5 research outputs found

    Molekularno-genetička analiza osteogenesis imperfecta u kliničkoj praksi

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is characterized by fractures with minimal or absent trauma, representing a continuum ranging from perinatal lethality through individuals with severe skeletal deformities to nearly asymptomatic individuals with mild predisposition to fractures. Diagnosis of OI is an interdisciplinary task based on family and/or patient history of fractures combined with characteristic physical fi ndings. Radiographic examination reveals fractures of varying ages and stages of healing, wormian bones, and osteopenia. As there is no defi nitive test for OI, molecular genetic testing by next generation sequencing (NGS) of COL1A1 and COL1A2 and up to 12 other genes is essential to confi rm the genetic background. Therefore, we designed a NGS gene panel comprising 12 genes involved in OI or severe osteoporosis. Here we report results in a cohort of 11 apparently sporadic young patients with OI, all off spring of unaff ected parents, who were referred to orthopaedic surgery at Sv. Katarina Special Hospital (Zabok/Zagreb, Croatia). Ten of these 11 patients could be classifi ed genetically. Overall, three genes with diff erent percent relating to the whole cohort were involved: COL1A1 (63.6%), COL1A2 (18.18%) and WNT1 (9.09%).Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) je obiljeĆŸena prijelomima uz minimalnu ili odsutnu traumu i predstavlja kontinuum u rasponu od perinatalne smrtnosti, osobe s teĆĄkim skeletnim deformitetima do gotovo asimptomatskih osoba s niskom sklonoơću prijelomima. Dijagnosticiranje OI je interdisciplinski zadatak koji se temelji na obiteljskoj i/ili bolesnikovoj povijesti prijeloma u kombinaciji sa znakovitim fi zičkim nalazima. Radiografsko snimanje otkriva prijelome različite starosti i stadija zaraĆĄtanja, Wormove kosti i osteopeniju. Kako nema konačnog testa za OI, molekularno genetsko testiranje pomoću next generation sequencing (NGS) gena COL1A1 i COL1A2 te do 12 drugih gena bitno je za potvrdu genetske podloge. Stoga smo izradili NGS genski panel koji sadrĆŸi 12 gena uključenih u OI ili teĆĄku osteoporozu. Prikazujemo rezultate dobivene u nizu od 11 očito sporadičnih mladih bolesnika s OI, svi potomci nezahvaćenih roditelja, koji su bili upućeni na ortopedsku kirurgiju u Specijalnoj bolnici sv. Katarina u Zaboku/Zagrebu. Deset od tih 11 bolesnika mogli smo genetski klasifi cirati. Sveukupno, uključena su bila tri gena u različitim postocima u naĆĄem nizu bolesnika: COL1A1 (63,6%), COL1A2 (18,18%) i WNT1 (9,09%)

