25 research outputs found

    Nexus Between Equity Pricing Models and Equity Price Fragility: Empirical Insights From Pakistan

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    Purpose: The study tests conventional and behavioral pricing multifactor impact on price fragility from the equity market of Pakistan. Methodology: The positivist approach is used to deduct study rationale via probability sampling. At the same time, systematic sampling for data collection of PSX is tested in parallel to mean-variance random walk theory. Findings: The impact of conventional factors is significant on price fragility in the short run and vice versa in the long run. Specifically, herd behavior and disposition effects are found to be insignificant. But size, value, illiquidity, and price earning had a significant impact on price fragility in the short run. Limitations: The current research has not covered the desired scope of the topic due to time limitations, lack of harmony in corporate data on databases, and literature on price fragility being very scarce. Implication: In PSX, there is a need to develop a corporate culture to promote the standard modern financial practice to enhance financial productivity and sustainability. For corporate culture to be established, corporate governance boards should be established, and family governance systems should be replaced by an independent democratic board. Mispricing and arbitragers need serious control. Originality: The value of the research is that little research currently exists on about pricing multifactor impact on price fragility. Copyright © 2022 Anser, Yusop, Abbas, Ali and Ahmad.APC will be provided by the corresponding author

    Security Challenges and Air Quality Management in india: Emissions Inventory and Forecasting Estimates

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    The defense and peace literature have focused mainly on the military-growth nexus, with little attention paid to the environmental sustainability agenda, which is impacted by increased global arms transfers. The supply of lead-containing ammunition generates complex gas mixtures (including CO2 emissions) and particulates that harm the healthcare sustainability agenda. Based on the significance of the subject matter, the study uses the Indian economy as a case study, with a significant rate of arms transfers associated with higher carbon emissions. The study analyzed data from more than four decades, from 1975 to 2020. Data on arms imports, military personnel, and military expenditures are used to evaluate the ‘ammunition emissions function’. It corresponds to the three research hypotheses, namely, the ‘emissions-defense burden hypothesis’ (arms transfers increase carbon emissions), the ‘emissions-cleaner hypothesis’ (arms transfers reduce carbon emissions), and the ‘emissions-asymmetric hypothesis’ (positive and negative shocks of arms transfers either support the ‘defense burden hypothesis’ or ‘cleaner hypothesis’). The non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) results confirmed the ’emissions-defense burden hypothesis‘ in the long run, as positive and negative shocks from arms imports increase carbon emissions. However, in the short run, positive arms imports increase carbon emissions while negative arms imports decrease carbon emissions. Furthermore, the findings supported the ’emissions-cleaner hypothesis‘ in the relationship between armed forces personnel and carbon emissions. The findings imply that the positive and negative shocks experienced by armed forces personnel reduce carbon emissions in the short and long run. Positive shocks to military spending support the ’emissions-defense burden hypothesis‘ in the short run; however, the results vanished when negative shocks to military spending supported the ’emissions-spillover hypothesis‘ (lowering military spending reduces carbon emissions and increases economic productivity) in the short and long run. The country’s unsustainable economic activities are viewed as a negative factor contributing to long-term carbon emissions increases. The negative shocks of armed forces personnel and positive arms imports would almost certainly have a significant long-term impact on carbon emissions. As a result, the ‘treadmill theory of destruction’ has been confirmed in a country. The study concludes that lead-free ammunition and managing ammunition safety are beneficial to a country’s environmental sustainability agenda. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Researchers Supporting Project number (RSP-2021/87), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

    Sanitation, water, energy use, and traffic volume affect environmental quality: Go-for-green developmental policies

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    Carbon emissions are primarily the result of human activity in urban areas. Inadequate sanitary facilities, contaminated drinking water, nonrenewable energy, and high traffic congestion have all impacted the natural ecosystem. Using data from 1975 to 2019, the study assessed the impact of the aforementioned variables on Pakistan’s carbon emissions in light of this crucial fact. The ARDL cointegration method was used to estimate the short- and long-run parameter estimates. Urban sanitation challenges and energy consumption increase carbon emissions, which affects the natural environment by raising a country’s carbon intensity. Economic expansion confirmed the inverted U-shaped relationship between carbon emissions and economic growth to verify the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis in the long run. In contrast, the monotonically rising function of carbon emissions provides evidence of the nation’s economic development in the short run. Access to clean drinking water improves population health and encourages the purchase of eco-friendly products. The government must improve sanitation services and use renewable energy sources to enhance air quality. © 2022 Khalil et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Integrating the Role of Green Fiscal Policies With Energy Prices Volatility and Energy Efficiency: Presenting a COVID-19 Perspective

