24 research outputs found

    Distribusi Pendapatan Petani Padi Organik di Kabupaten Purbalingga Propinsi Jawa Tengah

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    The study was to determine the magnitude of the costs and income of farmers and to determine the distribution of farmers' income. The research uses a survey method by taking census samples and data are analyzed by the Gini Index and Gini Ratio analysis. The results showed that organic rice farming benefited farmers because the net income of farmers per hectare per season was Rp 14.645.643 or farmer revenue is Rp 20.095.247,00 and the total cost of farming was Rp 5.449.604 with R/C of 3,687. It means that for each Rp 1.000 will result in Rp 3.687 revenue. The distribution of income of organic rice farmers amounted to 0,4012, meaning that organic rice farming can evenly distribute farmers' income distribution


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    Research using survey method was carried out at Wonosobo Regency with collected sample size of 87 farmers.Utility function, gross margin (as time function), and regression analyses with degrees function were used. Result of theresearch showed that all of farmers could handle their potato farming risk. Cost and average revenue per hectare could bepredicted by using three degrees polynomial function appropriately. Economics social factor, age, education, numbers offamily, farm experience, land wide and occupied field status significantly affected farmer behavior risk to conduct their potatofarming. The higher the age, the education, the numbers of family, the farm experience, the land wide, and the status, thehigher the farmer bravery to handle the risk.Keywords: Behavior, risk, and efficiency


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    Produksi benih albasia (Albizia falcataria) merupakan tanaman kecil yang tumbuh dengan nilai ekonomis pada kayunya. Pembibitan albasia dilakukan untuk memperoleh pendapatan yang maksimal dengan mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi produksi benih albasia dan besarnya kontribusi benih albasia terhadap pendapatan petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi bibit albasia dan 2) kontribusi bibit albasia di Desa Kroyo Lor Kecamatan Kemiri Kabupaten Purworejo. Tujuan ini menggunakan dua alat analisis, yaitu analisis fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas dan analisis kontribusi (%). Berdasarkan dimensi waktu, penelitian ini menggunakan dimensi cross sectional tahun 2019, menggunakan metode penelitian survey dan menggunakan metode rumus Slovin untuk menentukan besar sampel, dimana sampel responden sebanyak 85 responden. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa variabel luas lahan dan polibag berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi bibit albasia, sedangkan variabel umur petani, pendidikan petani, pengalaman pembibitan albasia, tenaga kerja, benih albasia dan pupuk tidak berpengaruh nyata. berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi bibit albasia di Desa Kroyo Lor Kecamatan Kemiri Kabupaten Purworejo. Kontribusi pendapatan benih albasia terhadap total pendapatan petani adalah sebesar 80,1722%, hal ini menunjukkan nilai support atau kontribusi atau kontribusi terhadap pendapatan benih albasia dikatakan tinggi


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    Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Sido Jodho mampu membuat produk olahan berbahan dasar biofarmaka antara lain, jahe instant, kunyit asam instant, temu lawak instant, yoghurt jahe, minuman jahe, minuman kunyit asam dan cookies jahe. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah bahan baku yang tersedia tidak selalu bagus, pemasaran hanya sebatas offline dan belum mempunyai pencatatan keuangan yang baik. Kegiatan pengabdiam masyarakat sudah dimulai pada bula Mei 2022. Alih teknologi yang diberikan kepada sasaran adalah pencatatatn keuangan sederhana dan pemasaran secara online. Bantuan yang diserhakan berupa pembuatan demplot tanaman biofarmaka, perbaikan dapur sehat dan pendampingan pemasaran online. Luas lahan demplot tanaman biofarmaka adalah 50x10 meter yang terletak dekat dengan rumah anggota KWT. Pemasaran produk KWT saat ini sudah masuk ke market place dan di beberapa Hotel. Anggota kelompok juga telah melakukan pencatatan keuangan sederhana dan menggunakan aplikasi Si Apik

    Kesediaan Membayar (Willingness To Pay) Beras Organik di Kabupaten Banyumas dan Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya

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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to identify the characteristics of organic rice consumers in Banyumas Regency, (2) to determine the maximum average price for organic rice that consumers in Banyumas Regency are willing to pay, and (3) to analyze and find out factors underlying the consumers’ willingness to pay for organic rice. This research was conducted in Banyumas Regency by interviewing 68 respondents who were selected using the snowball sampling method. Data is analyzed using descriptive analysis, contingent valuation method (CVM), and logistic regression analysis. The study indicates that the characteristics of organic rice consumers who are willing to pay more for organic rice in Banyumas Regency are mostly aged 36 to 55 years, having an undergraduate degree, working as civil servants, and having an income level of Rp 3.000.001 to Rp 6.000.000 with 1-4 family members. The maximum price for organic rice that consumers in Banyumas Regency are willing to pay is Rp18.346 per kilogram. Factors underlying the willingness to pay for organic rice are income, length of consumption, and consumers’ perception of organic rice quality


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    Cilacap regency is an area significantly potential for virgin coconut oil (VCO) business development. Mostly consisted of coastal areas where coconut trees are abundant, it can support the development of VCO business as the needed raw materials can be met easily. The research aims were to identify the profile business of VCO in Cilacap regency and the level of profit the business making from VCO, to determine the amount of inputs used in the business and the efficiency of the inputs, to determine the efficiency of making VCO business, to determine the added value gain from VCO business, to determine labors absoRp.tion from VCO business and to identify the potential VCO business in the future based on the business strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and challenges. The research material included were the VCO business data, production factors, products number, production costs, product price, productivity, and profitability. A survey method was used in which samples were puRp.osively taken. The targets were 25 VCO households industry in Cilacap regency which are partners of Department of Forestry and Plantation of Cilacap Regency. Data analysis used were descriptive analysis, the analysis of costs and revenue, the analysis of R/C ratio, the analysis of B/C ratio, the analysis of Return on Investment (ROI), the analysis of Break Even Point (BEP), and the value added analysis. The mean benefit cost ratio (B/C ratio) and VCO ROI on agroindustry were 0.318 and 31.77%, respectively, indicating that the VCO agro industry in this research area has the ability to create benefit. The added value of the agroindustry was IDR 1,376 per unit generated from the labor component (12.86%), the input (49.52%), and the profits (37.62%). The labor absoRp.tion during production process was varied from 75 HKSP to 320 HKSP, with an average of 129,20 HKSP. The strategies of VCO agro industry development in the future need to consider the potential strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and challenges the business encounters as found in the research. The prospective of VCO business development in Cilacap is thus very promising