22 research outputs found

    The Epidemiology of Child Psychopathology: Basic Principles and Research Data

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    17 Tipps wie man Kinder erzieht - Welche Erziehungsstrategien setzen Eltern ein?

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    Untersucht wird, welche der im Triple P-Gruppentraining vermittelten Erziehungsstrategien von den Eltern im Alltag umgesetzt werden. Die Daten stammen aus dem Projekt "Zukunft Familie", in dem die längerfristige Wirksamkeit des Elterntrainings in einer kontrollierten Studie an 280 Familien untersucht wurde. Insgesamt nahmen 144 Eltern am Gruppentraining teil und füllten vor, direkt nach der Intervention und bei der Ein-Jahres-Katamnese Kursbeurteilungs- bzw. Fragebogen zu den Erziehungsstrategien aus. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die positiven Erziehungsstrategien zur Förderung der kindlichen Entwicklung bereits vor dem Training weiter verbreitet waren als die Tipps zum Umgang mit kindlichem Problemverhalten. Über 90 Prozent der Eltern praktizierten die positiven Erziehungsstrategien auch bei der Ein-Jahres-Nachuntersuchung. Darüber hinaus gab es eine signifikante Abnahme bei der Verwendung der "Auszeit"-Strategie. (ZPID

    Long-term outcome of a randomized controlled universal prevention trial through a positive parenting program: is it worth the effort?

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    Hahlweg K, Heinrichs N, Kuschel A, Bertram H, Naumann S. Long-term outcome of a randomized controlled universal prevention trial through a positive parenting program: is it worth the effort? Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2010;4(1): 14.Background Approximately 20% of children experience internalizing or externalizing DSM-IV-TR disorders. This prevalence rate cannot be reduced through treatment only. Effective preventive interventions are therefore urgently needed. The aim of the current investigation is to evaluate the two-year efficacy of the group Triple P parenting program administered universally for the prevention of child behavior problems. Methods Based on their respective preschool, N = 280 families were randomly assigned either to the parent training or to the control group. The efficacy was analyzed using multi-source assessments, including questionnaires by mother and father, behavioral observation of mother-child interaction, and teacher evaluations. Results At the 2-year follow-up, both parents in the Triple P intervention reported significant reductions in dysfunctional parenting behavior, and mothers also an increase in positive parenting behavior. In addition, mothers reported significant reductions in internalizing and externalizing child behavior. Single-parent mothers in the Triple P intervention did not report significant changes in parenting or child problem behavior which is primarily due to inexplicable high positive effects in single parent mothers of the control group. Neither mother-child interactions nor teacher ratings yielded significant results. Conclusions The results support the long-term efficacy of the Triple P - group program as a universal prevention intervention for changing parenting behavior in two-parent households, but not necessarily in single-parent mothers

    Parental involvement in early intervention. An analysis of conditions of successful cooperation between parents and early intervention professionals

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    Die Beteiligung der Eltern an der Frühförderung von Kindern mit Entwicklungsbeeinträchtigungen ist ein zentraler Aspekt aktueller Frühförderkonzepte. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach Voraussetzungen gelingender Elternpartizipation und prüft hierzu im Rahmen eines systematischen Reviews den internationalen Forschungsstand auf empirisch abgesicherte Bedingungsfaktoren elterlicher Mitwirkung. Die identifizierten Faktoren umfassen sowohl elternbezogene Aspekte (soziodemografische Merkmale, Ressourcen sowie störungs- und hilfebezogene Einstellungen) als auch spezifische Prozess- und Strukturbedingungen der Frühförderprogramme und Charakteristika ihrer Mitarbeiter. Der Prädiktionswert der einzelnen Faktoren variiert je nach betrachteter Ebene elterlicher Partizipation und Lebenssituation der Familie. Implikationen für Forschung und Praxis der Frühförderung werden diskutiert. (DIPF/Autor)Parental involvement is an important part of current early intervention concepts aimed at children with developmental disabilities. The article at hand focuses on the preconditions necessary for successful parental involvement and surveys the current international state of research for empirically confirmed determinants in parental involvement. Factors identified within the literature review include parent characteristics (sociodemographic attributes, resources and beliefs towards disabilities and intervention programs) as well as features inherent in early intervention programs and its personnel. The predictive power of these factors varies depending on the dimension of parental participation and the living situation of the family. Implications for research and practice in the field of early interventions programs are discussed. (DIPF/Autor

