287 research outputs found

    La comprensión de metáforas cognitivas en pacientes con afasia fluente de un centro hospitalario de Lima

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    Se presenta un análisis cualitativo sobre la comprensión de metáforas cognitivas en pacientes con afasia fluente de un centro hospitalario de Lima. Los objetivos de la investigación son los siguientes: describir las características de comprensión de las metáforas cognitivas en un grupo de pacientes con afasia fluente de un centro hospitalario de Lima a través del subtest de habla de conversación y, también, por medio del subtest de expresión oral, ambos pertenecientes al test de Boston. El método que se utilizó fue descriptivo simple. Los resultados se consiguieron por medio de la aplicación de dos subtest seleccionados del test de Boston, cuyas respuestas fueron transcritas en casos individuales y en un cuadro comparativo para obtener un mejor análisis de los datos. Se concluye por medio de la investigación que los pacientes con afasia fluente presentan dificultades en la comprensión de metáforas cognitivas, las cuales fueron interpretadas en sus sentidos literales y vinculadas con temas ajenos; pero también, a pesar de comprender algunas metáforas, estas solo fueron definidas en base a sus experiencias vividas, efectos que producen en las personas y sinónimos. Asimismo, el nivel de comprensión de las metáforas cognitivas está asociado al tipo de afasia fluente. Por otro lado, los resultados de esta investigación no se pueden generalizar a nivel nacional debido a la cantidad de la muestra.It is shown a qualitative analysis of the understanding of cognitive metaphors in patients with fluent aphasia in a Hospital Care Center of Lima. The targets of the research were as follow: to describe the characteristics of the cognitive understanding of metaphors in a group of patients with fluent aphasia form a Hospital Care Center of Lima through the speaking and conversation subtest and oral expression subtest, both belonging to test of Boston. The method used was simple descriptive. The results were achieved through the application of two selected subtest of the test of Boston, which responses were transcribed in individual cases and in a comparative table for better data analysis. It is concluded through research that patients with fluent aphasia have difficulties in understanding cognitive metaphors, which were interpreted in their literal meanings and associated with foreign issues, but also, although to understand some metaphors, these were only defined based on their experiences, effects which produce on people and synonyms. Furthermore, the level of understanding of cognitive metaphors is associated with the type of fluent aphasia. Moreover, the results of this research can not be generalized nationally, due to the amount of the sample.Tesi

    Microscopic fungi functioning in the rhizosphere of dekoratyve plants, growing in Kaunas botanical garden

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    2006-2008 metais Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Kauno botanikos sode iš ekspozicijose ir kolekcijose auginamų augalų, su pažeista antžemine dalimi (Abies balsamea; Picea sp; 2 veislės Paeonia lactiflora: "Virgilijus", "Darius ir Girėnas", 5 rūšys Rhododendron: R. fortunei ssp. discolor, R. maximum, R. micranthum, R. wiltonii, Rhododendron sp.; Thuja sp.) rizosferos išskirta ir identifikuota 41 mikroskopinių grybų rūšis, priklausanti 21 genčiai, 5 šeimoms, 4 eilėms, 3 klasėms bei 3 skyriams (aprašyta pagal P.M. Kirk ir kt. (2001) sistemą).[...]During 2006-2008 the investigations were carried about the rhizosphere of decorative plants (Abies balsamea; Picea sp; 2 veislės Paeonia lactiflora: "Virgilijus", "Darius ir Girėnas", 5 rūšys Rhododendron: R. fortunei ssp. discolor, R. maximum, R. micranthum, R. wiltonii, Rhododendron sp.; Thuja sp.). There were identified 41 fungal species belonging to 21 genera, 4 ranges, 3 classes and 3 divisions. [...]Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta


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    Fitopatologijos grupėVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Development of phytopathology science in Kaunas Botanical Garden

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    Straipsnyje pateikiama 1923–2010 m. fitopatologijos mokslo raidos Kauno botanikos sode analizė. 1925 m. augalų apsaugos tyrimus Botanikos sode pradėjo prof. A. Minkevičius – Lietuvos fitopatologijos mokslo pradininkas. Atlikus retrospektyvinę analizę nustatyta, kad fitopatologijos mokslo tyrimo objektas ir uždaviniai Kauno botanikos sode kito, priklausomai nuo iškylančių augalų apsaugos problemų, augalus pažeidžiančių patogenų pobūdžio bei įvairovėsThe analysis of the development of phytopathology science in Kaunas Botanical Garden during 1923-2010 is presented in the article. When Botanical Garden was founded, the first who started relevant researches on plant protection was prof. A. Minkevičius. The retrospective analysis have showed that the research object of phytopathology science and the tasks varied accordingly to the plant protection problems arisen at the particular time-period and to the character of plant pathogens, as also to their varietyBotanikos sodasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Methods and results of isolation of microscopic fungi from the rhizosphere of ornamental plants

