28 research outputs found

    Hospes Perantara dan Hospes Reservoir Fasciolopsis Buski di Indonesia Studi Epidemiologi F. Buski di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2002 dan 2010

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    Buski intestinal worm disease (fasciolopsiosis) is an endemic disease in some villages in the Hulu Sungai Utara district. Since the discovery of the case in 1982 until recently, the fasciolopsiosis prevalence has not showed a declining trend. Even in some periods it seems to rise, despite mitigation efforts continue to be implemented through various surveys, which ended with the drugs administration.Unidentified intermediate hosts and reservoir hosts is one constraint in the disease control.To determine the epidemiological cycle of F. buski, two studies were conducted by two research institutions under the Research and Development Agency in 2002 by Anorital, etal. and 2010 by Annida.Results from both studies showed that there were 3 kinds of water plants (second intermediate host) consumed by communities; the lily (Nymphea alba), bird lotus(Nymphea lotus) and water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) which was positive of Metasercariae and Cercariae. Two of four types of freshwater snails (the first intermediate host) specimens examined were positive of redia and cercariae; kalambuai snail (Lymnea sp.) and flat snails (Indoplanorbis sp.). One of four animal manure specimens examined was positive of F. buski egg (found in buffalo dung). It was also found two egg specimens from chicken and alabio duck manure whichis resembled to F. buski. But in terms ofsize, it was much smaller than the egg of F. buski. Despite these positive findings, the confirmation from experienced research institutions is needed. It is expected that the Buski intestinal worm disease (fasciolopsiosis) control can be conducted effectively. An in-depth study is also needed

    Siput Air Tawar sebagai Hospes Perantara Trematoda di Desa Kalumpang dalam dan Sungai Papuyu, Kecamatan Babirik, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara

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    Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara merupakan kabupaten endemis fasciolopsiasis, yaitu penyakit cacing trematoda usus yang menginfeksi manusia. Fasciolopsiasis disebabkan oleh salah satu cacing trematoda spesies Fasciolopsis buski. Berdasarkan siklus hidupnya cacing trematoda melewati siklus hidup yang kompleks, pada tahap serkaria harus berkembang dalam siput air tawar tertentu sebagai hospes perantaranya. Kondisi geografis Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara merupakan daerah rawa yang hampir sepanjang tahun selalu tergenang air sedalam 1-3 meter, sangat ideal bagi perkembangbiakan siput air tawar. Dengan hidupnya siput air tawar, sangat memungkinkan bagi jenis cacing trematoda lainnya untuk berkembang dan ditransmisikan ke hospes selanjutnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies siput air tawar yang berpotensi sebagai hospes perantara potensial trematoda di Desa Kalumpang Dalam dan Sungai Papuyu, Kecamatan Babirik, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara. Disain penelitian secara cross sectional, dan dilaksanakan di Desa Kalumpang Dalam dan Sungai Papuyu, Kecamatan Babirik, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, dalam tahun 2012 dan 2013. Hasil penelitian diperoleh siput air tawar (genus Indoplanorbis, Gyraulus, Lymnaea, Bellamya, Pomacea, Melanoides). Ditemukannya serkaria pada siput air tawar menunjukkan kemungkinan adanya kecacingan trematoda lainnya selain fasciolopsiasis, yaitu antara lain echinostomiasis, fascioliasis, cercarial dermatititis dan intestinal fluke lainnya. Rekomendasi dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa: peningkatan peran serta masyarakat dalam menghentikan kebiasaan yang beresiko kecacingan; pengobatan terhadap penderita kecacingan; peningkatan alokasi anggaran kesehatan terhadap program pengendalian kecacingan; peningkatan sumber daya manusia dan sarana-prasarana di bidang promosi kesehatan dan pemeriksaan mikroskopis kecacingan; penyuluhan mengenai kecacingan terhadap masyarakat daerah endemis secara multi sektor; melibatkan peran serta, dukungan tokoh masyarakat dan pemuka desa yang diteladani; dan menggalang dukungan dan keterlibatan lintas sektor terhadap intervensi rekayasa lingkungan dan sosial budaya masyarakat

    The Policy of Helminthiasis Control and Public Knowledge Againts Helminthiasis in Banjar Regency South Kalimantan Province

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    Background: Helminthiasis is a neglected disease that lack of attention both prevention and handling. Eventhough helminthiasis is tent not to be deadly disease but it can reduce the nutrition that influence the growth and mental of the children. For the adult it brings out the reducing of productivity. That's why it is very important to determine helminthiasis prevention strategies in South Kalimantan by doing a comprehensive effort to be the basic data for determining policies to helminthiasis control programs appropriatly. This study is aimed to know the specific aspects that retart the program of helminthiasis control in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan. Methods: It is descriptive study with cross sectional design. The data are collected by indepth interview to the policy holder that has connection with the helminthiasis control and the guardian of elementary schoo, they are 291 respondents. results: There has not any coordination yet between cross programs and sector to control helminthiasis and there has not any budget yet for helminthiasis program. Those are one of the obstruction that make helminthiasis program can not wotk effectively. The public knowledge of Banjar Regency about helminthiasis is in good level. There is no relationship between parental knowledge with helminthiasis, otherwise there is relationship between knowledge of children with helminthiasis. conclusion:Policy only focus on curative services due to helminthiasis is not a deadly disease. recommendation: Increasing the budget of program and improving the awareness of across sector and program will support helminthiasis control program

