4 research outputs found

    Psychologist’s role in a Psychogeriatric Day Care Center

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    [Resumen] La progresiva implantación de centros asistenciales para la tercera edad, junto con la interdisciplinareidad de la actuación en valoración y posterior actuación frente a la persona mayor, hacen que el psicólogo desempeñe un papel claramente definido, y que en lo que respecta a los Centros de día psicogeriátricos, papel más importante si cabe, por las características del usuario, cada vez se beneficia más de una actuación altamente cualificada. Mediante el presente trabajo pretendemos realizar una descripción de las distintas funciones del psicólogo en un Centro de día específico para pacientes con demencia, revisando y proponiendo las diferentes actuaciones de acuerdo a sus áreas de investigación.[Abstract] The progressive establishment of assistant centers for the third age, together with the interdisciplinary of the performance in the valuation and later performance dealing with the elderly people, make psychologist plays a clearly defined part, and in what concerns to the Psychogeriatric Day Care centers, a more important role, if possible for the user’s characteristics that benefits more and more of a highly qualified performance. By means of the present work we seek to carry out a description of the psychologist’s different functions in a day care center, specific for Alzheimer’s disease patients, revising and proposing the different performances according to the intervention areas

    Helping the family carers of Alzheimer's patients: from theory... to practice: a preliminary study

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    [Abstract] Alzheimer's disease (AD) represents one of the most important health issues in the western world. The ongoing care that the AD patient requires typically causes high stress levels, fatigue, irritation and depression in the caregiver, as well as socio-economical problems. The current study aimed to introduce a support program for carers of AD patients, in order to improve their quality of life. A Questionnaire for Carers and an Anxiety State Feature Questionnaire (STAI) was used to assess the carers. Results showed an overall improvement in the carers' health. Their subjective wellbeing increased, and though their situation had not changed, they nevertheless described feeling les s trapped. It can be concluded that possibly the mere fact that the carers feel that they have help available is enough to endorse the value of the program

    Perfil del cuidador familiar del enfermo de Alzheimer

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    [Resumen] Fundamentos. El aumento de la esperanza de vida, incrementa la probabilidad de padecer enfermedades edad-dependientes generadoras de invalidez, caso de las demencias y entre ellas de la enfermedad de Alzheimer, que van a repercutir sobre los cuidadores, en general familiares, siendo necesario conocer las características de éstos en cuanto a su perfil, para tratar de poner en marcha soluciones que traten de mejorar sus condiciones de vida. Métodos. El estudio descriptivo presentado, forma parte de un estudio realizado sobre una muestra de 124 cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer, gallegos y catalanes, a los que se pasó un cuestionario de diseño propio de 67 preguntas de respuesta cerrada sobre el perfil del cuidador, la carga asistencial soportada y la repercusión de ésta sobre la salud. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos describen el perfil del cuidador como del sexo femenino, edad media-alta, generalmente cónyuge o huja del enfermo, formación cultiral baja, actividad laboral ama de casa, y estado de salud referido por ellos como bueno, entre otros. Conclusiones. Los cuidadores carecen de formación para realizar la atención adecuada, recibiendo poca ayuda de la administración, a pesar de la importante carga asistencial soportada y el mantenimiento del enfermo en su hogar.[Abstract] Foundations. The rising of life expentancy increase the probability of surfering age-related illnesses wich cause disability, this is the case of the dementia among the, the Alzheimer`s disease, which is going to have repercusions on the caregivers, relatives in general, being necessary to know the characteristics of these caregivers, regarding to their profile to try to set in motion solutions in order to improve their life condition. Methods. The descriptive study presented is part of a study carried out on a sample of 124 caregivers of people from Galicia and catalonia suffering from the Alzheimer's disease, who were given a questionnaire designed by us, this questionnaire has got 67 questions of closed answer about the caregiver's profile, the assistance load supported, and the repercussion of this on their health. Results. The results obtained describe the caregiver's profile such as a person of the feminine sex, medium-high age, generally spouse or daughter of the sick person, low cultural formation, housewife, and with a state of health referred by them as good, among others. Conclusions. The caregivers lack formation to carry out the appropiate attention, receiving little help from the administration in spite of the sick person maintenance at their home