2,441 research outputs found

    On the Universality of Matrix Models for Random Surfaces

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    We present an alternative procedure to eliminate irregular contributions in the perturbation expansion of c=0-matrix models representing the sum over triangulations of random surfaces, thereby reproducing the results of Tutte [1] and Brezin et al. [2] for the planar model. The advantage of this method is that the universality of the critical exponents can be proven from general features of the model alone without explicit determination of the free energy and therefore allows for several straightforward generalizations including cases with non-vanishing central charge c< 1.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Temporal structure of firm growth and the impact of R&D

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    This paper examines the time structure of the effects of R&D activities on firm growth. The main questions are whether R&D activities come together with firms' growth in the subsequent periods and how this relationship depends on other characteristics of the firms, such as size and industry. In addition, we study the relationship between R&D effects and the autocorrelation dynamics of firm growth. We use firm level data of 1000 European companies with details on R&D investments in 2003 to 2006. A regression approach is applied with a linear model taking into account R&D activities at points in time and autocorrelation dynamics of firm growth. We find that R&D has, on average, a positive effect on firm growth, but the effect and its temporal structure strongly depends on firm size and industry. --Firm growth,R&D activities,firm size,industry,autocorrelation,time gap,temporal structure

    Long-run factors of firm growth - a study of German firms

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    This paper investigates whether the economic factors that are related to firm growth in the literature also determine the development path of firms. This means that we test which economic factors possess the ability to remain effective for a longer period of time. We examine three variables: firm size, innovation effort and export share. To this end, we use panel-data on 178 German manufacturing firms over the period from 1992 to 2007. We find that the determinants of permanent growth path are not the same as the determinants of firm growth at one point in time. --firm growth,firm growth paths,firm size,export,innovation effort

    The effects of cooperative R&D subsidies and subsidized cooperation on employment growth

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    The paper investigates the contribution of cooperative and non-cooperative R&D subsidies to firm growth. Of particular interest is hereby firms' embeddedness into subsidized cooperation networks. For the empirical analysis we utilize an unbalanced panel of 2.199 German manufacturing firms covering the time period from 1999 to 2009. A dynamic panel estimation technique is employed to control for growth autocorrelation as well as endogeneity. Our findings show that non-cooperative R&D subsidies have a stimulating impact on large firms' employment growth. In contrast being engaged in many subsidized cooperation is related to significant growth-reducing effects. In the case of large firms, exceptions are subsidized cooperation with geographically distant firms, which can positively influence employment growth. For small firms, rather interactions with research organizations are found to facilitate their development. --R&D subsidies,cooperation network,firm growth,serial correlation

    Implications of Web 2.0 for financial institutions: Be a driver, not a passenger

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    Web 2.0 heralds a new era of communication with a massive increase in information supply and where news, opinion and services flow directly from user to user. Financial institutions can take advantage if they stay abreast of this development. However, any Web 2.0 presence of a financial institution must be authentic and consistent with the institution’s brand and corporate culture. To leverage the potential, the need for an immaculate reputation and the right type of brand is becoming ever more important.information- and communication technology; ICT technology; P2P; Web 2.0; banking; blog; virtual worlds; wiki; lending; e-business; e-commerce; B2C-e-commerce; internet; e-payments

    Introducing the Mosaic of Integration Theory

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    This introductory chapter of the third edition of European Integration Theory (OUP 2018) addresses the rationale for a book on European integration theory and introduces the contributions to the book. It begins by addressing the question of Why Study Integration Theory; it then defines the terms ‘integration’ and ‘theory’ and introduces the ‘mosaic of European integration theory’ as the book’s central concept. The chapter also offers an overview of European integration as a process which has been studied for several decades now. To that end, the chapter recalls distinct phases of integration and the respective parts of the mosaic which have been developed to understand and explain them based on descriptive, analytical and constructive theorising. Each phase is distinguished by historical context, leading questions and relevant theoretical reference points. The book’s extensive section on Studying European Integration by taking account of ‘contexts of theoretical development’ and addressing the question of ‘competing or complementary theoretical approaches’ which also identifies the functions and areas of theory. In concluding, the chapter details the concept of the ‘Mosaic of Integration Theory’ and introduces the chapter structure of the book’s contributions

