2 research outputs found


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    This research is based on the occurrence of conversation implicature transactions in buying and selling transactions at the end of Suramadu Madura. Implications in conversation are conventional forms of implicature and unconventional implicatures. This research is a kind of conversational implicature in a sale and purchase transaction at the end of Suramadu Madura. This method is a descriptive method. The purpose of this study is to describe the pattern of systematic, factual and accurate relationships between the phenomena investigated. Implicit in the sale and purchase transaction at the end of Suramadu Madura has two types, namely: conventional implicature and unconventional implicature. Conventional Implication is a type of implicature derived from the meaning of words, not from the principle of conversation. Whereas nonconventional implicatures are the implications of pragmatics implicit in conversation. In communication, speech always presents functional functions and in conversation, intentions implied


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    Abstrak: Budidaya ikan nila di sawah (minapadi) merupakan potensi utama yang diangkat oleh desa wisata Kebonagung. Akan tetapi, tingginya harga pakan ikan menjadi kendala utama yang dihadapi oleh warga dalam pengembangan wisata minapadi. Pakan berbasis maggot merupakan alternatif pakan yang murah dengan kualitas nutrisi yang tinggi. Program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan pembuatan pakan alternatif dari maggot untuk minapadi. Program pengabdian ini dilaksanakan bersama dengan Karang Taruna Tani Rukun Santoso dan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Sekar Arum, di Kebonagung, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi sosialisasi dan pelatihan budidaya maggot, sosialisasi budikamber, pemijahan ikan wader pari, program One Health Education, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian ini, masyarakat menjadi paham dan terampil dalam budidaya maggot. Saran yang diberikan untuk kegiatan selanjutnya adalah pengembangan maggot skala masal dan peningkatan branding kawasan wisata minapadi.Abstract: Fish cultivation in rice fields (minapadi) is the main aspect of tourism developed by the Kebonagung tourism village. However, the high price of fish feed is the main obstacle faced by residents in developing minapadi tourism. Maggot-based feed is an inexpensive alternative to feed with high nutritional quality. Our program aimed to provide skills in making alternative feed from maggot for minapadi. The programs were carried out in collaboration with the Rukun Santoso Farmer Youth Organization and the Sekar Arum Women's Farmer Group, in Kebonagung, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The method of implementing the activities included socialization and training on maggot cultivation, socialization of budikamber, One Health Education program, and evaluation. Based on the results of this program, the community becomes aware and skilled in maggot cultivation. The suggestions for the next programs are the development of mass scale maggots and the improvement of the branding of the minapadi tourism