9 research outputs found


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    [EN] A total of 77 males rabbits represented the Local rabbits (L) of Burundi and the New Zealand White (NZW) breed were used to evaluate the genetic differences among the two genotypes in live performance, slaughter and carcass compositional traits and to show the possibility of integrating the Local rabbits with the NZW breed in the Burundian rabbit industry for meat production. The rabbits were slaughtered al an average age of 12 weeks. Results showed that from 3 to 12 weeks of age the NZW breed produced significantly heavier animals and grew significantly faster than those of the Local strain at all ages considered in the study (1948 vs 982 g at 12 weeks). Local rabbits had higher proportions of non carcass components (except for pelt), bone in the carcass and carcass side weight occurring in fore limb, loin and hind limb and lower dressing percentage (44,7% vs 46,8%) and carcass lean to bone ratio and less lean in the carcass (80,4% vs 86,6%), and lower proportion of abdominal wall in the carcass than those of NZW rabbits. Results showed also the better distribution of carcass lean weight over the side cuts and the lower degree of carcass leanness of the Local rabbits compared to the NZW rat:ibits. lt seems more beneficia! for the rabbit producers in Burundi to use the NZW breed in a crossbreeding program with the Local strain for rabbit meat production.[FR] Trente lapins males de race Néo-Zélandais Blanc (NZB) et 47 de race locale (RL) du Burundi ont été utilisés pour évaluer les différences génétiques concernant la vitesse de croissance et les caractéristiques des carcasses des deux génotypes. L'objectif était d'évaluer les possibilités d'utilisation les lapins de races locale et de lapins NZB pour la production de lapin de chair au Burundi. Les 77 lapins ont été abattus a un i!lge moyen de 12 semaines. Les résultats montrent que de 3 a 12 semaines la race NZB produit des lapins plus lourds (1948 vs 982 g a 12 semaines) et qui croissent significativement plus vite que ceux de la race locale (27,4 vs 13,3 g/jour). Chez les lapins de race locale, les fractions corporelles non incluses dans la carcasse (excepté pour la peau), la proportion d'os dans la carcasse et les fractions de la carcasse constituées par les pattes avant, le ri!lble et les pattes arriéres sont proportionnellement plus importantes. Par contre, le rendement a l'abattage (44,7% vs 46,8%) et le rapport viande/os de la carcasse sont plus faibles chez les lapins locaux que chez les NZB, de méme que la proportion de la masse musculaire (tissus mous) de la carcasse (80,4% vs 86,6%), ainsi que proportion de paroi ventrale et de cage thoracique. Les résultats montrent aussi une meilleure répartition de la viande sur la carcasse découpée des lapins de race locale. L'utilisation d'un croisement des lapins de race locale avec des sujets de race NZB semble la solution la plus profitable pour produire des lapins de chair au Burundi.Anous, M. (1999). GROWTH PERFORMANCE, SLAUGHTER AND CARCASS COMPOSITIONAL TRAITS IN RABBITS OF A LOCAL STRAIN AND NEW ZEALAND WHITE BREED RAISED IN BURUNDI. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.1999.391.SWORD07


