20 research outputs found

    Perception de la profession de diététistes et de ses enjeux par des diététistes et des étudiants finissants en nutrition du Québec

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    Objectifs. L’objectif principal est de documenter, auprès de finissants universitaires en nutrition au Québec, leurs motivations professionnelles ainsi que leur perception de la profession et de ses enjeux et comparer certaines données avec celles obtenues chez des diététistes. Méthode. Un sondage électronique a été effectué auprès des étudiants finissants en nutrition des trois universités du Québec offrant le programme. Le questionnaire comprenait 35 questions, dont trois qualitatives. Deux questions référaient à la méthode des incidents critiques. Pour les diététistes, les données colligées par l’OPDQ en 2009 furent utilisées. Résultats. Au total, 72 étudiants ont répondu au questionnaire et 597 diététistes avaient complété le sondage de l’OPDQ. Un intérêt pour la nutrition, la santé, les aliments et le désir d’aider les autres sont les principales motivations pour entreprendre des études en nutrition et plus de la moitié souhaitent poursuivre des études supérieures dans ce domaine. Une majorité d’entre eux privilégient travailler avec une clientèle de moins de 65 ans, ce qui est préoccupant compte-tenu du contexte démographique. Les étudiants ont une vision plutôt positive de la profession et une perception similaire aux diététistes quant aux enjeux pouvant affecter la profession. Conclusion. Cette étude a permis de dresser un portrait des étudiants, de leurs motivations et de leur perception de la profession. Elle souligne l’importance d’exposer les étudiants aux milieux de travail le plus tôt possible dans leur cheminement scolaire.Objectives. The main objective is to document, among university graduates in nutrition in Quebec, their professional motivations, their perception of the profession and its challenges and to compare these data with those obtained from dietitians. Methodology. An electronic survey was conducted among graduating nutrition students from three universities offering the program in Quebec. The questionnaire included 35 questions. Three of them were qualitative. Two questions referred to the critical incidents technique. For dietitians, data collected in 2009 by the OPDQ were used. Results. A total of 72 students completed the questionnaire and 597 dietitians had completed the survey of OPDQ. An interest in nutrition, health, food and the desire to help others are the main motivations for undertaking studies in nutrition and more than half express their intention to complete graduate studies in nutrition. A majority of them prefer to work with clients aged fewer than 65, which is of concern in view of the demographic context. Students have a rather positive perception of the profession and concerns similar to those of dietitians about issues that may affect the profession. Conclusion. This study reveals students’ profile, their motivations and perceptions of the profession. It stresses the importance of exposing students to workplaces as soon as possible in their school careers

    L’agroalimentaire en transformation

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    Désinfection des endoscopes en endoscopie digestive

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    Désinfection des endoscopes en endoscopie digestive

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    Impact of maternal cardiometabolic status after bariatric surgery on the association between telomere length and adiposity in offspring

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    Abstract The impact of bariatric surgery on metabolic and inflammatory status are reflected in the epigenetic profile and telomere length mediated by the changes in the metabolic status of the patients. This study compared the telomere length of children born before versus after maternal bariatric surgery as a surrogate to test the influence of the mother’s metabolic status on children’s telomere length. DNA methylation telomere length (DNAmTL) was estimated from Methylation-EPIC BeadChip array data from a total of 24 children born before and after maternal bariatric surgery in the greater Quebec City area. DNAmTL was inversely associated with chronological age in children (r = − 0.80, p < 0.001) and significant differences were observed on age-adjusted DNAmTL between children born before versus after the maternal bariatric surgery. The associations found between body mass index and body fat percentage with DNAmTL in children born after the surgery were influenced by maternal triglycerides, TG/HDL-C ratio and TyG index. This study reports the impact of maternal bariatric surgery on offspring telomere length. The influence of maternal metabolic status on the association between telomere length and markers of adiposity in children suggests a putative modulating effect of bariatric surgery on the cardiometabolic risk in offspring