12 research outputs found

    Artroplastia total do joelho auxiliada por navegação: análise de 200 casos

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    OBJECTIVE:to evaluate the results from surgery with computer-assisted navigation in cases of total knee arthroplasty.METHOD:a total of 196 patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty with computer-assisted navigation were evaluated. The extension and flexion spaces (gaps) were evaluated during the operation and the alignment after the operation was assessed. The Knee Society Score (KSS) questionnaire for assessing patient's function was applied preoperatively and postoperatively after a mean follow-up of 22 months.RESULTS:in all, 86.7% of the patients presented good alignment of the mechanical axis (less than 3◦ of varus or valgus in relation to the mechanical axis) and 96.4% of the patients presented balanced flexion and extension gaps. Before the operation, 97% of the patients presented poor or insufficient KSS, but after the operation, 77.6% presented good or excellent KSS.CONCLUSION:the navigation system made it possible to achieve aligned and balanced implants, with notable functional improvement among the patients. It was found to be useful in assessing, understanding and improving knowledge in relation to performing arthroplasty procedures.OBJETIVO:avaliar os resultados das cirurgias assistidas por navegação (CAN) nas artroplastias totais de joelho.MÉTODO:foram avaliados 196 pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total de joelho com auxílio da navegação por computador. Avaliados no intraoperatório os espaços (gaps) de extensão e de flexão, o alinhamento pós-operatório e o questionário funcional da Knee Society Score (KSS) pré-operatório e pós-operatório com seguimento médio de 22 meses.RESULTADOS:dos pacientes, 86,7% apresentaram bom alinhamento do eixo mecânico (dentro de 3◦ de varo ou valgo em relação ao eixo mecânico) e 96,4% apresentaram ambos os gaps de flexão e extensão balanceados. No pré-operatório, 97% dos pacientes apresentavam KSS funcional ruim ou insuficiente, no pós-operatório 77,6% apresentavam KSS funcional bom ou excelente.CONCLUSÃO:a navegação proporcionou a obtenção de implantes alinhados e balanceados com importante melhoria da função nos pacientes. Foram evidenciados sua utilidade no estudo, o entendimento e o aperfeiçoamento do conhecimento na execução das artroplastias.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Orthopedics and Traumatology DepartmentUNIFESP, Orthopedics and Traumatology DepartmentSciEL

    Contribution to the treatment of nausea and emesis induced by chemotherapy in children and adolescents with osteosarcoma

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Chemotherapy-induced emesis is a limiting factor in treating children with malignancies. Intensive chemotherapy regimens along with emetogenic drug administration have increased the frequency and severity of emesis and nausea. Our study was designed to consider the importance of this problem and the need for improvement in emesis treatment for patients receiving chemotherapy. Our objective was to compare the efficacy and safety of the antiemetic drug granisetron and a regimen of metoclopramide plus dimenhydrinate. DESIGN AND SETTING: Open, prospective and randomized study at Instituto de Oncologia Pediátrica, Department of Pediatrics, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. METHODS: From February to August 1994, 26 patients (mean age: 14 years) with osteosarcoma received 80 chemotherapy cycles of iphosphamide (2,500 mg/m²) plus epirubicin (75 mg/m²) or carboplatin (600 mg/m²), or epirubicin (75 mg/m²) plus carboplatin (600 mg/m²). Eighty chemotherapy treatments were analyzed regarding nausea and vomiting control. Patients were randomized to receive either a single dose of granisetron (50 µg/kg) or metoclopramide (2 mg/kg) plus dimenhydrinate (5 mg/kg infused over eight hours). Emesis and nausea were monitored for 24 hours by means of the modified Morrow Assessment of Nausea and Emesis. Statistical analysis utilized the chi-squared, Student t and Mann-Whitney tests, plus data exploration techniques. RESULTS: 62.5% of the patients undergoing chemotherapy responded completely to granisetron, whereas 10% responded to metoclopramide plus dimenhydrinate (p < 0.0001). No severe adverse reactions were found in either of the treatments given. CONCLUSION: In children and adolescents with osteosarcoma, granisetron was safe and more efficient than metoclopramide plus dimenhydrinate for controlling chemotherapy-induced emesis and nausea