    Psychische Auffälligkeiten bei Braunschweiger Kindergartenkindern

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    Im deutschen Sprachraum gibt es keine aktuellen Studien zur Verbreitung von psychischen Auffälligkeiten und Störungen, die sich speziell an Kinder im Alter zwischen 3 und 6 Jahren richten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Aussagen zur Prävalenz von Verhaltensproblemen und psychischen Auffälligkeiten im Vorschulalter in Abhängigkeit von soziodemographischen Daten der Familien zu machen. Im Rahmen der Braunschweiger Kindergartenstudie wurden N = 809 drei- bis sechsjährige Kinder aus allen städtischen Kindertagesstätten hinsichtlich der Verhaltensauffälligkeiten durch ihre Eltern mit einer modifizierten Fassung des Elternfragebogens über das Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen (CBCL/4-18) eingeschätzt. 17.4 der Kindergartenkinder zeigten behandlungsbedürftige psychische Auffälligkeiten und weitere 18.2 emotionale und Verhaltensprobleme, die dem Grenzbereich zuzuordnen sind. Internalisierende Auffälligkeiten gewinnen mit zunehmendem Alter immer mehr an Bedeutung. Jungen zeigen signifikant häufiger Aufmerksamkeitsprobleme und dissoziales Verhalten als Mädchen. Darüber hinaus leiden Kinder aus sozial benachteiligten Familien und Kinder sehr junger Mütter oder Alleinerziehender deutlich häufiger an klinisch relevanten emotionalen und Verhaltensproblemen.In the German-speaking country there are no current epidemiological studies on the prevalence of childhood disorders in children aged 3-6. This study was designed to provide prevalence data on emotional and behavioral problems of preschool aged children, to identify differences related to age and sex, and to determine risk factors of behavioral problems. As part of the Braunschweiger Kindergartenstudie N = 809 3 - to 6-year old children from all urban nurseries were rated through their parents with a modified version of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL/4-18). The global prevalence rate of behavioral problems was 17.4 and further 18.2 of the children showed emotional and behavioral problems in the borderline range. Internalizing problems appear to have increased with age. Boys scored significantly higher on attention problems and delinquent behavior than girls. In addition children from socially disadvantaged families and children of very young mothers or single parents showed more clinically relevant emotional and behavioral problems

    Förderung der Elternkompetenz durch Triple P-Elterntrainings

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    In einer randomisierten Kontrollgruppenstudie wurden die Effekte der Teilnahme an einem Triple P-Elterntraining auf die Erziehungskompetenz untersucht. Insgesamt 280 Familien wurden per Zufall der Experimental- oder der Kontrollgruppe zugewiesen. Nach einer Prä-Messung nahm die Experimentalgruppe an einem Triple P-Elterntraining teil. Sechs bzw. zwölf Monate nach der Prä-Messung erfolgte die Post- bzw. Follow-Up-Untersuchung. Bei den Müttern zeigte sich eine Verbesserung der Erziehungskompetenz in der Experimentalgruppe im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe (weniger dysfunktionales, mehr positives Erziehungsverhalten). Bei den Vätern war ein Interventionseffekt nicht feststellbar, allerdings nahmen auch nur wenige Väter, und diese meist unregelmäßig, an dem Training teil. (ZPID

    Is a Preventive Parenting Program Effective in Reducing a Child's Externalizing Behavior?

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    Kuschel A, Heinrichs N, Hahlweg K. Is a Preventive Parenting Program Effective in Reducing a Child's Externalizing Behavior? International Journal of Developmental Science. 2009;3(3):299-303.The aim of this randomized controlled study is to explore the long-term efficacy of the widely used Triple P parent group training as a universal prevention intervention. 280 families with children between 3 and 6 years participated (N=l86 Triple P, N=94 control group). A multi-method assessment was conducted pre, post and one to four years after the initial assessment. To assess DSM-IV oppositional defiant disorder parents rated symptom criteria using the German CD rating scale FBB-SSV. In the long term there were small positive effect sizes for externalizing behavior. A decrease of 5.2% in prevalence rates in the Triple P group was observed. Implications are discussed, particularly for the dissemination of effective universal prevention programs

    Stepping Stones Triple P - taking into account the particular situation of the siblings of children with disabilities within the program

