60 research outputs found

    Mapping the Neural Substrates of Recent and Remote Visual Imprinting Memory in the Chick Brain

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    Social attachment formed by filial imprinting in newborn chicks undergoes a process of memory consolidation that involves rearrangement of its neural storage substrates. In the first 3 h after imprinting it depends on the integrity of the intermediate medial mesopallium (IMM) and beyond that time on unidentified memory storage structures dubbed S’. To search for the S’ memory system in the chick brain, we mapped and compared patterns of activity induced by retrieval of filial attachment memory before and after this critical transition. Chicks were trained in the visual imprinting task, and their memory was reactivated by imprinting stimulus either 1 h (recent memory retrieval) or 24 h (remote memory retrieval) after the completion of training. Patterns of brain activity were mapped by in situ hybridization to mRNA of an immediate early gene c-fos. We also mapped c-fos expression induced by the first presentation of the imprinting stimulus. Memory retrieval triggered massive c-fos expression in the chick brain both 1 and 24 h after the end of training. These activity patterns mostly coincided with the c-fos expression induced by the first presentation of imprinting stimulus. However, in the hippocampus c-fos induction was observed only after the first exposure to imprinting stimulus but not after memory retrieval. In the IMM, medio-rostral nidopallium/mesopallium, and hyperpallium densocellulare c-fos activation was induced by retrieval of only the remote but not of the recent memory. These c-fos mapping data point to the candidate brain structures for systems reorganization of imprinting memory in chicks

    Food for Song: Expression of C-Fos and ZENK in the Zebra Finch Song Nuclei during Food Aversion Learning

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    BACKGROUND: Specialized neural pathways, the song system, are required for acquiring, producing, and perceiving learned avian vocalizations. Birds that do not learn to produce their vocalizations lack telencephalic song system components. It is not known whether the song system forebrain regions are exclusively evolved for song or whether they also process information not related to song that might reflect their 'evolutionary history'. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To address this question we monitored the induction of two immediate-early genes (IEGs) c-Fos and ZENK in various regions of the song system in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) in response to an aversive food learning paradigm; this involves the association of a food item with a noxious stimulus that affects the oropharyngeal-esophageal cavity and tongue, causing subsequent avoidance of that food item. The motor response results in beak and head movements but not vocalizations. IEGs have been extensively used to map neuro-molecular correlates of song motor production and auditory processing. As previously reported, neurons in two pallial vocal motor regions, HVC and RA, expressed IEGs after singing. Surprisingly, c-Fos was induced equivalently also after food aversion learning in the absence of singing. The density of c-Fos positive neurons was significantly higher than that of birds in control conditions. This was not the case in two other pallial song nuclei important for vocal plasticity, LMAN and Area X, although singing did induce IEGs in these structures, as reported previously. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results are consistent with the possibility that some of the song nuclei may participate in non-vocal learning and the populations of neurons involved in the two tasks show partial overlap. These findings underscore the previously advanced notion that the specialized forebrain pre-motor nuclei controlling song evolved from circuits involved in behaviors related to feeding

    Radiation Induces Distinct Changes in Defined Subpopulations of Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells in the Adult Hippocampus

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    While irradiation can effectively treat brain tumors, this therapy also causes cognitive impairments, some of which may stem from the disruption of hippocampal neurogenesis. To study how radiation affects neurogenesis, we combine phenotyping of subpopulations of hippocampal neural stem and progenitor cells with double- and triple S-phase labeling paradigms. Using this approach, we reveal new features of division, survival, and differentiation of neural stem and progenitor cells after exposure to gamma radiation. We show that dividing neural stem cells, while susceptible to damage induced by gamma rays, are less vulnerable than their rapidly amplifying progeny. We also show that dividing stem and progenitor cells that survive irradiation are suppressed in their ability to replicate 0.5–1 day after the radiation exposure. Suppression of division is also observed for cells that entered the cell cycle after irradiation or were not in the S phase at the time of exposure. Determining the longer term effects of irradiation, we found that 2 months after exposure, radiation-induced suppression of division is partially relieved for both stem and progenitor cells, without evidence for compensatory symmetric divisions as a means to restore the normal level of neurogenesis. By that time, most mature young neurons, born 2–4 weeks after the irradiation, still bear the consequences of radiation exposure, unlike younger neurons undergoing early stages of differentiation without overt signs of deficient maturation. Later, 6 months after an exposure to 5 Gy, cell proliferation and neurogenesis are further impaired, though neural stem cells are still available in the niche, and their pool is preserved. Our results indicate that various subpopulations of stem and progenitor cells in the adult hippocampus have different susceptibility to gamma radiation, and that neurogenesis, even after a temporary restoration, is impaired in the long term after exposure to gamma rays. Our study provides a framework for investigating critical issues of neural stem cell maintenance, aging, interaction with their microenvironment, and post-irradiation therapy