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    [EN] The data were collected on sixty New Zealand White (NZW) and sixty Californian (CAL) weaned male rabbits used to investigate the magnitude and direction of genetic environmental mteraction. Ralf the rabbits in each group was fed ad libitum on commercial pelleted ration containing Zinc bacitracin (ZIN) and the other half on ration containing Flavomycin (FLA). F'or all rabbits, daily gain, daily feed intal<e and feed conversion rate were calculated for entire interval from weaning (O) to final weight (8 weeks) and sub-intervals (0-4 and 4-8 weeks). Half tlie rabbits in each breed-i:>romoter type group (n = 15) were slaughtered after 8 weeks from weaning and evaluated for slaughter and carcass cut-out traits. Significant interactions of bread with promoter ~pe were delected fo carcass percentage and for the proport1on of the carcass weight occurring in the fore and hind limbs (P<0.05). The knowledge of such interaction may lead to recommend the specific use of FLA for NZW rabbits and the specific use of ZIN for CAL. Besides, the absence of interaction of bread with promoter type in terms of live performance and yield of non-limb carcass components lead to conclude that while the tastar gainer and more efficient feed converter bread (NZW) under one promoter type treatment was also the best under the other promoter type. NZW tended (P<0.01) under both types of promoters to have more proportion o( the carcass weight occurring in the head and less proportion in the trunk.[FR] Les données ont été colfectées sur des lapins males servés, soixante Néo-Zélandais Blancs (NZW) et soixante Californiens (CAL), qui ont été utilises pour étudier f'amplitude et la direction des interactions génétiqueenv1ronement. La moitié des lapins de chaque groupe ont été nourris ad libitum avec un granulé du commerce contenant du Zinc Bacitracine (ZIN) et l'autre moitié avec une ration contenant de la Flavomycine (FLA). Pour tous les lapins, le gain de poids journalier, la consommation journaliere et T'indice de consommation ont été calculés pour la période complete alfant du sevrage (O) au poids final (8 semaines) et pour les intervals intermédtaires (0-4 semaines et 4-8 semaines). La moitié des /apins de chaque race (n = 15) ont été abattus a 8 semaines apres le sevrage et les performances a f'abattage et la découpe des carcasses ont été évaluées. Des interactions significatives de la race avec le type d'activateur de croissance ont été détectées pour le rendement de la carcasse et pour la proportion des pattes avant et arriare par rapport au pois de la carcasse (P<0.05). La connaissance de telfes interactions peut conduire a recommander f'usage spécifique de FLA pour les lapins NZW et de ZIN pour les CAL. En outre f'abscence d'interaction de la race avec le type d'activateur de croissance en terme de performances d'éfevage et de rendement des composants de la carcasse autres que les pattes, amenent a conclure que la race détenant le_ ~~n_ le plus rapide et le meilleur indice de consommation {NZW) soumis a un seul des activateurs de croissance est aussi la meilleure avec les autres activateurs. Sous les deux traitements les NZW tendent (P<0.01) a avoir, par rapport au pois de la carcasse, un poids de tete plus élevé et un poids du tronc moins élevé.Ayyat, M.; Anous, M. (1995). MAGNITUDE AND DIRECTION OF GENETIC-ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION IN RABBITS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO LIVE AND SLAUGHTER PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS CUT-OUT. World Rabbit Science. 3(1). doi:10.4995/wrs.1995.233.SWORD3


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    [EN] Data of 122 males rabbits, randomly sampled from 19 sires of New Zealand White breed raised on two farms in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, were analysed to provide estimates of heritabilities for non carcass components and to obtain estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations among these components. All rabbits were slaughtered when reached a live body weight of approximately 2 kg. The weights of non carcass components and hot carcass were recorded and dressing percentages were also calculated. Least squares analysis of variance showed that weights of rabbit non carcass components were more influenced by the effect of farm adjusted to the effect of slaughter weight, whereas they were slightly influenced by the effect of sires within farm. Generally, the heritability estimates for gastrointestinal tract and its components except stomach (h2 = 0.24) were high, ranged between 0.40 to 0.60 and were very high for trachea (h2 = 0.78), testes (h2 = 0.94) and kidney fat (h2 = 0.94) whereas the weights of urinary bladder, head, ears, pituitary gland, kidneys and lungs were moderately heritable, ranged from 0.21 to 0.39. The remaining traits showed low heritability estimates ranged between 0.02 and 0.14. Estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations were high only between the weights of liver, testes and kidney fat and the weights of the other traits. Results suggested the possibility of improvement liver, testes or kidney fat weights by direct selection.[FR] Pour améliorer les estimations des hérétabilités des composants hors carcasse et obtenir entre ces composants des correlations phénotypiques et génétiques, les données concernant 122 lapins males issues de 19 lignées de males NZW, ont été analysées. Les lapins ont taus été abattus lorsqu'il atteignaient approximativement 2 kg. Les poids des composants hors carcasse et de la carcasse chaude ont été enregistrés et les rendements a l'abattage ont été calculés. L 'analyse de variance par les moindres carrés montre que les poids des composants hors carcasse n'étaient pas influencés par l'effet ferme lié a l'effet poids a l'abattage, tandis qu'ils étaient légerement influencés par l'effet males selon les termes. En général, les estimations d'héritabilités pour les {h2 = 0.24) étaient élevées, atteignant 0.40 a 0.60, et étaient tres élevées pour la trachée (h2 = O. 78), les testicules {h2 = 0.94) et legras rénale (h2 = 0.94), tandis que les poids de la vessie, de la tete, des oreilles, de la glande pituitaire, des reins et des poumons étaient modérement héritables, allant de 0.21 a 0.39. Les autres composants ne montraient que de faibles estimations d'héritabilité, de 0.02 a 0.14. Les estimations des correlations génétiques et phénotypiques étaient élevés seulement entre les poids du foie, des testicules et du gras rénal par rapport aux autres composants. Ces résultats suggerent une possibilité d'améliorer le poids du foie, des reins et des testicules par sélection directe.Ayyat, M.; Anous, M.; Sadek, M. (1994). GENETIC PARAMETERS FOR MEAT PRODUCTION IN RABBITS. 1 - NON CARCASS COMPONENTS. World Rabbit Science. 2(3).SWORD2