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    Energy and other related sectors are changing in China. This study attempted to estimate the energy product price volatility with energy efficiency during COVID-19 with the role of green fiscal policies. For this, we applied unit-root tests, ADCC-GARCH, and CO-GARCH techniques to infer the study findings. The results showed that energy price volatility was significantly connected until 2018. More so, the green fiscal policies were significantly connected between energy product price volatility and energy efficiency during COVID-19 (2019–2020). From energy products, the crude oil price volatility was significant at 16.4%, heating oil volatility was significant at 18.2%, natural oil price volatility was 9.7%, gasoline price volatility was 28.7%, and diesel price volatility was 34.1% significant with energy efficiency, due to the intervening role of green fiscal policies. The findings of this study are robust in comparison to previous studies. Multiple stakeholders can take guidelines from the findings of the recent study. As per our best understanding and knowledge, if suggested recommendations are implemented effectively, these results will help to enhance energy efficiency through green fiscal policies in the post-COVID period. Copyright © 2022 Yin, Anser, Abbas, Ashraf, Ahmad, Jamshid and Osabohien.Special Funds for the Basic Research and Development Program in the Central Non-profit Research Institutesof Chin

    Cyber security threats: A never-ending challenge for e-commerce

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    This study explores the challenge of cyber security threats that e-commerce technology and business are facing. Technology applications for e-commerce are attracting attention from both academia and industry. It has made what was not possible before for the business community and consumers. But it did not come all alone but has brought some challenges, and cyber security challenge is one of them. Cyber security concerns have many forms, but this study focuses on social engineering, denial of services, malware, and attacks on personal data. Firms worldwide spend a lot on addressing cybersecurity issues, which grow each year. However, it seems complicated to overcome the challenge because the attackers continuously search for new vulnerabilities in humans, organizations, and technology. This paper is based on the conceptual analysis of social engineering, denial of services, malware, and attacks on personal data. We argue that implementing modern technology for e-commerce and cybersecurity issues is a never-ending game of cat and mouse. To reduce risks, reliable technology is needed, training of employees and consumer is necessary for using the technology, and a strong policy and regulation is needed at the firm and governmental level. Copyright © 2022 Liu, Ahmad, Anser, Ke, Irshad, Ul-Haq and Abbas

    Hadronic Charmed Meson Decays Involving Axial Vector Mesons

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    Cabibbo-allowed charmed meson decays into a pseudoscalar meson and an axial-vector meson are studied. The charm to axial-vector meson transition form factors are evaluated in the Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise quark model. The dipole momentum dependence of the DKD\to K transition form factor and the presence of a sizable long-distance WW-exchange are the two key ingredients for understanding the data of DKˉa1D\to \bar Ka_1. The K1AK1BK_{1A}-K_{1B} mixing angle of the strange axial-vector mesons is found to be ±37\approx \pm37^\circ or ±58\pm58^\circ from τK1ντ\tau\to K_1\nu_\tau decays. The study of DK1(1270)π,K1(1400)πD\to K_1(1270)\pi, K_1(1400)\pi decays excludes the positive mixing-angle solutions. It is pointed out that an observation of the decay D0K1(1400)π+D^0\to K_1^-(1400)\pi^+ at the level of 5×1045\times 10^{-4} will rule out θ37\theta\approx -37^\circ and favor the solution θ58\theta\approx -58^\circ. Though the decays D0Kˉ10π0D^0\to \bar K_1^0\pi^0 are color suppressed, they are comparable to and even larger than the color-allowed counterparts: Kˉ10(1270)π0K1(1270)π+\bar K_1^0(1270)\pi^0\sim K_1^-(1270)\pi^+ and Kˉ10(1400)π0>K1(1400)π+\bar K_1^0(1400)\pi^0> K_1^-(1400)\pi^+. The finite width effect of the axial-vector resonance is examined. It becomes important for a1(1260)a_1(1260) in particular when its width is near 600 MeV.Comment: 19 page