    The Role of Participation and Communication for Energy Efficient Refurbishment

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    The effort of changing energy production and supply in Germany has not only led to innovative power&nbsp;supply concepts and large grid expansions, but also to ambitious goals for low and zero carbon (LZC) technologies&nbsp;in residential buildings. The present research project has a specific focus within this context: apartment buildings&nbsp;with a large number of flat owners. Prior to any major refurbishment, whether standard or energy efficient, the&nbsp;owner community needs to make decisions based on a majority consensus. Considering the financial strain and the&nbsp;wide-ranging impact for future living, these majority decisions have not always been easy to make. Effectively, they&nbsp;have been a serious barrier for the implementation of energy efficient refurbishment in large apartment houses with&nbsp;a heterogeneous ownership structure. Therefore, both a participation framework and an adequate communicationconcept for this particular stakeholder group are needed. Approaches from various fields, e.g. acceptance research,&nbsp;psychology, Design Thinking, and communication studies can be applied in order to integrate all owners into the&nbsp;planning process and find energy efficient solutions that most owners can agree on.&nbsp;This paper introduces a participation and communication framework for energy efficient refurbishment with defined&nbsp;participation stages and communication formats. Derived from this framework and preceding studies, ten essential&nbsp;communication recommendations are formulated that ensure the success of the planning process. Apart from&nbsp;classical communication instruments, one focus of the framework is on the implementation of applicable online&nbsp;activities. Furthermore, based on the Design Thinking idea, the needs and requirements of the target group shouldbe identified at an early stage of the planning process. Consequently, these demands can be incorporated into the&nbsp;entire process by presenting customized offers. The paper concludes with a discussion of the presented framework&nbsp;and an outlook for innovative opportunities of participation in order to enhance refurbishment rates in large&nbsp;apartment houses with multiple owners.WysiƂek, mający na celu zmianę produkcji i dostaw energii w Niemczech, nie tylko doprowadziƂ&nbsp;do innowacyjnych koncepcji dostaw energii oraz duĆŒej ekspansji sieci energetycznej, ale teĆŒ do&nbsp;ambitnych zaƂoĆŒeƄ co do technologii niskiej i zerowej emisji dwutlenku węgla w budynkach&nbsp;mieszkalnych. Niniejszy projekt badawczy koncentruje się na specyficznym obszarze z tej&nbsp;tematyki: budynkach apartamentowych z bardzo duĆŒÄ… liczbą wƂaƛcicieli mieszkaƄ. Przed kaĆŒdym&nbsp;powaĆŒnym remontem, niezaleĆŒnie od utrzymania standardu efektywnoƛci energetycznej,&nbsp;wspĂłlnota wƂaƛcicieli musi podejmować decyzje na podstawie konsensusu większoƛci. Biorąc pod&nbsp;uwagę duĆŒy wkƂad finansowy oraz istotny wpƂyw na przyszƂe warunki ĆŒycia, owe decyzje&nbsp;wspĂłlnotowe nie zawsze są Ƃatwe do podjęcia. Co więcej, mogą one stanowić powaĆŒną barierę dla&nbsp;implementacji rozwiązaƄ wydajnych energetycznie w duĆŒych budynkach apartamentowych z&nbsp;heterogeniczną strukturą wƂasnoƛci. Z tego względu, dla tej szczegĂłlnej grupy interesariuszy&nbsp;potrzebne stają się zarĂłwno podstawy partycypacji, jak teĆŒ wƂaƛciwe zaƂoĆŒenia co do komunikacji.&nbsp;Aby zintegrować wszystkich wƂaƛcicieli w procesie planowania i znaleĆșć odpowiednie rozwiązania&nbsp;w zakresie wydajnoƛci energetycznej, na ktĂłre większoƛć wƂaƛcicieli wyrazi zgodę, moĆŒna&nbsp;zastosować podejƛcia z rĂłĆŒnych dziedzin, np. badaƄ akceptacji, psychologii, Design Thinking czy&nbsp;badaƄ dotyczących komunikacji.&nbsp;Niniejszy artykuƂ przedstawia zarys strategii partycypacji oraz komunikacji w odniesieniu do&nbsp;odnowy budynkĂłw w celu poprawy wydajnoƛci energetycznej, wraz z etapami partycypacji orazscenariuszami komunikacji. Na podstawie tych zaƂoĆŒeƄ oraz poprzednich badaƄ, sformuƂowano&nbsp;dziesięć kluczowych rekomendacji co do komunikacji, ktĂłre mają zagwarantować sukces w&nbsp;procesie planowania. Poza klasycznymi instrumentami komunikacji, w artykule podkreƛlono&nbsp;między innymi zastosowanie odpowiednich dziaƂaƄ online. Co więcej, w oparciu o ideę Design&nbsp;Thinking, naleĆŒy zidentyfikować potrzeby i wymagania grupy docelowej we wczesnym etapie&nbsp;procesu planowania. Konsekwentnie, potrzeby te mogą być wƂączane w caƂy proces dzięki&nbsp;przedstawianiu ofert dostosowanych do indywidualnych wymagaƄ. ArtykuƂ wieƄczy dyskusja nad&nbsp;omĂłwionymi zaƂoĆŒeniami, a takĆŒe nad perspektywą innowacyjnych moĆŒliwoƛci partycypacji w&nbsp;celu dynamizacji odnowy energetycznej w duĆŒych budynkach apartamentowych z wieloma&nbsp;wƂaƛcicielami

