272 research outputs found

    Lingkungan masa depan

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    Kata Kunci: Lingkunga

    Mobil Hibrida Bensin dan LPG

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    Kata kunci: mobil hibrid

    Dari cairan menular sampai rekayasa genetika

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    Polusi Bising

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    Kata Kunci : Polusi - bisin

    PT Freeport Indonesia: Upaya bersahabat dengan lingkungan

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    kata kunci: industri-LSM lingkungan hidu

    Bonus forum keadilan no. 14 Undang-Undang tentang Paten

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    Kata Kunci: Paten - Undang-Undang dan Peratura

    Obat pilihan: ada, mujarrab dan murah

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    Kata Kunci: Obat mura

    Sejarah singkat berdirinya Fakultas Hukum

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    Kata Kunci: Sejarah Fakultas Huku

    Memetakan Pola Hubungan eksektitif - legislatif di daerah

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    ABSTRAK The rnain argument of this report is based on the assessment on the pattern of Executive-Legislative relations of four 5uh -district (Kabupaten), which are Kabupaten Sampang (East Java), Kabupaten Buleteng (Bali), Kota Solo (Central Java), Kobupaten Berard (Yogyakarta), in time period of 2001-200Z The research reported that there is a corripif:ex spectnitri of problems present. The report (based oil field study) demonstrates that dimensions of conflict arise such as actors, the degree of corkilie\u27s trzti?,1$ity, pattern of relations, social basis, arid conflict\u27s magnitude are herwily influenced by how effective the Executive and Legislative promptly settle good common agenda- Ildditionat factors that contribute positively to these four sub district\u27s conflict resolution Frt6chartisrri are the charismatic _figure of the Head of Sub-District government if Dupati) and the involvement of others suprasubdistrict\u27s elites_ Kata kunci: aktor konflik, basis social konflik, faktor determinan konfli
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