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    Im Rahmen eines Projektstudiums wurde untersucht, inwiefern die besondere Lage von Geschwistern von Kindern mit Behinderung im Erziehungsprogramm Stepping Stones Triple P Erwähnung findet. Ausgangspunkt sind die Ergebnisse von Hampel, Schaadt et al. (2010), die die Wirksamkeit des Programms bestätigen, jedoch eine anhaltende Geschwisterbelastung feststellen. Mit Hilfe einer Methodentriangulation (quantitative Befragung, qualitative Inhaltsanalyse, Experteninterviews) wird der Ist-Zustand der Berücksichtigung der Geschwisterthematik erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für den Umgang mit der Lage der Geschwisterkinder weder in der Trainer-Ausbildung, in den Programmmaterialien noch in den Gruppensitzungen explizit Erwähnung finden. Trotz des Anspruchs des Programms familien- sowie ganzheitlich orientiert zu sein, liegt der Fokus eindeutig auf dem Kind mit Behinderung. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse reflektiert und Implikationen für die Versorgung diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)In the context of a research project it was examined, to which extent the specific situation of siblings of children with disability is considered within the parenting program Stepping Stones Triple P. The starting point are the results of Hampel, Schaadt et al. (2010) which confirms the program effectiveness but also determines that siblings are exposed to stress constantly. By means of a methodological triangulation (quantitative survey, qualitative content analysis, and expert interviews) the current status of the consideration of siblings within the parenting program gets investigated. The results show that possibilities of support or suggestions for the handling the specific situation of siblings of children with disabilities are not explicitly mentioned neither in the trainer’s education nor in the program’s material or in the group sessions. Despite the aims of the program of being family centered and holistically oriented the main focus is laid on the children with disability. Finally the results are reflected and implications for the care are discussed. (DIPF/Orig.

    Parent Recruitment and Retention in a Universal Prevention Program for Child Behavior and Emotional Problems: Barriers to Research and Program Participation

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    Heinrichs N, Bertram H, Kuschel A, Hahlweg K. Parent Recruitment and Retention in a Universal Prevention Program for Child Behavior and Emotional Problems: Barriers to Research and Program Participation. Prevention Science. 2005;6(4):275-286.Despite the potential of parent training as a prevention and behavioral family intervention strategy, there are a number of important issues related to implementation (e.g., recruitment and retention of families). This paper presents recruitment and retention data from families enrolling in a randomized controlled universal prevention trial for child behavior problems conducted in Germany. The recruitment rate averaged 31% (general project participation), with families of lower socioeconomic status (SES) participating at a lower rate. Project-declining families most often reported intrusion of privacy as their primary concern. In contrast, once parents were enrolled in the project, participation among those randomized to the parent training group averaged 77% (program/intervention participation); non-participation was mostly due to logistical issues. Parents accepting the offer of parent training were more likely to report child behavior problems than did declining parents. Although parents from more disadvantaged areas had a lower overall level of participation in the project once recruited, parents with children having higher levels of behavior problems indeed were more likely to participate in the intervention. Different recruitment methods may be required to engage high-risk families from socioeconomically disadvantaged areas to further improve community-level impact on child mental health

    Short- and Long-Term Effects

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    Hahlweg K, Heinrichs N, Kuschel A, Feldmann M. Therapist-Assisted, Self-Administered Bibliotherapy to Enhance Parental Competence. Behavior Modification. 2008;32(5):659-681.The efficacy of bibliotherapy has primarily been investigated in anxiety disorders, depression, or substance dependence. The efficacy of self-help books to increase parenting competence was only investigated in a few studies despite their broad dissemination in public. The aims of the study were to investigate the short- and long-term efficacy of a therapist assisted version of the Triple P self-help booklet (Sanders, Markie-Dadds, & Turner, 2003) for families with preschool-age children in Germany. Sixty-nine families were randomly assigned to either a therapist-assisted self-administered parent training (SDPT+T) or to a waitlist control group (WL). Parents in the SDPT+T received the 10 chapter self-help book and an accompanying video. A Triple P facilitator offered seven telephone consultations which aimed to support parents in skill implementation. After the post test, the WL parents were also offered the intervention. A follow-up assessment was conducted six months after post. Compared to waitlist controls, SDPT+T mothers reported significant short- and long-term reductions in child behavior problems as well as in dysfunctional parenting practices. Fathers reported only marginal changes. The study adds further empirical support of parenting self-help materials