    Olfactory Loss in Parkinson's Disease

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    Impairment of olfaction is a characteristic and early feature of Parkinson's disease. Recent data indicate that >95% of patients with Parkinson's disease present with significant olfactory loss. Deficits in the sense of smell may precede clinical motor symptoms by years and can be used to assess the risk for developing Parkinson's disease in otherwise asymptomatic individuals. This paper summarizes the available information about olfactory function in Parkinson's disease, indicating the advantageous use of olfactory probes in early and differential diagnosis

    A cautionary note on thermal runaway reactions in mixtures of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids and N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide

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    Nicht verfĂŒgbarN-Methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) cannot be completely separated by extraction from mixtures with common 1,3-dialkylimidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) due to strong ionic interactions between the two components. At elevated temperatures, above approx. 90 C, especially under dry conditions and in the presence of acid, alkylating or acylating agents, remaining NMMO in ILs tends to undergo autocatalytic degradation. This is a highly exothermic, unstoppable process that results in explosions, flames, and complete charring of the reaction mixtures. Thus, caution must be exercised when drying or heating ILs that were in previous contact with NMMO, and the absence of amine oxide must be confirmed to avoid potential danger.(VLID)192930

    How to improve drug dosing for patients with renal impairment in primary care - a cluster-randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at increased risk for inappropriate or potentially harmful prescribing. The aim of this study was to examine whether a multifaceted intervention including the use of a software programme for the estimation of creatinine clearance and recommendation of individual dosage requirements may improve correct dosage adjustment of relevant medications for patients with CKD in primary care. Methods: A cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted between January and December 2007 in small primary care practices in Germany. Practices were randomly allocated to intervention or control groups. In each practice, we included patients with known CKD and elderly patients (>=70 years) suffering from hypertension. The practices in the intervention group received interactive training and were provided a software programme to assist with individual dose adjustment. The control group performed usual care. Data were collected at baseline and at 6 months. The outcome measures, analyzed across individual patients, included prescriptions exceeding recommended maximum daily doses, with the primary outcome being prescriptions exceeding recommended standard daily doses by 30% or more. Results: Data from 44 general practitioners and 404 patients are included. The intervention was effective in reducing prescriptions exceeding the maximum daily dose per patients, with a trend in reducing prescriptions exceeding the standard daily dose by more than 30%. Conclusions: A multifaceted intervention including the use of a software program effectively reduced inappropriately high doses of renally excreted medications in patients with CKD in the setting of small primary care practices