    Pola Distribusi Himenolepiasis di Kalimantan Selatan

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    Kecacingan umumnya disebabkan oleh cacing golongan Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) yaitu Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Hookworm dan cacing golongan non STH yaitu Enterobius vermicularis. Kasus kecacingan yang khas terjadi di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan adalah yang disebabkan oleh Fasciolopsis buski. Namun dalam survei kecacingan oleh Balai Litbang P2B2 Tanah Bumbu tahun 2008-2009 ditemukan pula kasus himenolepiasis yang disebabkan oleh Hymenolepis sp. Penelitian observasional analitik ini dilakukan di 13 kabupaten/kota di wilayah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dengan desain potong lintang. Survei tinja dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahap: yaitu tahap 1 pada tahun 2010 di 6 kabupaten (Tanah Laut, Tabalong, Tanah Bumbu, Tapin, Barito Kuala, dan Balangan), dan tahap 2 pada tahun 2011 di 7 kabupaten/kota (Kotabaru, Banjar, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Hulu Sungai Tengah, Hulu Sungai Utara, Banjarbaru, dan Banjarmasin), dengan jumlah total 3.643 sampel tinja. Total kasus himenolepiasis yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini sebesar 0,5% (20 kasus) yang tersebar pada Kabupaten Kotabaru 0,3%, Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu 0,3%, Kabupaten Balangan 0,5%, Kabupaten Tabalong 0,6%, Kabupaten HSS 0,9%, Kabupaten Banjar 1,7%, dan tertinggi di Kabupaten Tapin 1,9%. Banyak aspek pada masyarakat di Kalimantan Selatan yang kemungkinan menyebabkan penularan himenolepiasis, misalnya kebiasaan masyarakat memakan sedikit beras mentah setelah makan jengkol, dengan anggapan bahwa dengan makan beras dapat mencegah bau yang timbul akibat memakan jengkol. Sehingga kemungkinan ikut termakan kutu beras atau beras yang mengandung cysticercoid Hymenolepis. Hal ini perlu digali lebih dalam agar dapat menjadi landasan bagi dasar penelitian dan program penanggulangan himenolepiasis

    Intestinal Parasite Incidence on Elementary School Students in Town and Village at Tanah Bumbu District

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    Intestinal parasitic diseases is common occurre in children with the high risk and it become problem that need effective and efficient control. The purpose of this research is to obtain prevalent data and the distribution pattern of intestinal parasites in children of urban and rural area in Tanah Bumbu district by conducting survey on worm infected primary students. Collecting and examining samples of students feses from five schools, three schools in Simpang Empat sub district as urban area, and two schools in Sungai Loban sub district as rural area were conducted on this research. The examination uses direct examination methode using microscope to find out the positive samples containing worm eggs. The result indicated that 388 samples from urban area there were 25 (6,4%) positive and 113 samples from rural area there were 13 (11,5%) positive. Next, the worm species prevalence in urban area are Ascaris lumbricoides (2,6%), Trichuris trichiura (2,3%), Hymenolepis nana (1,5%) and Hookworm (0,3%). Worm species prevalence in rural area are A.lumbricoides (8,0%) , H. nana (0,9%) and Enterobius vermicularis (2,7%). Prevalence of parasites was higher on boys than girls bath urban and rural area. Prevalens of parasites was higher on 6-9 years age than 10-15 years age bath urban and rural area.Penyakit parasit pencernaan umumnya lebih banyak terjadi pada anak-anak usia sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data kejadian infeksi parasit pencernaan pada anak-anak daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu dengan melakukan survei cacingan pada anak sekolah dasar. Pengumpulan sampel feses dilakukan di lima Sekolah Dasar (SD), tiga SD di Kecamatan Simpang Empat yang mewakili daerah perkotaan dan dua SD di Kecamatan Sungai Laban yang mewakili daerah pedesaan. Pemeriksaan sampel menggunakan metode pemeriksaan langsung dengan mikroskop untuk mengetahui sampel yang positif mengandung telur cacing. Hasil menunjukkan 388 sampel feses dari SD di perkotaan, terdapat 25 sampel (6,4%) yang positif, sedangkan 113 sampel feses dari SD di pedesaan terdapat 13 sampel (11,5%) yang positif. Prevalensi spesies cacing yang ditemukan di daerah perkotaan yaitu Ascaris lumbricoides (2,6%), Trichuris trichiura (2,3%), Hymenolepis nana (1,5%) dan Hookworm (0,3%). Prevalensi spesies cacing yang ditemukan di daerah pedesaan yaitu A. lumbricoides (8,0%) , H. nana (0,9%) dan Enterobius vermicularis (2,7%). Prevalensi kecacingan anak laki-laki lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak perempuan, baik di daerah perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Prevalensi kecacingan pada kelompok umur 6-9 tahun lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak kelompok umur 10-15 tahun, baik di daerah perkotaan maupun pedesaan

