12 research outputs found

    Haematological and hepatic indices of cockerels fed treated dietary Blighia sapida seeds

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    Ninety-six day old Lairier cockerel chicks were used in an experiment to evaluate the after effects of detoxifying (soaking, boiling, addition of riboflavin and glycine to antagonize hypoglycins) dietary Blighia sapida (ackee apple) seed meal, BSSM. Blood chemistry, haematology, liver morphology indices which dietary BSSM influenced and reflected in the performance characteristics of the cockerels investigated in a single-factor experimental design experiment were assessed. Results showed that the residual phytotoxins of BSSM, hypoglycins A & B with their metabolite MCPA at 17.50% inclusion of the processed BSSM in diets elicited reduction in glucose, protein, albumin, globulin while elevating blood cholesterol, creatinine, urea,total and conjugated bilirubin relative to the reference diet (p <0.05).Dietary BSSM similarly increased the transaminase activities of AST/SGOT, ALT/SGPT including ACP (p < 0.05). BSSM based diets also caused significant reduction in PCV, RBC, WBC, Hb as well as MCV, MCH and MCHC similar to the results obtained on WBC differential counts of neutrophils and lymphocytes in comparison with the conventional diet (p < 0.05). Histopathological examinations on the liver samples revealed that the control diet presented livers that were normal in tissue morphology without inflammation or haemorrhage while the photomicrographs of the liver samples of cockerels fed treated dietary BSSM at 17.50% inclusion showed morphological patterns indicating severe distortion suggesting evidence of haemorrhage and inflammation with numerous blood cells occupying the available hepatic sinuses. The poor results recorded on the biochemical, haematological and morphological parameters were reflected in performance characteristics as reduced feed intake, weight gain, growth rate, feed efficiency and high mortality were obtained on diets containing BSSM compared with the orthodox diet (p < 0.05). Findings of this experiment indicated that for optimum results, processed BSSM be included in diets below the 17.50% level considered high for the birds in this study.KEYWORDS: Cockerels, BSSM, treatments, blood chemistry,haematological and performance indice

    Changes in chemical composition and bioassay assessment of nutritional potentials of almond fruit waste as an alternative feedstuff for livestock

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    Changes in chemical composition upon processing and bioassay assessment of nutritional potentials of almond fruit waste as an alternative feedstuff were conducted using day-oldcockerels.Proximate analyses revealed that AFW contained valuable nutrients, carbohydrate/dry matter, protein, fat, fiber, mineral matter (ash). The concentration of some of these nutrients increased as the raw AFW was treated. The raw AFW gave on analysis quantitatively highconcentrations of the chemical compounds, tannins, hydrocyanides, phytic acid and other unquantified chemical compounds like oxalates assessed qualitatively. Subjecting raw AFW to lactic fermentation and enzymes treatments reduced the levels of the phytochemicals. Bioassay of the treated and untreated AFW using day-old cockerels and considering performance parameters showed that treated AFW improved feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio even better than the results obtained on these indices on the reference diet (p0.05). Untreated AFW elicited misperformance and high mortality of the test birds. It was concluded that the nutritional value of AFW, if could be used as an alternative feedstuff for animals, must be given adequate treatments

    Effects of Cocoa Bean Shell on the Performance, Blood Indices and Organ Characteristics of Cockerels

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    One hundred and five Nera cockerels were randomly assigned to 5isonitrogenous and isocaloric dietary treatments of 0%, 5% 10%, 15% and 20% Cocoa Bean Shell(CBS) in a complete randomized design experiments. Each dietary treatment was replicated three times for an experimental period of 18 weeks (3-8 weeks of age, starter diet, 9-20 weeks of age, grower diet). At the starter phase, cockerel chicks fed10% CBS based diet had the lowest feed intake and the highest weight (P<0.05). Theobromine intake increased significantly (P<0.05) with CBS inclusions while feed to gain ratio was not significant (P>0.05). In the grower phase, cockerels fed CBS based diet had significantly (P<0.05) low feed intake compared to those on control diet. Feed: gain ratio was significantly (P<0.05) high among birds fed CBS based diets at inclusionlevels of 15 and 20% respectively at the grower phase. Carcass characteristics showed that dressing percentage was similar (P>0.05) for cockerels fed 0% and 5% CBS based diets while gizzards weight significantly (P<0.05) increased with increase in CBS inclusion. Birds fed CBS based diets had low PCV, Hb and high WBC compared with thecontrol. It was concluded that cocoa bean shell could be used in cockerels diet up top 10% inclusion level

    Proximate Analysis Of Castor Seeds And Cake

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    Castor seed obtained from Ilorin was evaluated analytically using its un-decorticated and decorticated full-fat and cake forms for chemical composition and nutritional constituents. Proximate analyses of un-decorticated and decorticated seeds and cake revealed that both the oil seed and cake contain valuable nutrients namely soluble carbohydrate: seed-7.96, cake-24.69, protein: seed-20.78, cake-31.06, fat: seed-51.20, cake-19.40, mineral matter: seed-7.75, cake-11.10 for undecorticated castor seeds and cake respectively. Thedecorticated seed cake gave higher values of these nutrients than the un-decorticated, for instance carbohydrate: seed-8.86, cake-24.88, nitrogen: seed-21.87, cake-35.43, ether extract: seed-55.50, cake-25.10, total ash: seed- 9.40, cake-7.14. Amino acid profile analysis of un-decorticated and decorticated seed and cake compared with soybeans as standard plant protein indicated that the cake is deficient in some indispensable amino acids like lysine (4.11), iso-leucine (3.09), tryptophan (0) compared with 6.30, 7.90 and 1.30 lysine, iso-leucine and tryptopha in soybeans respectively.Based on results of the analyses, it is observed that the seed and cake containvaluable nutrients especially when decorticated and may serve useful alternatives to food/feedstuffs if the castor seed is detoxified of the phytotoxins, ricin (a toxic protein), ricinine (a relatively harmless protein), hydrocyanides and allergens, the extremely potent toxins

    Changes in metabolic nutrients utilization and alterations in biochemical and haematological indices in broilers fed graded levels of dietary Moringa oleifera

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    Graded levels of full-fat undecorticated Moringa oleifera seed meal (MOSM) were evaluated in diets of 96-day old broilers at 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5% while a maize-soybean diet was used as a reference diet. Nutrients utilization by the broilers and effects of the virgin dietary MOSM on serum chemistry, haematology and some bio-data- protein efficiency ratio (PER) and nitrogen metabolism (NM) were used as response criteria for the evaluation. The metabolic utilization of nutrients, most of the serum chemistry and haematological parameters decreased in response to increasing dietary levels of MOSM except values on products of metabolism like creatinine, uric acid, bilirubin and conjugated bilirubin that tended to elevate with increasing levels of dietary unprocessed MOSM. Since no mortality was recorded in this experiment even at 7.5% MOSM inclusion, further research is on-going to determine the lethal level to poultry including other monogastric animals.Keywords: MOSM, broilers, nutrient utilization, serum and haematological indice