65 research outputs found

    Tratamento das flutuações das taxas de partida para a monitoração da subcriticalidade do núcleo e revisão crítica do conceito de SPDS

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    A implementação de sistemas computadorizados de auxílio à operação de usinas nucleares teve início após o acidente nuclear da usina americana de Three Mile Island . Naquela oportunidade foi introduzido o conceito de “Safety Parameter Display Sistem” (SPDS), mais especificamente o do seu módulo de Funções Críticas de Segurança. A definição original destes sistemas não era clara e objetiva o suficiente para uma implementação adequada de tais sistemas nas salas de controle das usinas nucleares. Como consequência surgiram surgiram diferentes versões de SDPS que, em sua grande maioria, apresentam sérias deficiências, tornando-os incompatíveis com o objetivo precípuo de aumento de segurança na operação de usinas nucleares. O presente trabalho teve como meta inicial a revisão crítica do conceito de “SAfety Parameter Display Sistem” (SDPS) com base na regulamentação e experiência operacional existentes. E teve como desdobramentos dessa meta inicial a proposta de solução para as flutuações das taxas de partidas usadas na monitoração das funções críticas de segurança, e o estudo de viabilidade da automatização dos procedimentos de recuperação das referidas funções críticas. Em particular, a solução para as flutuações das taxas de partida tornou-se relevante em face a constatação de que todos os SDPS que monitoravam as árvores de estado das funções críticas de segurança apresentavam este problema, devido a composição intrínseca dos canais de detecção dos fluxos de nêutrons em reatores nucleares. Neste trabalho, também é apresentado um resumo das principais inspeções realizadas em SDPS , em operação em várias usinas nucleares americanas

    Use of virtual simulator for agent training in radiation protection actions in major events

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    With the proximity of the events of the Olympic Games, Brazil can become a great place of visibility for running dirty bombs or any other radiation mode proliferation by terrorists. Aware of these problems, the government and the organizations created managements of emergencies to ensure that these events elapse in an orderly and safe manner. The management of emergency situations at an event is a complex problem, which involves dynamic, unforeseen and unintended situations, emphasizing the potential complexity of the contexts in which organizations operate and, as a consequence, the people involved in the execution of multiple tasks from activities that require intense cognitive effort, are often challenged to adapt dynamically to maintain the productivity of the organization at satisfactory levels of performance usually impedes these people reflect on the results of their actions and learn from them. Therefore, it is extremely important to create tools that address the methods and techniques of Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) to assist in the previous training of the security agents, for example, detection and approaches of people who carry radioactive elements. One of the possible ways to accomplish this training is through the use of virtual reality. Virtual environments bring some advantages like reducing costs and risks. The aim of this paper is to present a virtual simulator to evaluate the use in training agents in major events. As a case study, the Maracanã and the agents of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) was chosen

    Nuclear Plants and Emergency Virtual Simulations based on a Low-cost Engine Reuse

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    Our industrialised society comprises many industrial processes that are very important for everyone, in a wide range of fields. Activities related to these industrial processes, though, involve, in higher or lower degrees, some risk for personnel,  besides risk for the general public in some cases. Therefore, efficient training programs and simulations are highly required, to improve the processes involved, increasing safety for people. To cite an example, nuclear plants pose high safety requirements in operational and maintenance routines, to keep plants in safe operation conditions and reduce personnel exposure to radiation dose. Besides operational and maintenance in nuclear plants, there are also other situations where efficient training is required, as in evacuation planning from buildings in emergency situations. Also, rescue tasks play similar role. These apply specially for nuclear sites. Another situation that requires efficient training is security, what has special meaning for plants that involve dangerous materials, such as nuclear plants. Nuclear materials must be kept under high security level, to avoid any misuse