    Identifikasi Serkaria Fasciolopsis Buski Dengan PCR Untuk Konfirmasi Hospes Perantara Di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia

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    Fasciolopsiasis in Indonesia is endemic in Hulu Sungai Utara District, South Kalimantan. Problems in controlling this disease is to identify the snail that acts as an first intermediate host. Fasciolopsis buski intermediate host is determined by the presence of F. buski cercariae on the conch. Identification of cercariae using microscopic method can not ensure that was F. buski cercariae, so it is necessary to use a more accurate method. Therefore, the research aimed to identify F. buski cercariae using Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR ) to confirm the cercariae species and the first intermediate host snails of F. buski. Observational studies in the field and laboratory are conducted in March-December 2014. Snail samplings were taken place at Sungai Papuyu and Kalumpang Dalam villages. Cercariae PCR analysis was done at Molecular Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Science-Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru. Our field collections found 6 snail genus: Pomacea, Bellamya, Indoplanorbis, Lymnaea, Gyraulus, and Melanoides. Three species of cercariae obtained by microscopic examination consisted of Echinostome cercariae in Lymnaea and Indoplanorbis snail, Brevifurcate-pharyngeate cercariae in Lymnaea snail, and Sulcatomicrocercous cercariae in Bellamya snail. PCR analysis showed positive result of F. buski on Echinostome cercariae samples found from Lymnaea and Indoplanorbis snail. This finding have confirmed that both snails were the first intermediate host of F. buski at our sampling sites

    A Study of Selective Motor Fitness Components Empowers On Playing Ability among Low and High Performers of State Level Football Players

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    Motor fitness is a present aptitude for physical skills, includes strength and co-ordination enriches today’s Manpower in players performance.  The study focuses on selected motor fitness components to ensure the playing ability among low and high performers of State level Football players. To achieve this study, One hundred and fifty men Football players were randomly selected as subjects from Tamilnadu State level men Football Tournament held at Chennai in 2008-09. Their age ranged from20 to 25 years. Selected subjects were classified into three equal groups of each fifty members. Group 1 served as -Chennai Team, Group-II as Salem and Coimbatore Team and Group III Trichy and Madurai Team. All the subjects were oriented the purpose of the test and procedure of conducting this test. Regular activities and training were given that aplomb the player’s ability to perform the game. Questionnaire preparation was also done by our Research Scholar with the reference to the review of the literature. The investigator has provided onto the following selected motor fitness variables such as Cardio-vascular Endurance, Speed, Agility and Explosive Power. The data is collected with the help of five PhD Scholars, Department of Physical Education who were well versed with the conduct of test and collections under the direct supervision of our Research Scholar. Resulting data will be collected before and after the competition and statistically analyzed using ANOVA and DMRT. Hence the study concluded that playing ability solely depends on the physical fitness, stress free mind more than that it relates the socio-economic status to perform the better strategy of playing games.Â

    Analisis Sistem Pencahayaan di Ruang Sipil/sarana dengan Sni Nomor 03-6575-2001 Tentang Perancangan Sistem Pencahayaan Buatan PT X Gresik

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    Intensityilluminationforoffice activityless than according to SNI 03-6575-2001 number 350 lux.Indoor lighting, especially in the workplace that does not meet certain requirements can worsen vision.Less of lighting will cause eyestrain which will then be lowered productivity.This study aimed to analyze the implementation of artificial lighting system and analyzes the factors that influence the artificial lighting system based SNI 03-6575-2001 numbers in the civil / PT X Gresik means.This research is a descriptive qualitative in-depth interviews.The subjects of this research were two people as the main informants and 2 as an informant triangulation.Supporting data used to use observation guidelines in the form.The results showed key informants in plan of lighting system using SNI energy conservation but based SNI 03-6575-2001 numbers do not meet the 66.7% standard rate.Factors that led to the implementation of less than standard lighting systems is the influence of power requirements, light requirements, armature or house lights are used, reflectance, average lighting level, color rendering, the window is not in accordance with the standard rate.Never been given training in planning lighting systems by PT X Gresik and evaluation and monitoring conducted K3, and Sipil, Enjinering.PT X need to provide training planning a lighting system to the main informant to improve the ability of planning a lighting system and making employment contracts K3 involvement in the planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring