8 research outputs found

    One-reactor plasma assisted fabrication of ZnO@TiO2 multishell nanotubes: assessing the impact of a full coverage on the photovoltaic performance

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    This paper addresses the fabrication of vertically aligned ZnO@TiO2 multishell nanotubes by a combined full vacuum-plasma approach at mild temperatures. The growth is carried out within the premises of a one-reactor approach, i.e. minimizing the number of vacuum chambers and sample transferences. In this way, the interface between ZnO and TiO2 is fully preserved from humidity thus increasing ZnO durability and stability. These nanostructures are studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in STEM (EDX-STEM). High density one-dimensional arrays of these nanotubes formed on FTO substrates are applied as photoanode in a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC). The evolution of the dye adsorption capacity and solar cells parameters are explored as a function of the crystallinity and thickness of the TiO2 shell. The results show the critical effect of a full coverage by TiO2 of ZnO core to explain the mixed results found in the literature.Junta de Andalucia FQM 1851 FQM-2310España Mineco Agencia Estatal de Investigación MAT2016–79866-R MAT2013–42900-P MAT2013– 47192-C3-3-RMINECO-CSIC 201560E055Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-IF-2014PlasmaPerovSol grant 66148

    Characterization of Photochromic Dye Solar Cells Using Small-Signal Perturbation Techniques

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    Photochromic dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are novel semi-transparent photovoltaic devices that self-adjust their optical properties to the irradiation conditions, a feature that makes them especially suitable for building integrated photovoltaics. These novel solar cells have already achieved efficiencies above 4%, and there are multiple pathways to improve the performance. In this work, we conduct a full characterization of DSSCs with the photochromic dye NPI, combining electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and intensity-modulated photocurrent spectroscopy (IMPS). We argue that the inherent properties of the photochromic dye, which result in a modification of the functioning of the solar cell by the optical excitation that also acts as a probe, pose unique challenges to the interpretation of the results using conventional models. Absorption of light in the visible range significantly increases when the NPI dye is in the activated state; however, the recombination rate also increases, thus limiting the efficiency. We identify and quantify the mechanism of enhanced recombination when the photochromic dye is activated using a combination of EIS and IMPS. From the comparison to a state-of-the-art reference dye (RK1), we were able to detect a new feature in the IMPS spectrum that is associated with the optical activation of the photochromic dye, providing a useful tool for assessing the electronic behavior of the device under different conditions of light excitation. This study provides guidelines to adequate characterization protocols of photochromic solar cells and essential insights on the interfacial electronic processes.Universidad Pablo de Olavide / CEA Grenobl

    Vacuum template synthesis of multifunctional nanotubes with tailored nanostructured walls

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    A three-step vacuum procedure for the fabrication of vertical TiO2 and ZnO nanotubes with three dimensional walls is presented. The method combines physical vapor deposition of small-molecules, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of inorganic functional thin films and layers and a postannealing process in vacuum in order to remove the organic template. As a result, an ample variety of inorganic nanotubes are made with tunable length, hole dimensions and shapes and tailored wall composition, microstructure, porosity and structure. The fabrication of multishell nanotubes combining different semiconducting oxides and metal nanoparticles is as well explored. This method provides a feasible and reproducible route for the fabrication of high density arrays of vertically alligned nanotubes on processable substrates. The emptying mechanism and microstructure of the nanotubes have been elucidated through SEM, STEM, HAADF-STEM tomography and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. In this article, as a proof of concept, it is presented the straightforward integration of ZnO nanotubes as photoanode in a photovoltaic cell and as a photonic oxygen gas sensorJunta de Andalucia TEP8067 FQM-6900 FQM 1851 P12-FQM-2265España Mineco CONSOLIDER-CSD 2008-00023 MAT2013-40852-R MAT2013-42900-P MAT2013-47192-C3-3-R RECUPERA 2020Unión Europea FP/2007-2013 312483 - ESTEEM2 291522 - 3DIMAGE REGPOT-CT-2011-285895-Al-NANOFUNC

    Ultrathin Plasma Polymer Passivation of Perovskite Solar Cells for Improved Stability and Reproducibility

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    Despite the youthfulness of hybrid halide perovskite solar cells, their efficiencies are currently comparable to commercial silicon and have surpassed quantum-dots solar cells. Yet, the scalability of these devices is a challenge due to their low reproducibility and stability under environmental conditions. However, the techniques reported to date to tackle such issues recurrently involve the use of solvent methods that would further complicate their transfer to industry. Herein a reliable alternative relaying in the implementation of an ultrathin plasma polymer as a passivation interface between the electron transport layer and the hybrid perovskite layer is presented. Such a nanoengineered interface provides solar devices with increased long-term stability under ambient conditions. Thus, without involving any additional encapsulation step, the cells retain more than 80% of their efficiency after being exposed to the ambient atmosphere for more than 1000 h. Moreover, this plasma polymer passivation strategy significantly improves the coverage of the mesoporous scaffold by the perovskite layer, providing the solar cells with enhanced performance, with a champion efficiency of 19.2%, a remarkable value for Li-free standard mesoporous n-i-p architectures, as well as significantly improved reproducibility

