83 research outputs found

    Immune plexins and semaphorins: old proteins, new immune functions

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    Plexins and semaphorins are a large family of proteins that are involved in cell movement and response. The importance of plexins and semaphorins has been emphasized by their discovery in many organ systems including the nervous (Nkyimbeng-Takwi and Chapoval, 2011; McCormick and Leipzig, 2012; Yaron and Sprinzak, 2012), epithelial (Miao et al., 1999; Fujii et al., 2002), and immune systems (Takamatsu and Kumanogoh, 2012) as well as diverse cell processes including angiogenesis (Serini et al., 2009; Sakurai et al., 2012), embryogenesis (Perala et al., 2012), and cancer (Potiron et al., 2009; Micucci et al., 2010). Plexins and semaphorins are transmembrane proteins that share a conserved extracellular semaphorin domain (Hota and Buck, 2012). The plexins and semaphorins are divided into four and eight subfamilies respectively based on their structural homology. Semaphorins are relatively small proteins containing the extracellular semaphorin domain and short intra-cellular tails. Plexins contain the semaphorin domain and long intracellular tails (Hota and Buck, 2012). The majority of plexin and semaphorin research has focused on the nervous system, particularly the developing nervous system, where these proteins are found to mediate many common neuronal cell processes including cell movement, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and signal transduction (Choi et al., 2008; Takamatsu et al., 2010). Their roles in the immune system are the focus of this review


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    In the article the structural analysis of efficiency indices elements of organization-and-technology solutions of construction project scheduling is executed for preparation of high-quality base of providing the planning processes and subsequent realization of the projects.В статье выполнен структурный анализ элементов показателей эффективности организационно-технологических решений ресурсно-календарных планов проектов строительной отрасли для подготовки качественной базы обеспечения процессов планирования и последующей реализации проектов. У статті виконано структурний аналіз елементів показників ефективності організаційно-технологічних рішень ресурсно-календарних планів проектів будівельної галузі для підготовки якісної бази забезпечення процесів планування і подальшої реалізації проектів

    Пошук базових допустимих календарних планів проектів зведення об'єктів будівництва.

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    Рассматриваются подходы к формированию базовых допустимых календарных планов проектов подготовки, возведения и внедрения объектов строительства с учетом технологических, организационных и управленческих решений, что послужит основанием для дальнейшей разработки алгоритма поиска таких календарных планов.Розглядаються підходи до формування базових допустимих календарних планів проектів підготовки, зведення та впровадження об'єктів будівництва з урахуванням технологічних, організаційних та управлінських рішень, що послужить підставою для подальшої розробки алгоритму пошуку таких календарних планів


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    In the article the structural analysis of efficiency indices elements of organization-and-technology solutions of construction project scheduling is executed for preparation of high-quality base of providing the planning processes and subsequent realization of the projects


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    In the Russian literature the term dyscirculatory encephalopathy is most commonly used for designation of the chronic brain ischemia. The therapy of dyscirculatory encephalopathy is a problem that is far from resolution. The major modes of DE pathogenetic therapy are use of antiplatelet agents, vasoactive agents, agents of neurometabolic action. The Vinpocetine drug has pleurotropic action, including vasoactive, antiplatelet, antithrombogenic and neurometabolic effects. More than 100 experimental and clinical studies with use of more than 30 000 patients were conducted that demonstrated its high clinical effectiveness. Authors performed an observation study of Vinpocetine effectiveness in 124 patients with DE of Stage I, II and III aged from 40 to 55 years. The dynamics of subjective and objective neurologic symptoms, cognitive values (MMSE, MoCa, watch drawing test, 10 words memorizing test) was assessed, speed of simple visual and motor reaction was evaluated. The study results demonstrated high effectiveness of complex therapy with use of Vinpocetine with respect to cognitive disturbances, major neurologic syndromes and functional possibilities of the brain in conditions of chronic ischemia in DE patients of middle age

    Numerical simulation of transverse-planar structures in waveguide

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    Planar antennas for the coupling of active element (AE) with waveguide section are of great practical interest as alternative for coaxial- and post-waveguide electrodynamic structures [1]. These structures have high recurrence of parameters, low cost and allow monolithic integration with AE. Application of slot antennas (SA) in such equipment allows to simplify AE connection and to use microstrip line to match and design power circuit [2].The given paper offers a method of partial regions investigation of transverse-planar structures with SA

    Transistorized generators with quasioptical resonant systems

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    The paper describes several designs of transistorized quasioptical generators using a slot antenna for exciting an open resonator. Equivalent networks of the devices are developed, and results of experimental tests of the generators are presented

    Abilities of the correction of the adaptive process at chronic cerebral ischemia

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    The management abilities of the adaptive process at chronic cerebral ischemia is the object of this study. The influence to a level of adaptive abilities at the different stages of chronic cerebral ischemia of complex natural adaptogen and modulate peptide. Natural adaptogen stimulates stress-action systems and realizes the mechanisms of the longtime adaptation. Modulate peptide stimulates stress-limited system, that protects human from exhaustion of the adaptive reserve. The using of stressmodulate therapy is advisable way of therapy

    Сhronic fatigue syndrome in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by polymorphism of symptoms, including the following syndromes: cognitive disorders, vegetative dysfunction, insomnia, anxiety and depression. The frequency and the structure of chronic fatigue syndrome in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia were the object of this study. 130 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia were estimated to determine the frequency and the structure of chronic fatigue syndrome. The following scales and questionnaires were applied: Visual Analog Scale of fatigue syndrome, Fatigue Score, Mini-Mental State Examination, A.M. Vayne's questionnaire to determine vegetative dysfunction, HADS, the Questionnaire of Dream Estimation, and Vegetative Index Cerdo. High frequencies of chronic fatigue syndrome in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia (75%) with prevalence of physical fatigue (85%) upon mental fatigue (65%) were revealed. High frequency of all syndromes that was studied in this research revealed: cognitive disorders (86,92 - light cognitive disorders, 13.08 - absence or moderate cognitive disorders), vegetative dysfunction (95%), insomnia (86%), anxiety (57%) and depression (42%). The revealed peculiarities of structure of chronic fatigue syndrome must be reviewed in treatment of patients with chronic cerebral ischemia