    Quantitative characteristics of the carcasses of Moxotó and Canindé goats fed diets with two different energy levels Características quantitativas da carcaça de caprinos das raças Moxotó e Canindé recebendo dietas com dois níveis de energia

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the quantitative characteristics of carcasses of Moxotó and Canindé goats finished in feedlots and fed diets of two levels of energy. It was used 40 castrated young goats, 20 from Moxotó breed and 20 from Canindé breed, each one with an average body weight of 15.2 kg. The animals were fed with diets containing 2.20 and 2.71 (Mcal/kg DM). The experimental period lasted 86 days. There was no difference among the barometric measures of Moxotó and Canindé kids. Canindé goats showed higher final weight, higher weight after fasting and higher hot and cold carcass weights when compared to the Moxotó animals. Animals that consumed diets with higher energy level had higher final weight and conformation as well as higher carcass yield. Considering the percentage values of the commercial meat cuts, no difference among treatments was observed. The diet was the factor that most influenced the non-constituent components of the carcass of Moxotó and Canindé goats. In general, animals belonging to the Canindé breed presented higher quantitative characteristics than the Moxotó breed. Supply of diets with higher energetic level (2.71 Mcal/kg DM) for goats from Moxotó and Canindé breeds, in feedlots, favors the production of carcass with higher yields and heavier commercial meat cuts.<br>Objetivou-se avaliar as características quantitativas da carcaça de caprinos Moxotó e Canindé terminados em confinamento e recebendo dietas com dois níveis de energia. Foram utilizados 40 cabritos castrados, com peso médio de 15,2 kg, sendo 20 da raça Moxotó e 20 da raça Canindé, suplementados com dietas contendo 2,20 e 2,71 (Mcal/kg MS). O período experimental consistiu de 86 dias. Não se constatou distinções entre as medidas barimétricas de cabritos Moxotó e Canindé. Os cabritos da raça Canindé caracterizam-se por apresentar maior peso final, peso vivo pós-jejum e peso de carcaça quente e fria, que animais da raça Moxotó. Os animais que consumiram dietas com maior nível de energia apresentaram maior peso final e conformação, assim como maiores rendimentos de carcaça. Considerando-se os valores percentuais dos cortes comerciais não se observaram distinções entre os tratamentos. A dieta atuou como principal fator de influência sobre os componentes não constituintes da carcaça de caprinos das raças Moxotó e Canindé. De modo geral, caprinos da raça Canindé apresentam características quantitativas de carcaça superior a raça Moxotó. O fornecimento da dieta com maior nível energético (2,71 Mcal/kg MS) para caprinos da Raça Moxotó e Canindé, em confinamento, favorece a produção de carcaças com rendimentos superiores e cortes comerciais mais pesados

    Características da carcaça de caprinos mestiços Anglo-Nubiano, Boer e sem padrão racial definido Evaluation of carcass characteristics of crossbred Anglo-Nubian, Boer and undefined breed goats