    Virtual dosimetry applied to the physical security of a nuclear installation

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    An important activity to be held in radiation protection is the location of radioactive sources. The present work was devoted to the development of a virtual dosimetry tool for locating and detecting such sources. To this end, was created a three-dimensional virtual model of the Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear – IEN, endowed with virtual characters (avatars), capable of move and interact with the environment, radiation detectors (fixed and mobile) and radioactive sources. Aiming to assist in planning physical security of nuclear installations, the tool developed allows the detection simulation of individuals carrying radioactive sources through detectors installed at strategic points of the site. In addition, it is possible to detect and locate sources by handling portable detectors, operated by characters within the virtual environment. The results obtained show the behavior of the radiation detectors on continuous profile of radioactive sources, allowing calculate the dose rate at any position of the virtual environment. Thus, this work can assist in the training of security officers, as well as in evaluating the radiological safety of the nuclear site

    Use of fuzzy logic in determining the intensity of aerobic exercise

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    Since the prescribing guidelines of aerobic training are general, some authors have proposed models that provide an increase in the accuracy of the prescription. Fuzzy logic has been used to solve problems in the field of health and the use of this technique of artificial intelligence in exercise prescription could improve decision-making about the degree of intensity with which each individual must exercise himself. The objective of the present study is to propose a model for determining the intensity of aerobic exercise through a strategy of artificial intelligence (fuzzy logic). Fuzzy sets were shaped through five input variables having as output variable the intensity of the exercise. From these sets it was developed a matrix composed of 40 rules and subsequently these rules were included in the MATLAB software. The inference and the defuzzyfication were worked according to the methods of Mamdani and the center of area, respectively. The developed model is a refinement of those existing in the literature about the subject and proved to be a promising strategy giving support to the decision-making for the prescription of aerobic activities

    Escape route simulator utilizing augmented reality

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    Due to increasing demand and interest in the interaction of technology platforms and integration of different types of systems and technologies, some tools are already providing practical ways to develop integrated applications. The tools explored by this article are Unity, a platform for game development, and Vuforia, an SDK, software development kit, for augmented reality creation. The coalition proposal of these resources is to create an intuitive escape route that can be used for the evacuation of buildings or open spaces in view of imminent danger, such as radiation leakage, and that can be accessed from a target available at the institution. It has also the intention of simulating situations that involve training of personnel in order to obtain methods that allow to save financial resources, and even to avoid that those who are involved are exposed to risks unnecessarily. The simulator is expected to help design, test, and improve ways to maintain the physical integrity of the facility and provide end users with a better sense of immersion and attractiveness

    Mobile robotic system for mapping dose

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    The advancement of technology has allowed the development of ever more elaborate systems that, even, contributes to increase the life quality and safety at work. This becomes more crucial when dealing with an environment that may present some kind of danger and requires several care steps, such as the nuclear environment. In situations of radiation exposure, the use of robots has become a valuable tool. This research aims to discuss the deployment of a mobile-robotic system capable of detecting ionizing radiation and to send important information to an operator who thus can act outside a risk area. Through a predetermined path, the robot identifies the color that is marked on the floor of the environment, therefore, making a path that matters to the operator. Programming was done using the NXC (Not eXactly C) is a high-level programming language for the Lego Mindstorm NXT and the IDE The for NXC is the Bricx Command Center interface that provides a totally friendly and interactive interface with the Lego Mindstorm. The processing code is done completely on the robot CPU, and the information is sent (dose rate and position) to the controller positioned outside the environment via Bluetooth and through the radiation detector -PM1401K Multipurpose Radiation Monitor. Finally, information will be sent to a mobile phone, which the operator uses. This research will be tested as an aid to control and mapping the Argonauta Reactor, present at IEN / CNEN

    A formação do professor para o uso de metodologias facilitadoras do engajamento de forma afetiva na Educação Infantil: um estudo a partir do ensino das Ciências da Natureza

