16 research outputs found

    The Cvetković-Maček Agreement and the Founding of the Banovina of Croatia

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    This paper will explore the conclusion of the Cvetković-Maček Agreement and the founding of the Banovina of Croatia. The introduction will cover the events leading up to the negotiations between DragiÅ”a Cvetković and Vladko Maček, followed by a closer examination of the negotiation process, particularly the circumstances that influenced the outcome of the Agreement. Additionally, the structure and main features of the Banovina of Croatia, as well as Croatian and Serbian responses to its founding will be analyzed. For the final segment of the paper the author will provide their own commentary with regards to the aforementioned events

    The Cvetković - Maček Agreement

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    SrediÅ”nja je tema rada sklapanje sporazuma Cvetković ā€“ Maček, odnosno stvaranje Banovine Hrvatske. Nakon kratkog uvod u kojem se prikazuju događaji od atentata kralja Aleksandra, pobliže se objaÅ”njava tijek pregovora između DragiÅ”e Cvetkovića i Vladka Mačeka s naglaskom na okolnosti koje su utjecale na ishod sporazuma. Zatim se predstavlja ustrojstvo Banovine Hrvatske, neke njezine bitne odrednice hrvatske i srpske reakcije na uspostavu Banovine Hrvatske. Naposljetku, autor iznosi vlastiti osvrt na iznesene događaje.The paper presents the topic of creation of Banovina of Croatia created on 26. august 1939. Author tries to explain the events that led up to the CvetkovićMaček Agreement, negotiations themself and the circumstances that influenced the outcome of the Agreement. Afterwards the author explains in more detail the organization of Banovina of Croatia, Serbian and Croatian reactions towards its creation and lastly gives his opinion of the presented events

    Cerebellopontine angle tumors

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    Tumori pontocerebelarnog kuta čine gotovo desetinu svih intrakranijskih tumora. Zbog određenih značajki u kliničkoj slici i pristupu u liječenju, ove će tumore mnogi autori svrstati u zajedničku skupinu patologije u neurokirurgiji. Ove lezije predstavljaju poseban izazov u dijagnostici i kirurÅ”kom liječenju zbog specifičnog anatomskog smjeÅ”taja i vrlo raznolike etiologije. Unatoč svojoj kompleksnosti, a sukladno rezultatima najnovijih kliničkih istraživanja, u modernoj neurokirurgiji očekuje se uspjeÅ”no prepoznavanje kao i praćenje progresije lezija pontocerebelarnog kuta na temelju kliničke slike i visoko specifičnih neuroradioloÅ”kih i drugih metoda diferencijalne dijagnostike. U konačnici kirurÅ”ko liječenje dovodi do niskog morbiditeta i zanemarivog mortaliteta operiranih bolesnika.Cerebellopontine angle tumors comprise almost 10 % of all intracranial tumors. Due to their distinct clinical features and therapy approaches these tumors are listed within the same neurosurgery pathological group. Such lesions represent a unique challenge in diagnostics and surgical treatment which reflects their specific anatomic position and a large variety in etiology. Despite the complexity of such tumors the most recent clinical research studies indicate that modern neurosurgery can provide successful recognition and monitoring of cerebellopontine angle lesion progression based on the clinical features and highly specific neuroradiological and other diagnostic methods. Surgical treatment results in low morbidity and minimal mortality rate of patients going through such surgery

    Cerebellopontine angle tumors

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    Tumori pontocerebelarnog kuta čine gotovo desetinu svih intrakranijskih tumora. Zbog određenih značajki u kliničkoj slici i pristupu u liječenju, ove će tumore mnogi autori svrstati u zajedničku skupinu patologije u neurokirurgiji. Ove lezije predstavljaju poseban izazov u dijagnostici i kirurÅ”kom liječenju zbog specifičnog anatomskog smjeÅ”taja i vrlo raznolike etiologije. Unatoč svojoj kompleksnosti, a sukladno rezultatima najnovijih kliničkih istraživanja, u modernoj neurokirurgiji očekuje se uspjeÅ”no prepoznavanje kao i praćenje progresije lezija pontocerebelarnog kuta na temelju kliničke slike i visoko specifičnih neuroradioloÅ”kih i drugih metoda diferencijalne dijagnostike. U konačnici kirurÅ”ko liječenje dovodi do niskog morbiditeta i zanemarivog mortaliteta operiranih bolesnika.Cerebellopontine angle tumors comprise almost 10 % of all intracranial tumors. Due to their distinct clinical features and therapy approaches these tumors are listed within the same neurosurgery pathological group. Such lesions represent a unique challenge in diagnostics and surgical treatment which reflects their specific anatomic position and a large variety in etiology. Despite the complexity of such tumors the most recent clinical research studies indicate that modern neurosurgery can provide successful recognition and monitoring of cerebellopontine angle lesion progression based on the clinical features and highly specific neuroradiological and other diagnostic methods. Surgical treatment results in low morbidity and minimal mortality rate of patients going through such surgery

