22 research outputs found
Cyclosporine action on kidneys of rats submitted to normothermic ischaemia and reperfusion Ação da ciclosporina em rins de ratos submetidos à isquemia normotérmica e reperfusão
PURPOSE: To verify if rat kidneys lesioned by ischaemia followed by reperfusion are affected by cyclosporine A (CsA). METHODS: Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups, control (GS) and experimental (G1 and G2). G1 was subdivided in two: G1A composed of animals submitted to 60 minutes ischaemia and G1C with the same ischaemic procedure associated to 20 mg/kg/day CsA. Group G2 was subdivided and treated in the same way as G1 except that ischaemia was applied only for 40 minutes. Clamping the left renal artery followed by right side nephrectomy induced kidney ischaemia. Serum urea and creatinine were quantified on the day of surgery (D0) and in the following day (D1). Twenty four hours after reperfusion the left kidney was removed and histologically analyzed. RESULTS: Group GS had normal values for urea and creatinine both on D0 and D1 and did not show structural alterations. Renal function was not significantly different when G2C was compared to GS (p>0.05). Tissue lesions were smaller in G2C than in the other groups. CONCLUSIONS: Renal function was protected by CsA, which also reduced tissue lesions in the kidneys of rats submitted to 40 minutes ischaemia.<br>OBJETIVO: Verificar se a ciclosporina A (CsA) afeta a lesão provocada pela isquemia seguida de reperfusão em rins de ratos. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar machos foram separados em grupos: 1 grupo controle (GS) e 2 grupos experimentais (G1 e G2). O G1 foi dividido em G1A - isquemia de 60 minutos; e G1C - isquemia de 60 minutos associada a 20 mg/kg/dia de CsA. O G2 foi dividido em G2C semelhante ao G1, exceto pelo tempo de isquemia de 40 minutos. A isquemia renal foi provocada pelo pinçamento da artéria renal esquerda, após o procedimento, foi realizada a nefrectomia direita. Dosagem de uréia e creatinina séricos foram feitos no dia da cirurgia (D0) e no dia seguinte (D1). Após 24 horas de reperfusão o rim esquerdo foi removido para análise histológica. RESULTADOS: No GS não foram observados alterações de uréia e creatinina em D0 e D1, tampouco alterações estruturais. A comparação entre GS e G2C não mostrou diferença na função renal (p>0,05); o grau de lesão tecidual foi menor em G2C do que nos demais grupos experimentais. CONCLUSÃO: A CsA protegeu a função renal e reduziu a lesão tecidual em rins de ratos submetidos a 40 minutos de isquemia
Number of positive traps (Nt) and number of sampled sand flies (Nsf) in each area and of each sand fly species.
<p>The number inside the parenthesis represents the percentage of positive traps and the percentage of each species in each area. A total of 123 traps in Foz do Iguaçu, 40 traps in the transect and 33 traps in the Santa Terezinha de Itaipu was assessed.</p
Network of influence of the public services, temperature and humidity, food supply, site, mesoscale, microscale on the abundance of <i>Nyyssomyia whitmani</i> and <i>Lutzomyia longipalpi</i>s.
<p>Network of influence of the public services, temperature and humidity, food supply, site, mesoscale, microscale on the abundance of <i>Nyyssomyia whitmani</i> and <i>Lutzomyia longipalpi</i>s.</p
Loadings of the variables public services, temperature and humidity, food supply, site, mesoscale, microscale analyzed in each group.
<p>Loadings of the variables public services, temperature and humidity, food supply, site, mesoscale, microscale analyzed in each group.</p