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo enfatizar o desenvolvimento de metodologias que promovam o engajamento de forma afetiva na Educação Infantil. É um grande desafio para o professor atualmente que a aprendizagem das crianças que frequentam a Educação Infantil ocorra de forma afetiva e engajadora, sendo necessário a existência de novos meios didáticos e a busca de conhecimentos metodológicos inovadores para essa geração que cresce imersa no mundo digital. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo de caso de abordagem qualitativa com professoras de Niterói, município do estado do Rio de Janeiro, a partir do enfoque em ensino de Ciências da Natureza. Os dados revelaram que o ensino das Ciências da Natureza é pouco explorado na Educação Infantil e a carência na formação acadêmica dificulta as práticas dessas profissionais nesse ambiente. É preciso desmistificar a utilização das novas metodologias na prática de ensino e promover formação continuada que possibilite ao professor acompanhar as mudanças da sociedade.  Este artículo tiene como objetivo enfatizar el desarrollo de metodologías que promuevan el compromiso de manera afectiva en la Educación Infantil. Es un gran desafío para el docente hoy que el aprendizaje de los niños que asisten al Jardín de Infancia se dé de manera afectiva y participativa, requiriendo la existencia de nuevos medios didácticos y la búsqueda de conocimientos metodológicos innovadores para esta generación que crece inmersa en lo digital. mundo. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de caso con abordaje cualitativo con docentes de Niterói, municipio del estado de Río de Janeiro, a partir de la enseñanza de Ciencias Naturales. Los datos revelaron que la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales es poco explorada en la Educación Infantil y la falta de formación académica dificulta el ejercicio de estos profesionales en este medio. Es necesario desmitificar el uso de nuevas metodologías en la práctica docente y promover la formación continua que permita a los docentes estar al día con los cambios de la sociedad.  This article aims to emphasize the development of methodologies that promote engagement in an affective way in Early Childhood Education. It is a great challenge for the teacher today that the learning of children who attend Kindergarten takes place in an affective and engaging way, requiring the existence of new didactic means and the search for innovative methodological knowledge for this generation that grows up immersed in the digital world. To this end, a case study with a qualitative approach was carried out with teachers from Niterói, a municipality in the state of Rio de Janeiro, based on the teaching of Natural Sciences. The data revealed that the teaching of Natural Sciences is little explored in Early Childhood Education and the lack of academic training makes it difficult for these professionals to practice in this environment. It is necessary to demystify the use of new methodologies in teaching practice and promote continuing education that enables teachers to keep up with changes in society. &nbsp

    Virtual reality interactive simulator for training healthcare professionals in the use of ionising radiations

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    The application of ionizing radiation in medicine requires a rigorous attention to procedures in order to minimize the risks to the healthcare professional and to the patient. Risk minimization involves the training of the professional and the adequacy of the facilities. Virtual Reality (VR) is an already consolidated tool for training procedures, including those of the health sciences. In this context, an interactive VR simulator representing a radiotherapy room (bunker) for training healthcare professionals and the inspectors of such facilities was developed. This VR model allows the user to perform the normal activities on the operation and the inspection procedures of the facility. The model was based on the blueprints of a real radiotherapy clinic. The virtual model of the radiotherapy bunker, developed at the Institute of Nuclear Engineering, was presented to experts of the General Coordination of Medical and Industrial Facilities of CNEN and is in the process of receiving small modifications to the specific needs for its adequateness, as a training tool, in a training course, sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), for inspectors of radiotherapy installations. This work shows the possibility of using Virtual Reality in the development of training tools for professionals working in radioactive installations

    Desenvolvimento de jogos educativos como ferramenta didática: um olhar voltado à formação de futuros docentes de ciências

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    No presente trabalho, buscou-se avaliar o impacto de uma prática pedagógica aplicada a licenciandos do curso de Ciências Biológicas de uma universidade particular do Rio de Janeiro. Os licenciandos foram estimulados a desenvolver jogos educativos relacionados à disciplina de Biologia Celular, para, numa etapa subsequente, aplicá-los com os colegas em sala de aula. Dois questionários foram aplicados aos participantes da pesquisa: o primeiro, imediatamente após o uso dos jogos em sala de aula, e o segundo, dois anos mais tarde, quando a licenciatura já havia sido concluída. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que jogos educativos devem merecer tempo e espaço privilegiados na formação dos professores, e apontam para a relevância de se aliar atividades pedagógicas a disciplinas de conteúdo específico desde o início da formação em licenciatura. Para isso, sugerimos estreito diálogo das disciplinas teóricas do ciclo básico com as disciplinas didáticas, particularmente Prática de Ensino e Estágio Supervisionado