The pathotype characterization identified two EPEC strains and the study of genetic linkage (PFGE) showed a wide variety of profiles. The current study emphasized the wide range of multidrug resistance and genotyping profiles in E. coli isolated in Easter Sicily

    Morphological and Immunohistochemical Examination of Lymphoproliferative Lesions Caused by Marek's Disease Virus in Breeder Chickens

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    Simple Summary The poultry industry is the most intensive and fastest growing among all livestock production systems, and, in the last decades, it has expanded exponentially due to an increasing demand for meat and eggs. Marek’s disease is a highly contagious and rapidly progressive lymphoproliferative disease. It is one of the most dangerous diseases of those affecting the sector because it causes important economic losses. Although widely controlled by vaccination programs, sometimes chickens are not totally protected, and the presence of virulent field strains can allow outbreaks. This case describes the occurrence of Marek’s disease observed in a breeder chicken flock that reported an increase in mortality rate (+0.4–0.6%) after the 32nd week. Histological analysis has highlighted severe lesions on visceral organs of chickens caused by Marek’s disease, especially in the intestinal tract of a hen that had a tumor mass in the distal part of the cloaca. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed the disease-associated tumor. The aim of this study was to underline the importance of vaccine administration related to the maintenance of proper biosecurity practice, especially in the first week of the raising cycle. In addition, monitoring for disease even after vaccination is crucial to minimize economic loss. Abstract Marek’s disease is widely controlled by vaccination programs; however, chickens are not totally protected, especially immediately after the vaccination when a strong challenge could interfere with the effectiveness of vaccination in the absence of proper biosecurity practice. This case report describes the occurrence of Marek’s disease (MD) observed in a breeder chicken flock reared southeast of Sicily. MD outbreak occurred from 32 to 47 weeks with an increase in weekly mortality rate (+0.4–0.6%). Overall, mortality rate related to Marek’s disease was about 6% at the end of the cycle. Carcasses of chickens found during the occurrence of disease underwent necropsy, and tissues were collected to confirm the infection. Gizzard, cecal tonsil, intestine, spleen and tumor mass were collected and analyzed from a carcass of one hen, 32 weeks old and apparently asymptomatic. Multiplex real-time PCR performed on spleen tissues detected the presence of MD virus pathogenic strain. Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of the rest of the samples confirmed the neoplastic disease. Moreover, the immunophenotype of the tumor cells was identified as CD3 positive by immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. The vaccinated flock had become rapidly infected with the MD virus, which proves that the challenge of the MD virus was too strong in the rearing house at the beginning of the cycle, causing the outbreak
