214 research outputs found

    Cytogenetic characterization of two species of Frieseomelitta Ihering, 1912 (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini)

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    The cytogenetic analysis of Frieseomelitta dispar and F. francoi revealed the chromosome numbers 2n = 30 and n = 15 and a karyotypic formula 2K = 4M+2Mt+4A+20AM. The number of chromosomes observed was consistent with those reported for other Frieseomelitta species. The occurrence of the Mt chromosome and other features of the karyotype formulae suggest a close relationship between F. dispar, F. francoi and F. varia. Nevertheless, it was possible to differentiate the karyotypes of the species by DAPI/CMA3 staining, which revealed GC-rich regions on two chromosome pairs of F. dispar: one acrocentric and one pseudoacrocentric. In F. francoi, the same kinds of regions were observed on a pair of metacentrics and on a pair of acrocentrics. Our analysis also confirmed the chromosome number conservation in Frieseomelitta and suggests that infrequent pericentric inversion could constitute a synapomorphy for the group including F. dispar, F. francoi, and F. varia

    Growth hormone 1 gene (GH1) polymorphisms as possible markers of the production potential of beef cattle using the Brazilian Canchim breed as a model

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    The growth hormone 1 gene (GH1) is a candidate gene for body weight and weight gain in cattle since it plays a fundamental role in growth regulation. We investigated the GH1 gene AluI and DdeI restriction enzyme polymorphisms, located 149 bp apart in the cattle genome, as possible markers of the production potential of Canchim crossbreed cattle, a 5/8 Charolais (Bos taurus) and 3/8 Nelore (Bos indicus) breed developed in Brazil, by evaluating the birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight and plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration of 7 month to 10 months old Canchim calves (n = 204) of known genealogy and which had been genotyped for the AluI and DdeI markers. Our results showed significant effect (p < 0.05) between the homozygous DdeI+/DdeI+ polymorphism and the estimated breeding value for weaning weight (ESB-WW), while the AluI leucine homozygous (L/L) and leucine/valine (L/V) heterozygous polymorphisms showed no significant effect on the traits studied. The restriction sites of the two enzymes led to the formation of haplotypes which also exerted a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the ESB-WW, with the largest difference being 8.5 kg in favor of the homozygous L plus DdeI+/L plus DdeI+ genotype over the heterozygous L plus DdeI-/V plus DdeI+ genotype

    Improvement in muscular strength and aerobic capacities in elderly people occurs independently of physical training type or exercise model

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    OBJECTIVES: Progressive decline of physiological processes with aging is normal. Aging is also associated with decreased functional capacity and onset of many diseases. This study evaluated the changes in physical fitness (PF), body composition (BC), and lipid profile (LP) in elderly men completing different training protocols. METHODS: Fifty-five men (age 60-80 years) were randomized into the following groups: without training, aerobic training on dry land, combined training on dry land, and combined training in water. Training was conducted for 8 weeks, and PF, LP, and BC were assessed at the beginning and end of the intervention. RESULTS: Significant improvements were observed in all parameters; however, combined programs on land or in water were more effective at improving strength and aerobic fitness. Combined exercise produced greater effects on BC and LP and some muscle fitness parameters; however, improvements in muscular and aerobic capacities occurred independently of exercise type or model. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the effects of training occur regardless of training type or model, and are directly associated with training periodization, adherence, and regularit
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