    Spatiotemporal 3D image registration for mesoscale studies of brain development

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    Comparison of brain samples representing different developmental stages often necessitates registering the samples to common coordinates. Although the available software tools are successful in registering 3D images of adult brains, registration of perinatal brains remains challenging due to rapid growth-dependent morphological changes and variations in developmental pace between animals. To address these challenges, we introduce CORGI (Customizable Object Registration for Groups of Images), an algorithm for the registration of perinatal brains. First, we optimized image preprocessing to increase the algorithm's sensitivity to mismatches in registered images. Second, we developed an attention-gated simulated annealing procedure capable of focusing on the differences between perinatal brains. Third, we applied classical multidimensional scaling (CMDS) to align ("synchronize") brain samples in time, accounting for individual development paces. We tested CORGI on 28 samples of whole-mounted perinatal mouse brains (P0-P9) and compared its accuracy with other registration algorithms. Our algorithm offers a runtime of several minutes per brain on a laptop and automates such brain registration tasks as mapping brain data to atlases, comparing experimental groups, and monitoring brain development dynamics

    ?ccr5 Genotype Is Associated with Mild Form of Nephropathia Epidemica

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    Nephropathia Epidemica (NE), a mild form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and linked to hantavirus infection, is endemic in the Republic of Tatarstan. Several genetic markers of HFRS severity have been identified previously, including human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complexes and nucleotide polymorphism in the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) gene. Still, our understanding of the genetic markers of NE severity remains incomplete. The frequency of the C–C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) gene wild type and gene with 32-base-pair deletion (Δ32CCR5) genotypes in 98 NE samples and 592 controls was analyzed using PCR. Along with the serum levels of 94 analytes, a lack of differences in the CCR5 genotype distribution between NE cases and the general population suggests that the CCR5 genotype does not affect susceptibility to hantavirus infection. However, in NE cases, significant variation in the serum levels of the host matrix metalloproteases between functional CCR5 homozygous and Δ32CCR5 heterozygous patients was detected. Also, the oliguric phase was longer, while thrombocyte counts were lower in functional CCR5 homozygous as compared to heterozygous NE cases. Our data, for the first time, presents the potential role of the CCR5 receptor genotype in NE pathogenesis. Our data suggests that NE pathogenesis in functional CCR5 homozygous and heterozygous NE patients differs, where homozygous cases may have more disintegration of the extracellular matrix and potentially more severe disease

    Light-stimulated adaptive artificial synapse based on nanocrystalline metal-oxide film

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    Artificial synapses utilizing spike signals are essential elements of new generation brain-inspired computers. In this paper, we realize light-stimulated adaptive artificial synapse based on nanocrystalline zinc oxide film. The artificial synapse photoconductivity shows spike-type signal response, long and short-term memory (LTM and STM), STM-to-LTM transition and paired-pulse facilitation. It is also retaining the memory of previous exposures and demonstrates spike-frequency adaptation properties. A way to implement neurons with synaptic depression, tonic excitation, and delayed accelerating types of response under the influence of repetitive light signals is discussed. The developed artificial synapse is able to become a key element of neuromorphic chips and neuromorphic sensorics systems

    The mRubyFT Protein, Genetically Encoded Blue-to-Red Fluorescent Timer.

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    peer reviewedGenetically encoded monomeric blue-to-red fluorescent timers (mFTs) change their fluorescent color over time. mCherry-derived mFTs were used for the tracking of the protein age, visualization of the protein trafficking, and labeling of engram cells. However, the brightness of the blue and red forms of mFTs are 2-3- and 5-7-fold dimmer compared to the brightness of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). To address this limitation, we developed a blue-to-red fluorescent timer, named mRubyFT, derived from the bright mRuby2 red fluorescent protein. The blue form of mRubyFT reached its maximum at 5.7 h and completely transformed into the red form that had a maturation half-time of 15 h. Blue and red forms of purified mRubyFT were 4.1-fold brighter and 1.3-fold dimmer than the respective forms of the mCherry-derived Fast-FT timer in vitro. When expressed in mammalian cells, both forms of mRubyFT were 1.3-fold brighter than the respective forms of Fast-FT. The violet light-induced blue-to-red photoconversion was 4.2-fold less efficient in the case of mRubyFT timer compared to the same photoconversion of the Fast-FT timer. The timer behavior of mRubyFT was confirmed in mammalian cells. The monomeric properties of mRubyFT allowed the labeling and confocal imaging of cytoskeleton proteins in live mammalian cells. The X-ray structure of the red form of mRubyFT at 1.5 Ã… resolution was obtained and analyzed. The role of the residues from the chromophore surrounding was studied using site-directed mutagenesis
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