    Minimalno invazivna kirurgija slabinske kralježnice u liječenju hernije intervertebralnog diska [Minimally invasive surgery in treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation]

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    Surgical treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation is one of the most common neurosurgical procedures. Besides conventional surgical techniques, in the last more than 30 years, different methods with minimal damage to neuromuscular spine structures are being developed and introduced, all having the purpose of reducing postoperative back pain. The advantages of the minimally invasive spine surgery include: possibility of performing procedures under local anaesthesia, reduced hospital stay, limited blood loss with consecutively reduced fibrous tissue development. Patients are capable of return to work and everyday activities early after surgery. From the economical point of view, this kind of treatment is considered to be a cost-effective intervention. Three methods that are being used for treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation are: percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD), microdiscectomy using tubular retractor system and selective endoscopic discectomy (SED). Conducted prospective studies have shown that minimally invasive methods are adequate alternative to classic surgical procedures


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    KirurÅ”ko liječenje hernije intervertebralnog diska slabinske kralježnice ubrajamo u najčeŔće neurokirurÅ”ke zahvate. Uz klasične operacijske tehnike unatrag viÅ”e od 30 godina istražuju se i uvode metode s minimalnim oÅ”tećenjima neuromuskularnih struktura kralježnice kako bi se smanjila poslijeoperacijska bol u leđima. Kao prednosti minimalno invazivne kirurgije kralježnice ističu se: mogućnost izvođenja u lokalnoj anesteziji, skraćeni poslijeoperacijski boravak u bolnici (2 ā€“ 3 dana), znatno manji gubitak krvi te smanjeno poslijeoperacijsko stvaranje ožiljnog tkiva. Nakon operacije bolesnici su znatno brže sposobni za povratak na posao i za svakodnevne životne aktivnosti. S ekonomskoga glediÅ”ta ovakav pristup liječenju hernije intervertebralnog diska bitno pridonosi smanjenju troÅ”kova liječenja. Donosimo opis triju metoda koje se primjenjuju u liječenju hernije intervertebralnog diska slabinske kralježnice: perkutana laserska dekompresija diska (PLDD), mikrodiskektomija s pomoću sustava tubularnih retraktora i selektivna endoskopska diskektomija (SED). DosadaÅ”nje prospektivne studije pokazale su da su minimalno invazivne metode prikladna alternativa klasičnim metodama.Surgical treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation is one of the most common neurosurgical procedures. Besides conventional surgical techniques, in the last more than 30 years, different methods with minimal damage to neuromuscular spine structures are being developed and introduced, all having the purpose of reducing postoperative back pain. The advantages of the minimally invasive spine surgery include: possibility of performing procedures under local anaesthesia, reduced hospital stay, limited blood loss with consecutively reduced fibrous tissue development. Patients are capable of return to work and everyday activities early after surgery. From the economical point of view, this kind of treatment is considered to be a cost-effective intervention. Three methods that are being used for treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation are: percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD), microdiscectomy using tubular retractor system and selective endoscopic discectomy (SED). Conducted prospective studies have shown that minimally invasive methods are adequate alternative to classic surgical procedures