    Low temperature plasma processing of platinum porphyrins for the development of metal nanostructured layers

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    This article establishes the bases for a vacuum and plasma supported methodology for the fabrication at mild temperatures of nanostructured platinum in the form of porous layers and nanocolumns using platinum octaethylporphyrin as precursor. In addition, the application of these materials as tunable optical filters and nano-counterelectrodes is proved. On one hand, the transparency in the ultraviolet-visible-near infrared range can be adjusted precisely between 70% and 1% by tuning the deposition and processing conditions, obtaining a high spectral planarity. Deviations of the spectra from an ideal flat filter are below 4%, paving the way to the fabrication of neutral density filters. The transparency limit values yield a sheet resistivity of ¿1350 and 120 ¿ ¿-1, respectively. On the other hand, the catalytic properties of the nanostructures are further demonstrated by their implementation as counterelectrodes of excitonic solar cells surpassing the performance of commercial platinum as counterelectrode in a 20% of the overall cell efficiency due to simultaneous enhancement of short-circuit photocurrent and open-circuit photovoltage. One of the most interesting features of the developed methodology is its straightforward application to other metal porphyrins and phthalocyanines readily sublimable under mild vacuum and temperature conditions.Junta de AndaluciaTEP8067 FQM-6900 FQM 1851 P12-FQM-2265España MinecoMAT2013-40852-R MAT2013-42900-P MAT2013-47192-C3-3-RMAT2016-79866-RMINECO-CSIC 201560E055

    Highly Anisotropic Organometal Halide Perovskite Nanowalls Grown by Glancing-Angle Deposition

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    Polarizers are ubiquitous components in current optoelectronic devices as displays or photographic cameras. Yet, control over light polarization is an unsolved challenge, since the main drawback of the existing display technologies is the significant optical losses. In such a context, organometal halide perovskites (OMHP) can play a decisive role given their flexible synthesis with tunable optical properties such as bandgap and photoluminescence, and excellent light emission with a low non-radiative recombination rate. Therefore, along with their outstanding electrical properties have elevated hybrid perovskites as the material of choice in photovoltaics and optoelectronics. Among the different OMHP nanostructures, nanowires and nanorods have lately arisen as key players in the control of light polarization for lighting or detector applications. Herein, the fabrication of highly aligned and anisotropic methylammonium lead iodide perovskite nanowalls by glancing-angle deposition, which is compatible with most substrates, is presented. Their high alignment degree provides the samples with anisotropic optical properties such as light absorption and photoluminescence. Furthermore, their implementation in photovoltaic devices provides them with a polarization-sensitive response. This facile vacuum-based approach embodies a milestone in the development of last-generation polarization-sensitive perovskite-based optoelectronic devices such as lighting appliances or self-powered photodetectors

    Inverted Hysteresis in n-i-p and p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells

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    A combination of experimental studies and drift-diffusion modeling has been used to investigate the appearance of inverted hysteresis, where the area under the J-V curve for the reverse scan is lower than in the forward scan, in perovskite solar cells. It is found that solar cells in the p-i-n configuration show inverted hysteresis at a sufficiently high scan rate, whereas n-i-p solar cells tend to have normal hysteresis. By examining the influence of the composition of charge transport layers, the perovskite film crystallinity and the preconditioning treatment, the possible causes of the presence of normal and inverted hysteresis are identified. Simulated current-voltage measurements from a coupled electron-hole-ion driftdiffusion model that replicate the experimental hysteresis trends are presented. It is shown that during current-voltage scans, the accumulation and depletion of ionic charge at the interfaces modifies carrier transport within the perovskite layer and alters the injection and recombination of carriers at the interfaces. Additionally, it is shown that the scan rate dependence of the degree of hysteresis has a universal shape, where the crossover scan rate between normal and inverted hysteresis depends on the ion diffusion coefficient and the nature of the transport layers.Universidad Pablo Olavide. Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturale

    Enhancing Moisture and Water Resistance in Perovskite Solar Cells by Encapsulation with Ultrathin Plasma Polymers

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    A compromise between high power conversion efficiency and long-term stability of hybrid organic–inorganic metal halide perovskite solar cells is necessary for their outdoor photovoltaic application and commercialization. Herein, a method to improve the stability of perovskite solar cells under water and moisture exposure consisting of the encapsulation of the cell with an ultrathin plasma polymer is reported. The deposition of the polymer is carried out at room temperature by the remote plasma vacuum deposition of adamantane powder. This encapsulation method does not affect the photovoltaic performance of the tested devices and is virtually compatible with any device configuration independent of the chemical composition. After 30 days under ambient conditions with a relative humidity (RH) in the range of 35–60%, the absorbance of encapsulated perovskite films remains practically unaltered. The deterioration in the photovoltaic performance of the corresponding encapsulated devices also becomes significantly delayed with respect to devices without encapsulation when vented continuously with very humid air (RH > 85%). More impressively, when encapsulated solar devices were immersed in liquid water, the photovoltaic performance was not affected at least within the first 60 s. In fact, it has been possible to measure the power conversion efficiency of encapsulated devices under operation in water. The proposed method opens up a new promising strategy to develop stable photovoltaic and photocatalytic perovskite devices