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    ISSN 2335-7282 (online)Straipsnyje pateikiami 1989–2012 m. Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Kauno botanikos sode atliktų dekoratyvinių augalų rizosferos mikroskopinių grybų įvairovės tyrimai. Mikroskopiniai grybai buvo išskirti taikant biologinį grynų kultūrų išskyrimo metodą. Analitiniu–teoriniu metodu atlikus Kauno botanikos sode auginamų dekoratyvinių augalų rizosferos mikologinius tyrimus, nustatyta grybų komplekso priklausomybė nuo augalo rūšies, būklės, aplinkos sąlygųArticle presents the research data of microscopic fungi studies on rhizosphere of ornamental plants, carried out during 1989–2012 at Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University. Microscopic fungi were isolated by applying biological isolation method of pure cultures. The dependence between plant species, status, environmental conditions were assessed using analytical-theoretical research method during the mycological study (1989–2012) on rhizosphere of ornamental plants grown at Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University. Study disclosed the decreasing variety of fungi species and increasing detection frequency during vegetation stage of perennial plants (Dianthus caryophyllus). The long term growth at one substrata results plant root metabolite – diversity decreases, prevail species specific to species of this plant. The rudiments of pathogenic fungi are detected while the plant is still healthy. At the root zone of plants with over ground injuries (Abies balsamea, Picea sp., Thuja sp., Rhododendron spp., Dahlia sp., Paeonia spp.) grown at the outdoor collections there were detected pathogens: Fusarium spp., Botrytis cinerea, Phoma exiqua, etcBotanikos sodasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Disease agents and pest species in recreational greeneries in Lithuania

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    In Lithuania the evaluation of state of plants growing in green plantations was carried out extempore with no systematical order. From 2009 in two Lithuanian cities (Kaunas and Alytus) has proceeded a long-term monitoring of woody plants. 4000 plants are examined in 11 parks and squares annually. The intensity of fungal diseases and pests’ abundance are evaluated according to 0 to 4 grades scale. Climatic conditions have a direct influence on the alter of plants’ diversity and intensity of pathogenic injuries. 17 plant species were affected by fungal diseases by 0.02–2.07 grades: mildew fungi – Acerginalla and A. tatarica (agents Sawadaea bicornis), A. platanoides 'Globosum' (Sawadaea tulasnei), A. negundo (Phylosticta negundinis), Caragana arborescens (Erysiphe palczewskii), Berberis thunbergii 'Purpurea' (Erysiphe berberidis), Euonymus europaea (Erysiphe euonymi), Fraxinus exelsior (Phyllactinia fraxini), Quercus robur (Erysiphe alphitoides), Spireae arguta (Erysiphe penicillata), Syringa vulgaris (Erysiphe syringae), Rosa sp. (Podosphaera pannosa); rust fungi – Larix decidua (Melampsora laricis-populina), Pinus strobus (Cronartium ribicola), Pinus sylvestris (Cronartium flaccidum), Pyrus pyraster (Gymnosporangium sabine), and spot diseases – Tilia cordata (Didymosphaeria petrakiana, Apiognomonia errabunda, Mycosphaerella microsora). Erysiphe flexuosa annually injure Aesculus hippocastanum. In 2002 these invasive species were described for the first time in Lithuania. In 2013 leaf spots (agents Phyllosticta paviae Desm. (syn. Guignardia aesculi) on hores–chestnut trees were observed repeatedly at places where Cameraria ohridella have less affected chestnut trees. Since 2013 the damage of leaf spot agent Asteromella tiliae were noticed on Tilia cordata and T. platyphyllos located near ponds. The spread of Schizotetranychus tiliarum was also observed and noticed sever damages on Tilia platyphyllos (0–3 grades). [...]Fitopatologijos grupėVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Jūsų klausimai – specialistų atsakymai

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    Botanikos sodasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Klausk specialisto

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    Botanikos sodasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Nesodinkime bijūnų prie pušų

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    Fitopatologijos grupėVytauto Didžiojo universiteta