    Ergoterapeutiska ÄtgÀrder i förskola och grundskola : en forskningsöversikt

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete var att kartlĂ€gga vilka ergoterapeutiska Ă„tgĂ€rder för elever i behov av sĂ€rskilt stöd i för- och grundskola som finns dokumenterade i forskning. Detta examensarbete gjordes som en systematisk litteraturstudie, och analyserades med hjĂ€lp av en innehĂ„llsanalys. Arbetets frĂ„gestĂ€llningar var: Vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder med fokus pĂ„ aktivitet finns dokumenterade i forskning? Vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder med fokus pĂ„ miljöfaktorer finns dokumenterade i forskning? Vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder med fokus pĂ„ personfaktorer finns dokumenterade i forskning? Den teoretiska referensramen som anvĂ€ndes var Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance Model (PEOP). PEOP Ă€r en klientcentrerad modell dĂ€r fokuset ligger pĂ„ interaktionen mellan personen och dess miljö, som pĂ„verkar aktivitets utförande och delaktighet. 14 artiklar inkulderades i detta arbete, som sedan analyserades och tematiserades, teman som anvĂ€ndes var aktivitet, omgivning och person. Det framkommer i forskningarna att ergoterapeutiska interventioner som gjorts i skolmiljön har haft en positiv inverkan pĂ„ barnets aktivitetsutförande och deltagande i social samvaro. Det framkommer dock Ă€ven att barnens rĂ€tt till skolbaserad ergoterapi varierar, och att en del barn lĂ€mnas utan det stöd som de skulle behöva.TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa tutkimusta toimintaterapeuttisista interventioista erityistuen tarpeessa oleville oppilaille esi- ja peruskoulussa. MenetelmĂ€nĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta. Artikkeleiden analysoinnissa edettiin sisĂ€ltöanalyysin kautta. Kysymyksensasettelu oli: MitĂ€ aktiviteettiin keskittyviĂ€ interventioita on tutkittu? MitĂ€ ympĂ€ristötekijöihin keskittyviĂ€ interventioita on tutkittu? MitĂ€ henkilötekijöihin keskittyviĂ€ interventioita on tutkittu? Teoreettisena viitekehyksenĂ€ oli kĂ€ytössĂ€ Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance Model (PEOP). PEOP on asiakaskeskeinen malli, joka keskittyy yksilöön ja sen ympĂ€ristön vuorovaikutuksen vaikutuksiin tĂ€mĂ€n suorituksissa ja osallisuudessa. Tiedonkeruun jĂ€lkeen 14 artikkelia analysoitiin, tematisoitiin ja sisĂ€llytettiin työhön. Teemat olivat toiminta, ympĂ€ristö ja yksilö. Tutkimuksissa tuli esille, ettĂ€ toimintaterapeuttiset interventiot kouluympĂ€ristössĂ€ ovat edesauttaneet lapsen sosiaalista osallistumista ja toiminnallista suorittamista. Tutkimuksessa tuli tosin ilmi, ettĂ€ kaikilla lapsilla ei ole tasavertaista oikeutta saada toimintaterapiaa kouluympĂ€ristössĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ johtaa siihen, ettĂ€ osa lapsista, jotka ovat avun tarpeessa, jÀÀvĂ€t ilman terapiaa.The purpose of this thesis was to map documented research on occupational therapy in-terventions aimed at special needs students in pre- and elementary school. The study was conducted as a literature study, and was analyzed through a content analysis. The questions for the thesis were formulated as following: Which interventions focusing on activity are documented in research? Which interventions focusing on environmental factors are documented in research? Which interventions focusing on personal factors are documented in research? The theoretical frame of reference used was Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance Model (PEOP). PEOP is a client-centric model focusing on how the client’s interactions with the environment impacts on activity performance and participation. 14 articles were included in this study, which then were an-alyzed and put into themes. The themes used were activity, environment and person. The research brings up evidence of the positive affects occupational therapy interven-tions have on the child’s occupational performance and participation in social situations. Although the research also points out variations in the rights for school based occupational therapy, implying that some children in need of therapy are unable to receive it

    Prediction of COVID-19 deterioration in high-risk patients at diagnosis: an early warning score for advanced COVID-19 developed by machine learning

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    Purpose!#!While more advanced COVID-19 necessitates medical interventions and hospitalization, patients with mild COVID-19 do not require this. Identifying patients at risk of progressing to advanced COVID-19 might guide treatment decisions, particularly for better prioritizing patients in need for hospitalization.!##!Methods!#!We developed a machine learning-based predictor for deriving a clinical score identifying patients with asymptomatic/mild COVID-19 at risk of progressing to advanced COVID-19. Clinical data from SARS-CoV-2 positive patients from the multicenter Lean European Open Survey on SARS-CoV-2 Infected Patients (LEOSS) were used for discovery (2020-03-16 to 2020-07-14) and validation (data from 2020-07-15 to 2021-02-16).!##!Results!#!The LEOSS dataset contains 473 baseline patient parameters measured at the first patient contact. After training the predictor model on a training dataset comprising 1233 patients, 20 of the 473 parameters were selected for the predictor model. From the predictor model, we delineated a composite predictive score (SACOV-19, Score for the prediction of an Advanced stage of COVID-19) with eleven variables. In the validation cohort (n = 2264 patients), we observed good prediction performance with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.73 ± 0.01. Besides temperature, age, body mass index and smoking habit, variables indicating pulmonary involvement (respiration rate, oxygen saturation, dyspnea), inflammation (CRP, LDH, lymphocyte counts), and acute kidney injury at diagnosis were identified. For better interpretability, the predictor was translated into a web interface.!##!Conclusion!#!We present a machine learning-based predictor model and a clinical score for identifying patients at risk of developing advanced COVID-19