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    KirurÅ”ko liječenje hernije intervertebralnog diska slabinske kralježnice ubrajamo u najčeŔće neurokirurÅ”ke zahvate. Uz klasične operacijske tehnike unatrag viÅ”e od 30 godina istražuju se i uvode metode s minimalnim oÅ”tećenjima neuromuskularnih struktura kralježnice kako bi se smanjila poslijeoperacijska bol u leđima. Kao prednosti minimalno invazivne kirurgije kralježnice ističu se: mogućnost izvođenja u lokalnoj anesteziji, skraćeni poslijeoperacijski boravak u bolnici (2 ā€“ 3 dana), znatno manji gubitak krvi te smanjeno poslijeoperacijsko stvaranje ožiljnog tkiva. Nakon operacije bolesnici su znatno brže sposobni za povratak na posao i za svakodnevne životne aktivnosti. S ekonomskoga glediÅ”ta ovakav pristup liječenju hernije intervertebralnog diska bitno pridonosi smanjenju troÅ”kova liječenja. Donosimo opis triju metoda koje se primjenjuju u liječenju hernije intervertebralnog diska slabinske kralježnice: perkutana laserska dekompresija diska (PLDD), mikrodiskektomija s pomoću sustava tubularnih retraktora i selektivna endoskopska diskektomija (SED). DosadaÅ”nje prospektivne studije pokazale su da su minimalno invazivne metode prikladna alternativa klasičnim metodama.Surgical treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation is one of the most common neurosurgical procedures. Besides conventional surgical techniques, in the last more than 30 years, different methods with minimal damage to neuromuscular spine structures are being developed and introduced, all having the purpose of reducing postoperative back pain. The advantages of the minimally invasive spine surgery include: possibility of performing procedures under local anaesthesia, reduced hospital stay, limited blood loss with consecutively reduced fibrous tissue development. Patients are capable of return to work and everyday activities early after surgery. From the economical point of view, this kind of treatment is considered to be a cost-effective intervention. Three methods that are being used for treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation are: percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD), microdiscectomy using tubular retractor system and selective endoscopic discectomy (SED). Conducted prospective studies have shown that minimally invasive methods are adequate alternative to classic surgical procedures

    Čimbenici povezani s depresijom u bolesnika sa shizofrenijom

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    The aim of this study was to analyze risk factors present in schizophrenic patients with depressive symptomatology. The sample comprised of 76 respondents diagnosed with schizophrenia. In the study, we used the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia. The prevalence of depression was estimated to be 30%. The mean scores on the negative subscale of the PANSS were significantly higher in patients with schizophrenia and depression compared to control group (U=3.64, p=0.00), and so were those on the General Psychopathology Scale (U=4.91, p=0.00). Socio-demographic factors were identified as important factors (p<0.05). Personal and environmental factors such as loneliness, immediate social environment, social support and isolation were statistically significantly different between the groups (p<0.05). There was a correlation of poor compliance with psycho-pharmacotherapy, increased number of hospitalizations and shorter remission period with the severity of clinical presentation (p<0.05). Since the presence of these factors is associated with depression in schizophrenia, their early detection in clinical practice is vital to ensure timely prevention of the development of depressive symptomatology.Cilj ovoga rada bio je analizirati čimbenike rizika prisutne u shizofrenih bolesnika s depresivnom simptomatologijom. Uzorak se sastojao od 76 ispitanika s dijagnozom shizofrenije. U studiji smo koristili Ljestvicu za procjenu pozitivnog i negativnog sindroma kod shizofrenije (PANSS) i Kalgarijsku ljestvicu depresije. Procjenjuje se da je učestalost depresije 30%. Prosječni rezultati na negativnoj podljestvici PANSS-a bili su značajno veći u bolesnika sa shizofrenijom i depresijom u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (U=3,64, p=0,00), kao i na općoj psihopatoloÅ”koj ljestvici (U=4,91, p=0,00). Socio-demografski čimbenici identificirani su kao važni čimbenici (p<0,05). Osobni i okoliÅ”ni čimbenici, kao Å”to su usamljenost, neposredna druÅ”tvena okolina, socijalna potpora i izolacija statistički se značajno razlikuju među skupinama (p<0,05). Postoji korelacija između slabe usklađenosti s psihofarmakoterapijom, povećanog broja hospitalizacija, kao i kraćeg razdoblja remisije s težinom kliničke slike (p<0,05). Budući da je prisutnost ovih čimbenika povezana s depresijom u shizofreniji, njihovo rano otkrivanje u kliničkoj praksi je od vitalnog značenja za pravodobno sprječavanje razvoja depresivne simptomatologije