    Função sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo pela ecocardiografia em crianças e adolescentes com osteossarcoma tratados com doxorrubicina com e sem dexrazoxane

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o comportamento da função sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) pela ecocardiografia em pacientes com osteossarcoma tratados com doxorrubicina com e sem dexrazoxane. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 55 pacientes com osteossarcoma com ou sem metástase submetidos à quimioterapia (QT) com seis ciclos de doxorrubicina, divididos em dois grupos, conforme o uso de dexrazoxane. Grupo I: 37 pacientes, os quais receberam dexrazoxane (28 do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 15,4 anos). Grupo II: 18 pacientes, que não receberam dexrazoxane (15 do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 15,1 anos). Foram realizadas quatro avaliações ecocardiográficas: 1) antes do início da QT (avaliação inicial); 2) até duas semanas após o terceiro ciclo; 3) até duas semanas após o quinto ciclo e 4) até quatro semanas após o sexto ciclo da QT (avaliação final). A função sistólica do VE foi avaliada pela porcentagem de encurtamento (PE) com o ecocardiograma. Alteração da função contrátil ou toxicidade miocárdica foi definida com valores de PE iguais ou inferiores a 29% e/ou diminuição da PE, em valor absoluto, igual ou superior a 10 unidades do valor inicial de cada paciente. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto à idade, sexo e raça. A dose cumulativa de doxorrubicina foi significantemente maior no grupo II em todas as fases do tratamento: 174 x 203 mg/m²; 292 x 338 mg/m² e 345 x 405 mg/² (p < 0,0001). A ocorrência de disfunção sistólica do VE, de acordo com os critérios previamente definidos, foi de sete indivíduos no grupo I (18,92%) e de dois no grupo II (11,1%), diferença não significativa (p=0,248). A análise de variância com medidas repetidas não mostrou diferença significativa nas médias da PE ao longo do período de estudo (p=0,967). Entretanto foi encontrada diferença significativa (p=0,029) entre as médias da PE dos grupos I e II nas avaliações 2 (35,67 x 37,21%), 3 (34,95 x 38,47%) e 4 (35,26 x 38,22%). CONCLUSÃO: Os dados do presente estudo indicam que, nos pacientes com osteossarcoma ltratados com doxorrubicina com e sem dexrazoxane, a função sistólica do VE, avaliada pela média da porcentagem de encurtamento, apresentou melhor desempenho no grupo que recebeu a administração de dexrazoxane. A ocorrência de disfunção sistólica, porém, foi semelhante entre os dois grupos de pacientes

    Low-Level Laser Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Oral Mucositis in Young Patients

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    Abstract Objective: A pilot clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in the prevention and treatment of chemotherapy (CT)-induced oral mucositis (OM) in young patients. Background Data: Besides compromising the patient&apos;s nutrition and well-being, oral mucositis represents a portal of entry into the body for microorganisms present in the mouth, which may lead to sepsis if there is hematological involvement. Oncologic treatment tolerance decreases and systemic complications may arise that interfere with the success of cancer treatment. LLLT appears to be an interesting alternative to other approaches to treating OM, due to its trophic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. Materials and Methods: Patients undergoing chemotherapy (22 cycles) without mucositis were randomized into a group receiving prophylactic laser-irradiation (group 1), and a group receiving placebo light treatment (group 2). Patients who had already presented with mucositis were placed in a group receiving irradiation for therapeutic purposes (group 3, with 10 cycles of CT). Serum granulocyte levels were taken and compared to the progression of mucositis. Results: In group 1, most patients (73%) presented with mucositis of grade 0 (p Ï­ 0.03 when compared with the placebo group), and 18% presented with grade 1. In group 2, 27% had no OM and did not require therapy. In group 3, the patients had marked pain relief (as assessed by a visual analogue scale), and a decrease in the severity of OM, even when they had severe granulocytopenia. Conclusion: The ease of use of LLLT, high patient acceptance, and the positive results achieved, make this therapy feasible for the prevention and treatment of OM in young patients. 39