    Nationwide lockdown, population density, and financial distress brings inadequacy to manage covid-19: leading the services sector into the trajectory of global depression

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    The service industry provides distributive services, producer services, personal services, and social services. These services largely breakdowns due to restrictions on border movements, confined travel and transportation services, a decline in international tourists’ visitation, nationwide lock-downs, and maintaining social distancing in the population. Although these measures are highly needed to contain coronavirus, it decreases economic and financial activities in a country, which re-quires smart solutions to globally subsidize the services sector. The study used different COVID-19 measures, and its resulting impact on the services industry by using world aggregated data from 1975 through 2020. The study benefited from the Keynesian theory of aggregate demand that re-mains provided a solution to minimize economic shocks through stringent or liberalizing economic policies. The COVID-19 pandemic is more severe than the financial shocks of 2018 that affected almost all sectors of the globalized world, particularly the services sector, which has been severally affected by COVID-19; it is a high time to revisit economic policies to control pandemic recession. The study used quantiles regression and innovation accounting matrix to obtain ex-ante and ex-post analysis. The quantile regression estimates show that causes of death by communicable diseases, including COVID-19, mainly decline the share of services value added to the global GDP at different quantiles distribution. In contrast, word-of-mouth helps to prevent it from the transmission channel of coronavirus plague through information sharing among the general masses. The control of food prices and managing physical distancing reduces suspected coronavirus cases; however, it negatively affects the services sector’s value share. The smart lockdown and sound economic activities do not decrease coronavirus cases, while they support increasing the percentage of the services sector to the global GDP. The innovation accounting matrix suggested that smart lockdown, managing physical distancing, effective price control, and sound financial activities will help to reduce coronavirus cases that will further translate into increased services value-added for the next ten years. The social distancing will exert a more considerable variance error shock to the services industry, which indicates the viability of these measures to contained novel coronavirus over a time horizon. The study used the number of proxies to the COVID-19 measures on the service sector that can be continued with real-time variables to obtain more inferences

    Properties of QQˉQ\bar{Q} (Qϵb,c)(Q \epsilon b, c) mesons in Coulomb plus Power potential

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    The decay rates and spectroscopy of the QQˉQ \bar Q (Qc,b)(Q \in c, b) mesons are computed in non-relativistic phenomenological quark antiquark potential of the type V(r)=αcr+ArνV(r)=-\frac{\alpha_c}{r}+A r^{\nu}, (CPPν_{\nu}) with different choices ν\nu. Numerical solution of the schrodinger equation has been used to obtain the spectroscopy of QQˉQ\bar{Q} mesons. The spin hyperfine, spin-orbit and tensor components of the one gluon exchange interaction are employed to compute the spectroscopy of the few lower SS and orbital excited states. The numerically obtained radial solutions are employed to obtain the decay constant, di-gamma and di-leptonic decay widths. The decay widths are determined with and without radiative corrections. Present results are compared with other potential model predictions as well as with the known experimental values.Comment: 22 Pages, 1 Figur

    Water use efficiency and rain water productivity of wheat under various tillage-glyphosate interactive systems

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    Rainfed wheat is generally grown in rotation with summer fallow in medium to high rainfall zone of Pothwar plateau of Pakistan. The present study was, therefore, conducted to investigate the impact of shallow and deep tillage practices, with and without herbicide (glyphosate) application, on moisture conservation and subsequent wheat yields. The study also aimed to examine the feasibility of substituting intensive shallow tillage with single application of glyphosate. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replicates and net plot size of 14 m x 10 m, during 2007 and 2008 at two locations i.e high and medium rainfall. Wheat cultivar “GA-2002” was planted as a test crop. The data showed the superiority of conservation tillage in terms of conservation of moisture and increasing grain yields. Results also elaborated that tillage cannot be completely eliminated for profitable fallow management. However, deep ploughing with moldboard followed by single application of glyphosate proved potential option for substituting shallow tillage carried out during summer (kharif). The additional benefits under this tillage system included saving in fuel, labour and lower depreciation and maintenance costs for tillage machinery in addition to unquantifiable environmental benefits