106 research outputs found

    La conscience auto-organisatrice : une alternative au modèle dominant de la psychologie cognitive

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    Il est généralement supposé que les opérations cognitives auxquelles nous n’avons aucun accès introspectif reposent sur des représentations et des formes de raisonnement identiques à celles qui composent la pensée consciente. Cet article présente une vision alternative, dans laquelle il n’y a plus de place pour un « inconscient cognitif ». L’adaptation repose sur la formation de représentations conscientes, dont la remarquable organisation émerge naturellement grâce à des processus élémentaires d’auto-organisation, par le jeu des interactions dynamiques entre le sujet et son environnement. Quelques pistes de réflexion sont suggérées quant aux enjeux de cette perspective pour l’éducation

    What breaks the flow of reading? A study on characteristics of attentional disruption during digital reading

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    Reading is increasingly taking place on digital media, which are vectors of attentional disruption. This manuscript aims to characterize attentional disruption during reading on a computer screen in an ecological environment. To this end, we collected information relating to reader interruptions (number, type, duration, position, mental effort, and valence) and self-caught mind wandering (occurrence, position) throughout the reading session for high and low media multitaskers in their own specific ecological environment, at home. Comprehension of the narrative text was assessed both with surface and inferential questions. In total, 74 participants (M = 22.16, SD = 2.35) took part in the experiment. They reported attentional disruptions on average every 4 mins during reading. Moreover, there were more attentional disruptions during the first half of the text. Most interruptions were short and little mental effort was required to process them. We made a distinction between media-related and media-unrelated related interruptions. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that media-unrelated interruptions were actually related to better performance for both inferential and surface level questions. Furthermore, media-related interruptions were more frequent for high than low media multitaskers. Pleasure experienced when reading the text was also a significant predictor of comprehension. The results are discussed with regard to Long-Term Working Memory and strategies that the readers could have implemented to recover the thread of their reading

    L'imitation chez le nouveau-né : imitation, représentation et mouvement dans les premiers mois de la vie

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    International audienceCet ouvrage opère un renversement de la théorie piagétienne, et s'attache à démontrer que la présence de représentation précède l'imitation et s'efforce de délimiter la spécificité de ses représentations

    Spatial Analysis in Hierarchical Meaningful Stimuli in Children with Mental Retardation A Drawing Task

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    The aim of this research was to study the spatial analysis ability in children with Mental Retardation (MR) in a drawing task, using hierarchical meaningful pattens. We expected that meaning would interact with the global precedence principle advocated by Navon (1977), enhancing therefore a local analysis when meaning was indentified at the local level, and not at the gloal level. Furthermore, we aimed at confirming that children with mental retadation have a major global bias because some contradictory results exist in the literature 86 MR children in Indonesia (32 girls) aged 6 to 14 participated in the study. Four patterns introducing meaningful stimuli and non meaningful stumuli in the global or local level were given to children, who were asked to copy them as accurately as possible. The results showed that global responses dominated whatever age and IQ and that thet were not influenced by stimuli meanin

    Rôle des informations visuelles dans la production de lettres cursives chez l’enfant et l’adulte

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    The role of visual information in the production of cursive letters in children and adults The present experiment aims at studying the evolution with age of the role of visual information in the production of isolated cursive letters. Children aged 8, 9 and 10 year-old and adults were asked to write different cursive letters (a, o, l, m and p) under three experimental conditions: with a normal vision, under an opaque open box that prevented vision from the hand and the trace, or without any visual information. The partial or complete withdrawal of visual information had a much greater effect on the children’s performances than on those of adults. Only an increase of pressure was observed in adults following the removal of visual information, while children compensated for the absence of visual feedback by increasing movement length, movement velocity, and pressure. By contrast, they maintained movement duration constant throughout the conditions. However, a non monotone development with age of some of these kinematic parameters was revealed. Moreover, the effect of visual information withdrawal on movement parameters differed as a function of the type of letter produced. Globally, these results showed that children relied much more than adults on visual feedback when they wrote, even for the simple production of isolated letters.Notre recherche a pour objectif l’étude du développement du rôle des informations visuelles sur la production de lettres cursives. Des enfants de 8, 9, 10 ans et des adultes ont pour tâche d’écrire différentes lettres cursives (a, o, l, m et p) dans 3 conditions: normale (informations visuelles disponibles), la main placée sous un cache, avec les yeux fermés. L’absence de feedback visuel entraîne une modification des caractéristiques des mouvements plus importante chez les enfants que chez les adultes. Seule une augmentation de la pression est observée chez les adultes, alors que les productions des enfants subissent une augmentation de la vitesse, de la longueur des trajectoires formant les lettres, de la fluidité et de la pression. Un développement non monotone avec l’âge de certains indices est toutefois révélé.Chartrel Estelle, Vinter Annie. Rôle des informations visuelles dans la production de lettres cursives chez l’enfant et l’adulte. In: L'année psychologique. 2006 vol. 106, n°1. pp. 43-63

    La reconnaissance de son image chez l'enfant et l'animal

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    International audienceLa plupart des grands psychologues se sont interrogés sur l'âge de la reconnaissance de soi dans le miroir, et ont recueillis de très nombreuses observations naturalistes. Depuis quelques années, ce problème a fait l'objet de diverses recherches expérimentales qui ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives sur la manière d'appréhender ce thème. On trouvera dans cet ouvrage une sélection de recherches expérimentales et une présentation de points de vue théoriques qui nous ont paru le mieux illustrer les conceptions actuelles des psychologues sur ce thème

    Isochrony and accuracy of drawing movements in children: Effects of age and context

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    Graphomotor skills involves coordinated participation of perceptual, cognitive and motor mechanisms. Our interest is related to children's ability to draw circles of different sizes in an increasing order (the seriation task). Two additional control tasks have also been realized, the first one with the circles in a random order, the second one with the circles assembled in such a way that they represent a bear. We have studied children from 5 to 9 years and adults. The major results for the seriation task are the following: model sizes have always been underestimated (highest underestimation at 7 years, lowest at 9 years). Mean size increment decreased between 5 and 8 years and increased between 8 and 9 years. The average velocity decrease between 5 and 7 years, followed by a regular increase between 7 and 9 years, the lowest average velocity at 7 years, the highest at 5 years. Whereas the 5-year-old children (like adults) execute the task by means of an automatized mode of functioning (highest velocity, low size accuracy, best circle size increment value, optimal covariation size-velocity, but also highest variability), children from 6 to 9 years are using a controlled mode of functioning (increasing size accuracy, low velocity, reduced size increment, slightly reduced covariation size-velocity, but decreasing variability)
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