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as características da carcaça de cabritos de três grupos genéticos: &frac34; Anglo Nubiana (n=21), &frac34; Boer (n=22) e Sem Padrão Racial Definido (n=21). Os animais foram abatidos em três diferentes pesos: 20, 25 e 30 kg de peso vivo. Avaliaram-se as características de rendimento e conformação da carcaça, bem como as perdas por resfriamento. Os resultados mostraram que não houve interação entre o genótipo e o peso de abate em todas as variáveis estudadas. O genótipo teve efeito significativo (P<0,05) no rendimento e na conformação da carcaça, com os menores valores observados nos caprinos SRD, não havendo diferenças significativas entre os caprinos mestiços de Anglo-Nubiano e de Boer. O peso ao abate influenciou também significativamente (P<0,05) no rendimento e conformação da carcaça, com os menores valores observados nos caprinos abatidos com 20kg de peso vivo, não se observando diferenças entre os grupos abatidos com 25 e 30kg de peso vivo. O rendimento e conformação da carcaça aumentaram à medida que aumentou o peso de abate dos animais até os 25kg de peso vivo. As perdas por resfriamento da carcaça não apresentaram variação significativa (P>0,05) entre os grupos genéticos e entre os diferentes pesos de abate. Em conclusão, cabritos mestiços &frac34; Boer e &frac34; Anglo Nubiano apresentaram características similares de rendimento e conformação de carcaça, sendo ambos superiores aos SRD, e, portanto, mais indicados para produção de carne.<br>The aim of this work was to study the carcass characteristics of three genetic groups: &frac34; Anglo-Nubian (n=21), &frac34; Boer (n=22) and undefined breed (n=21). The animals were slaughtered at three different weights: 20, 25 and 30kg of live weight. It was evaluated the yield and the conformation carcass characteristics as well as the losses by cooling. The results showed no interaction genetic group and slaughter weight in all studied variables. The genotype had significant effect (P<0.05) on the yield and conformation carcass, with lower values observed for SRD goats, but without significant difference between Anglo-Nubian and Boer crossbreed goats. The slaughter weight influenced (P<0.05) on the yield and conformation carcass, with the lowest values observed in the goats slaughtered with 20kg of live weight. No significant differences were observed between the groups slaughtered with 25 and 30kg of live weight. The yield and conformation carcass increased to the measure that the slaughter weight from the goats up to 25kg increased. The losses by cooling presented no significant variation (P>0.05) between genetic groups and weight at slaughter. In conclusion, &frac34; Boer and &frac34; Anglo-Nubian crossbreed kids had presented similar characteristics of yield and conformation carcass, both superior to the SRD, being therefore more indicated for meat production

    Características de carcaça e dos componentes não-carcaça de cabritos Moxotó e Canindé submetidos a dois níveis de alimentação Characteristics of carcass and non-carcass components of Moxotó and Canindé male kids under two feeding levels

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    Foram utilizados 22 cabritos não-castrados (10 Moxotó e 12 Canindé com peso médio inicial de 15 kg) confinados em baias individuais. Os animais foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (duas raças e dois níveis de alimentação: AV = à vontade e AR = 30% de restrição). Foram avaliados os rendimentos de carcaça quente (RCQ), verdadeiro (RV) e comercial (RC), os cortes da carcaça e o rendimento dos componentes não-carcaça em relação ao peso do corpo vazio (PCV). Cabritos alimentados à vontade apresentaram maiores RCQ e RC e porções comestíveis da carcaça. O rendimento verdadeiro não foi influenciado pelo maior nível de alimentação. Após o abate e resfriamento da carcaça, foram feitos os seguintes cortes: pescoço, paleta, costelas (1ª-5ª), costelas (6ª-13ª), lombo, perna e baixo. Apesar do maior peso (kg) dos cortes dos animais alimentados AV, não foi observada diferença entre seus rendimentos em relação ao peso da carcaça fria. O rendimento da perna foi afetado pelo nível de alimentação, sendo menor para os grupos com nível de alimentação AV. Os rendimentos do fígado, da cabeça e do trato gastrintestinal foram influenciados pelo nível de alimentação. A raça não foi determinante de diferenças nas características de carcaça e dos componentes não-carcaça, assim como no rendimento dos cortes quando o peso e o tamanho à maturidade foram semelhantes. A restrição alimentar afetou o desenvolvimento e a deposição de tecidos nos animais, resultando em menores rendimentos e quilogramas de carcaça fria a ser comercializada.<br>Twenty-two non-castrated male kids (10 Moxotó and 12 Canindé) averaging 15 kg of initial body weight and housed in individual pens were used in this trial. Animals were assigned to a completely randomized design in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments [two breeds and two feeding levels: ad libitum (AL) or 30% of feed restriction (FR). Animals fed AL had greater yields of hot carcass, cold carcass, and carcass edible parts compared to those fed FR. It was not observed a significant feeding level effect on true carcass yield. After slaughter and cooling of the carcasses the following cuts were done: neck, shoulder clod, ribs (1st-5th and 6th-13th), loin, leg and breast. Although animals fed AL had greater body weights than FR kids, no significant differences were found between treatments for the different carcass cuts when expressed as percentage of cold carcass weight. Hind leg yield was affected by feeding level being lower in animals fed AL. Yields of liver, head, and gut, as percentage of empty body weight, were also affected by feeding level. Feed restriction had a negative effect on development and tissue deposition leading to lower cold carcass yield and weight. It can be concluded that when size and mature weight were similar, breed was not responsible for the differences on carcass characteristics, non-carcass components, and commercial cuts